Do You Think I Have Social Anxiety

What do you think of people with social anxiety?

In my case, I was brutalized and ostracized socially as a child and no one did anything to help, instead they joined in on the fun. I'm now unable to trust social situations, even with my spotter, and can not navigate social situations in my own. Those “Good Christian” values will always make my skin crawl because it was primarily the church groups that decided that biblical punishment was the only way to get me to “see the light and become a good person” with their judgemental attitudes. A few of these punishments included:Attempted crucifixion (I was saved by a drunk driver)Tied to a pole and set on fire (the fire brigade saved me)Tied to a chair and was stoned by hurled rocks and left for deadBeaten with an iron rod until I confessed to heresyBeaten with clubs and batsShunned by everyone in the communitySpat upon every dayReminded constantly that I'll go to hell (hell is living with religious zealots, been there done that)Excluded from all community eventsExpelled from school for not agreeing to an exorcismThese are just the tip of the iceberg. If this God person is real, he had a lot of explaining to do about his followers. I'm lucky to have been chased out of there, but after these and other events, being social feels like a suicidal activity, and as such creates a great deal of anxiety. If this was your life, you'd likely have social anxiety too.

I think I have social anxiety.?

And it's keeping me from getting a job.
When I was 16 I was terrified of going in for an interview, but my mom said that I had to get a job to pay for my half of the cell phone bill. I was not happy with the idea of the interview but I said ok. When I would leave the house for my interviews, I would start to get sick and start crying. I couldn't stop sweating or crying, my face would get red, but I made it through, I thought that was the worst part. Then I realized that it wasn't over because when I would have to talk to people to take their order, I couldn't make I contact, I couldn't speak loud enough and the customer would get fed up. I was afraid people would see me working a crappy job, even though the logical part of me said that at least I have a job and every teenager started out with a not so glamorous job.

Now I have moved to another state with my wonderful supporting boyfriend, but now I am having the same fears. I feel Like being in a new place is making me feel vulnerable and open. I never think of it or feel like people are "judging" me. My boyfriend takes care of me now, but I feel HORRIBLE for taking advantage of him. I want a job so I can by him things, save for car, buy my myself things and pay for dinner here and there. I have been able to make money online on FiVer and was able to by him something expensive and great for his birthday and the feeling was wonderful, but I had to save for 3 months.

I have enrolled in college and am going to start looking for places to work around campus, but he's even getting tired of this, his mom is upset about it and I'm afraid when I meet his brother in January and he asks what I do, all I can say is "oh I don't have a job but I am in school."

My biggest fear of all this job thing is going in a random place asking for an application. That is the thing that freezes me up the most. Is there anything I can do to get over this step, if I could have some way to help this part of getting a job I can move on. Help please.

I think I have social anxiety disorder?

I hate meeting new people, especially if its anticipated. It doesn't matter who it is.
I hate eating in from of people, because I always feel like I got something on my mouth, or shirt.
I hate public speaking, I hate reading in front of people, I hate preforming in front of someone.
I hate when other people take my picture, I can take my own picture, but Like I've skipped school just because it was picture day.
I do not like trying something or doing something that I've never done before in front of others. Like bowling for example.
I hate going to social group setting, like parties or gatherings. I just feel out of place. But I can go to like concerts and stuff because the attention isn't on me.
I really don't like talking on the phone, especially if I don't really know that person.
I don't really like touching other people's hands, or when they touch me.
I don't like when people give me gifts, because I feel like now I have to immediately get them something. And it just feels awkward.
I do not dance, at all. I've skipped school over that also. Ive also skipped school over music concert.
I procrastination way too much.
Over all I've just stop desiring to be social. All these symptoms started around 13-14 years old. And its beginning to get to the point where its ruined my life.
Ive never been to a psychiatrist because the thought of paying someone to talk to, and then sharing all of these things and thoughts with a complete stranger seems...well, really agonizing.

So I was wondering, Anyone out there have social anxiety disorder? Do you take medications for it? Have the medications helped?

Do I have social anxiety disorder?

I'm constantly wondering if people are talking about me, like if they're whispering, i'd think they're talking about me. I feel like I am constantly being judged, so I just try and do my best to avoid everybody. Now I'm worried because it's affecting my grades, because I don't go in the locker room for gym, I don't volunteer in class or like to get up in front of the class, I sit in the back so that people aren't looking at me, because that bothers me, so I can't see the board or anything like that. I'm a Christian, but I don't like going to church, because I feel like I'm being judged there too. Sometimes I get mad at myself, because I miss things that I wanted to do, or know that I should do, like going to the mall, or picking up something from the store, cause my mom asked me. My family even puts me down sometimes too, not to a severe level, but that's kinda how I take it. This my sound weird, but I walk kinda funny in front of people, because I get nervous that they're looking at me, so my legs feel kinda light, so I start to walk funny. And like in class, i'll start shaking, and so will my hands, for no apparent reason. Its also affecting my weight, cause I dont eat lunch, because i'd rather be alone. Also my mom has been asking me questions about girls and stuff, but when I tell her i don't want one she just keeps asking me why not. But the reason is because the last time I went out with somebody, I just got hurt, so ever since then, I just stopped to avoid rejection. I have ADHD, and take meds for that, and I dont want to have to take any more medication. And how would I tell my mom I think I have it.

How do you know if you have social anxiety?

Only a psychiatrist can diagnose if it is social anxiety. Everyone has a bit of anxiety in social situations.

