Do The Conservatives Have Enough Voters To Win A National Election

How will life change if the conservative party win the UK election?

They have already won, but not decisively enough to form a government unaided. They are in talks with the Lib Dems about a coalition.

As for how will life change - well in the current situation there will be changes, but not dependent on which parties combine to form the government. So much has been borrowed, spent and mortgaged to rescue the banks - and all this money must be repaid - that under any future government for the next generation it will be tax, tax, tax and cuts, cuts, cuts. The NHS will suffer, as will education - and the Army can whistle for its extra helicopters and flak jackets. Benefits will, in real terms, fall. Salaries and pensions in the public service will fall to the level already suffered by those employed in the private sector. Pensionable age will rise, probably to 70+.

The Tories and Liberals have no choice. Nor would Labour have.

Get used to it - debts must be paid, and we will all live less well - much less well - for 20 years or more to do it.