Do I Sound Mentally Healthy To You

Do I sound mentally healthy to you?

So I'm a 15 year old girl in high school, and I think I might have some kind of mental issue. First things first, I go ******* insane when I'm alone. Like when I'm in the bathroom for example, I tend to completely spazz out. I start daydreaming and lose touch with the real world. I start ecstatically jumping and dancing to the point where I'm exhausted, I can't really control this. I always take up to two hours in the bathroom from this. I'm also very socially withdrawn. It's not that I'm antisocial, but I don't really know how to act social around other people. Even in elementary school, I'd always do or say some of the weirdest things, causing most of the other kids to avoid me. I really do love being social, but I don't really talk much because I'm afraid of freaking people out. I was completely alone throughout most of middle school because I was so afraid. Some people have told me they've never heard me speak. When I'm with people I'm comfortable with, I can actually be pretty social and funny. And also, gross pictures of body parts and diseases don't bother me. I sometimes enjoy googling up vulgar pictures like that. I'm pretty much afraid of everything too. If I'm completely alone in the dark, I'll start panicking and repeatedly chanting this weird chant in my head my dad taught me. He told me as a kid that it keeps evil away. I know it doesn't really work, but I can't stop. I'm also afraid of deep water, heights, and fast rides. I screamed last time I went on one.