Do You Think She Was Being Rude

I told this girl I do not think she is pretty. Do you think it was rude of me to tell her she is not pretty when she never asked for my opinion in the first place?

I used to tell my sisters and my close friends things like: “change this dress”! Or “ You should throw this lipstick, you need a different degree of the colour”.I did this because I cared about them, and these things were doable, above all I believed we should be each other's mirrors.I always said “I wish you did the same with me”.But, they didn't always like it, though it's said out of love, and though I really encouraged them to do the same with me.I suppose what suits us doesn't have to suit others.So, I learned to choose my words.Even If it was a catastrophic thing and I had to volunteer, I would say sometging like, “It seems so beautiful on you, but the other one brings your eyes, and suits the weather better’.Because, nothing could be worse then ruining their mood or causing them to lose confidence, or doubt their choices.I'd give a true and accurate feedback only when it's required and if I knew for sure it'd help improving.Even then, I'd start by mentioning the positive sides.Then, I'd mention what could be improved.I'd choose my language carefully.I'd make sure, the improvement is doable.Otherwise, I always choose to be just kind.So, yes, what you did is rude, uncalled for, and invasive too.Besides, beauty is in the eye of beholder.Your rude remark might affect her self esteem.A confident girl is always an attractive one.So, even if she weren't beautiful, which could not be the truth, you've just made her less pretty than she was before hearing your uncalled-for-words.If I were you, I'd apologize and say something like, “I was just teasing you, or I meant that you look prettier in the other dress…etc. something of that sort. Of course if it's suitable.And make sure to learn about how to give feedback.

Do you think this was rude?

I was checking out at the grocery store and I had brought in two of my own plastic bags. The checkout woman was packing too many bottles of drink into one bag and put none in the other. I asked if she could put some in the other bag and she responded "Not quite strong enough, eh?". She didn't say it laughingly or with a smile, and although I didn't think too much of it at the time, after I left, I felt somewhat insulted. I was carrying both bags with one hand, I was worried the bottles would spill over in the car or the bag would tear. I felt it was unseemly, so I thought I'd ask, am I being too sensitive?

How do I tell my mom that she is being rude?

Mom needs to do some maturing. It's possible she doesn't realize she's rude - after all, if this has been going on for 20 years, and no one's said anything (gee, because of HER feelings) then she may not be aware that there's a problem.

Now that you and your husband are expecting (congratulations!), you need to sit with her, perhaps in a neutral place like a restaurant, or even a bench at a park (better, if she tends to the melodramatic), and tell her that while you love her lots, now that you are starting a family of your own, you need her to be a good role model to your child(ren), and to ease up (if she just can't go 'cold turkey') on the comments. Sometimes people tend to speak, not realizing how their words affect others. If she does have an issue with this, then you're going to have to be the grown-up, telling her in no uncertain terms that she needs to stop the comments NOW because it makes you uncomfortable and bothers you.
If everything revolves around her, she might need to hear that her comments make her look petty, which might be the catalyst for her to alter her behavior, so she will still be the center of (her) attention, but for the right reasons.
Don't threaten to keep her away from the baby, that will just make things worse.

When I told this girl I do not think she is pretty she then told me that she thinks the same thing about me and she also thinks I am not pretty. Do you think it was rude what she said to me?

Not at all. She gave you back a dose of your own medicine. Was she rude? No. Were You rude to her? Definitely. You need to understand that not all of us are pretty or beautiful. Assuming you think you are pretty or are beautiful/ handsome. That don't give you the right to say to another person you don't think they are pretty. Good for her she threw your words right back at you. It feels like you were trying to bully her to make her feel uncomfortable and be selfconscious of how not pretty she is. Trying to take away her self confidence don'tmake you a better person but the opposite. She may not be pretty in your eyes but to someone she is the most beautiful person in the world. She may not be pretty in your eyes but have a beautiful spirit. Saying that to her or anyone else indicates they have something you don't have. A beautiful and resilient spirit. Are well mannered. Have a beautiful personality. And you? Envy.Learn to relate to people not based on how they look because that is superficial and fades. Look at personality, morals, attitude and more. The day you learn to do this, maybe , just maybe you will see others as God sees them.

Do you find blunt people very rude?

they're honest, but are they rude?
i find them rude. even if it's honest, things shouldn't be said. you'd just blurt out a girl's a whore? or she has fake hair?

Directioners: Do you think Lottie Tomlinson was being rude when she was defending her brother on instagram?

I don't like one direction but i think she did the right thing. She only defended her brother. She shouldn't have to apologize for having her brother's back. For that, i have respect for her.

My obgyn is RUDE and MEAN.. She makes comments about my weight gain?

I would change doctors asap. Even this late in pregnancy. ( I know a woman who changed doctors two weeks before she was due to deliver!! With an attitude like that it only gets worse in the delivery room. I would NOT want a doctor like that to deliver my baby. If she can not be sensitive to you when you are in full control of your psyche, then I'd worry what she's like when you are not. (when you're in labor you are usually to weak to defend yourself and demand better treatment) as it is when you demand better treatment you don't get it, so I would worry if you don't chage doctors because you will be misreble in the delivery room with such a dr.