If you suffer from social phobia, you tend to think that other people are very competent in public and that you are not. Small mistakes you make may seem to you much more exaggerated than they really are. Blushing itself may seem painfully embarrassing, and you feel as though all eyes are focused on you. You may be afraid of being with people other than those closest to you. Or your fear may be more specific, such as feeling anxious about giving a speech, talking to a boss or other authority figure, or dating. The most common social phobia is a fear of public speaking. Sometimes social phobia involves a general fear of social situations such as parties. More rarely it may involve a fear of using a public restroom, eating out, talking on the phone, or writing in the presence of other people, such as when signing a check.

Although this disorder is often thought of as shyness, the two are not the same. Shy people can be very uneasy around others, but they don't experience the extreme anxiety in anticipating a social situation, and they don't necessarily avoid circumstances that make them feel self-conscious. In contrast, people with social phobia aren't necessarily shy at all. They can be completely at ease with people most of the time, but particular situations, such as walking down an aisle in public or making a speech, can give them intense anxiety. Social phobia disrupts normal life, interfering with career or social relationships. For example, a worker can turn down a job promotion because he can't give public presentations. The dread of a social event can begin weeks in advance, and symptoms can be quite debilitating.

People with social phobia aren't necessarily shy at all. They can be completely at ease with people most of the time, but in particular situations, they feel intense anxiety.

What do people think about social anxiety disorder?

They think it's not real.I assume ‘they’ is referring to the general population.Now there is something people call social anxiety but it is not- the introverted extrovert. These people cling to social media, have their close knit group of friends, and don't prefer social situations. They are shy in public or when meeting someone new, but with their group of friends are outgoing. This is what ‘they’ assume you mean by social anxiety. But it's not the same thing. AT ALL. Social anxiety is the debilitating fear you get when someone calls your phone and you know you have to answer it and talk on the phone. Or the panic attack you have at work when you realize you have to cover reception at lunch. It is far greater than the introverted extrovert. Social anxiety is rooted in fear and panic while the introverted extrovert is simply uncomfortable, shy, or inconvenienced.People don't believe social anxiety exists. They think it's all in your head and is because of technology. I've had countless people tell me to ‘get over’ my social anxiety. I have been clinically depressed and have had anxiety for an incredibly long time. I can't just ‘get over it’. I tell this to people and they still don't think it exists.Would you tell someone with a broken leg to ‘get over it’?Would you tell an old person to just stop being old?No you wouldn't. So don't tell people to get over their social anxiety either.The best way I can explain it is this: social anxiety is increasing because there are too many people in this world. People nowadays can pick and choose exactly who they want in a friend, aquaintance, etc. Media makes us believe we should look, act, dress, and be a certain way to be human. And to be included.

Job trial with social anxiety?

I have severe social anxiety disorder but have somehow managed to organise myself a job trial as a kitchenhand at a local restaurant.
Now I am freaking out, I freak out even standing at the supermarket checkout how am I meant to do this? What can I do to feel a bit more confident? How can I seem confident even if I am having a panic?

How do I tell my parents I have social anxiety?

I am diagnosed with Social Anxiety and I would strongly suggest you to go see a physician who can disclose whether or not you have it, and not to diagnosed yourself.

I can give you some of my symptoms when I was at my worst and not receiving anti-depressants:
- Absolutely terrified to the point of breaking down in tears, throwing up and self-harming by the mere thought of having any sort of conversation with people I didn't know (and it didn't get better when it concerned people I actually did know).
- Extremely low self-esteem and immensely self-conscious.
- Being absolutely incapable of looking people in the eyes.
- Isolating myself from the rest of the world - including my family.
- Sitting alone in school or simply not showing up for school.

The disorder is not to be confused with being shy and socially awkward (aren't we all?). It has somehow become fashionable to claim to have Social Anxiety, and that is also we it's important that you will have your physician disclose whether you actually have it or not.

As for telling your mum, explain her your symptoms and tell that it is important that you go see someone. If she refuse to take you, go talk to your student counsellor. And if you have Social Anxiety, you do have a disorder and there's nothing shameful about that. In fact, Social Anxiety is one of the most common psychiatric disorders. Good luck to you.

How do I tell my parents that I might have social anxiety?

If you truly have anxiety, and are considering telling your parents, then— congratulations. That’s so, so difficult, especially with anxiety, since that will almost by definition come with almost mind-stopping fear.But once your parents know, they can be supportive, and that has been such a great blessing in my life. Whereas I used to be faced with extreme dread (to the point of nausea, self-hatred, and paralyzation) over asking my mother or father to do things for me, I can now tell them that I’m having anxiety over asking them for things— and then they can give me sufficient time to calm myself and ask. So if you believe that your parents will be supportive, and especially if you need their help to seek therapy and/or medication, then please, make it a point to ask them.As to how to ask them— I would advise not making a big deal about it. If you make it a big deal, then it will become a big deal to them— and that’s not necessarily what you want. You don’t want your parents’ vision of you to become entirely dominated by the fact that you have anxiety. Anxiety is only a tiny (if sometimes demanding) part of who you are. You want them to be able to see it that way, too.That doesn’t mean that you should minimize your anxiety. It is a serious condition that can be treated— but needs to be acknowledged by everyone who’s helping you in your fight.Find a time that you know your parents aren’t busy, and make sure that they’re ready to talk— and that they’re in the right space (serious, but not too serious) to talk about your anxiety. Keep it short, if they let you. Let them ask questions. And remember— they might not understand anxiety. They might ask questions that seem innocent to them, but are truly hurtful to you. (My mother, for instance, has called my anxiety a ‘quirk’— as I had my face pressed to the wall because I couldn’t go upstairs. That hurt. But she simply didn’t know that it did).Remember— your parents love you. Impress upon them that anxiety is a disease, but that it can be treated, and that it does not define who you are. It is just a part of you that has to be acknowledged, and can, over time, get better.I hope this helps. Best of luck to you.