Does Violent Video Games Effect Kids

The effect of violent video games?

Well your second last sentence is partially right. 11 isn't the definite age that people can seperate reality and fantasy, but violent video games should be played by people with a mature mind if you know what I mean. The law mainly restricts adult material and gory content to 18 year olds and up because that's the average age that the government thinks that people are mature enough. Of course some people may be younger and are capable of handling things like that, but for the sake of the law, it must be specific and cannot be taken subjectively.

Also, psychologists have done research on conditioning and the impact of experiencing constant stimuli will condition the child to continue replicating their response. That is why they say that parents need to be strict at times and teach young ones well because that is when they learn the most. If the parent is too laid back, the child may grow up to be spoiled.

Same with violent video games; if one is really little and is constantly exposed to this, there is a high chance for them to replicate what they see. Everyone is different, so lucky for you, you are not a violent guy. However, I've seen people who have been "changed" after playing these games

I was playing an online game with someone once, and they were swearing and talking about sex and stuff. I asked how old he was and he said 10. He said he played GTA, Halo, COD, etc. 10 years old is WAY too young to be playing those and you can see how much inappropriate material he has learned. On top of that, the parents are contributing to his "spoiledness' as he told me that they buy whatever he wants.

As you can see, violent games have a HUGE impact on younger audiences but truthfully, it should be based on maturity level.

Sorry if some of my answer is unclear. When I rant I tend to make less sense at times.

Violent video games and there effect on kids?

Video Games don't MAKE kids violent, they just make them stupid because kids will want to emulate what they see.

Take for instance the kid in Colorado who was just sentenced for killing his girlfriends half-sister after performing several "Mortal Kombat" inspired moves on her. He beat her to death with body-slams and punches and kicks. In this case, it appears violent video-games caused him to irresponsibly horse-around, causing this girls death. I don't think violent games 'CAUSE' deaths, but if the teens and kids aren't being taught the difference between what is fake and what is dangerous by their parents, then stupidity and boredom take root and can lead to tragedy.

It's not the kids and the games, it's the kids, the games and how their parents raise them. Remember, it should be the responsibility of the Mom & Dad to teach their children, not the responsibility of the T.V., Music, Video Games, Movies...etc. Parents need to pay more attention.

I also want to note that sometimes it's not the parents fault, sometimes their kid just can't seperate fact from fiction or they have a terrible, terrible attitude. Take the Taco Douche Bag below.

How do violent video games affect kids & their behavior?

+Since violent games started being popular there's been significantly less violent juvinile crime.
+In games like GTA you learn fact that if you just go breaking the law your gonna get your @ss kicked.
+In many games like Left 4 Dead are basically made so that if you don't work as a team you die, os it teaches that teamwork is vital in a time of crisis.
+Many games teach common sence ex: if you run out in the open your gonna get shot, if you run away from your team your gonna die, if you peak your head out alot your gonna get shot et cetra.
+Also alot of games use foreign words, history, and many other trivial things in them, so you never know what you'll learn.
+Since games are very stimulating they're don't get addicted to other things as much (kinda like how a smoking is used to help people get of drugs {stimulation})
-Kids are less active and don't get out as much

Does Violent Video Games Effect Kids?

The only people who would be that affected by violent games and try to replicate the actions in them are ones who are seriously mentally disturbed. For instance, Steven Miles, who had serious autism and possibly schizophrenia (NOTE: People with these mental disorders are NOT dangerous unless it is very serious, and this is a tiny percentage of people with it, and goes untreated) murdered and dismembered his girlfriend based on an episode of Dexter he watched. Dexter is a show about a serial killer and obviously contains a lot of violence. But most teenagers aren't going to go chop up their friends and family because they watched the show, are they?

Young children may also be seriously affected if they see something disturbing or violent. It could scar them pretty badly, to the point of causing anxiety, night terrors, etc. that could last into adulthood. Children shouldn't be playing violent video games if they can't tell the difference between what's real and what isn't. If they see someone getting stabbed on the screen, to them it's like seeing someone getting stabbed in real life.

I once read a study that found males who played Call of Duty had slightly higher aggression levels after playing. However while a round of dealing with screaming kids and trolls may piss you off, you're not going to go grab a gun and shoot up the nearest Walmart.

Tl;dr: There won't be any negative effects unless they have serious mental disorders or are young children.

Do violent video games affect the way in which children behave?

Yes. When my niece and nephews were visiting they found one of my Mortal Kombats for the 360. After watching the beginning movie one of them start imitating one of the moves. I went downstairs, a few minutes later I heard one of them start crying. Someone hit someone, don't know if it was cause of the game. I made them turn the game off. They ranged ages 5-11 i think.

Do violent video games affect children?

perhaps they might affect some children negatively, while others might not seem to be affected at all. It really depends on the type of personality the child, or person for that matter, has as well as the type of upbringing they have. I don't claim to have any type of experience in psychology or anything but, I think I know at least this much. If the child, or person, thinks that the violence is accepteable to do themselves, odds are they'll try it themselves, while vice versa is also true. I myself have been playing violent games for years, even GTA Vice City and up, but I've never even been in a fight before, and I'm in college now. I occasionally horse around with some of my friends or brothers, but I've never seriously injured anyone, nor even really wanted to hurt someone, that bad and especially not kill someone, but that's just my personality. I like to be friends with everyone and usually try to avoid confrontation, and in some games if what I'm doing is perticularly bad or cruel, I kind of feel bad, even though I know it's totally virtual and therefore not real. But anyway enough about me, the truth is that parents should take the time to get to know thier children. My father let me play or watch just about anything because he knew, or knows, I'm not really the violent type and wouldn't be very likely to act out what I saw if I knew it would cause harm to someone else. So parents should stop their kids from playing violent games if they know, or maybe even suspect, that the kid would be negatively affected by it. I'm not saying that calm, pacifistic personalities aren't affected at all, but certain personalities are more resistant to negative influences than others are. As I said before, this is all my opinion and I'm no professional, but I do believe that most, if not all, of my argument is logically based.

Are there any studies on how violent video games affect children?

Hi Mike,

The answer to your question is yes, although many of these studies have not taken into account the psychological impacts over really long periods of time (20-30 years). Whereas some studies say that violent video games impact children with increased agression, others state the opposite. It really depends on the child and his family circumstances. With the increased violence in the media as well as videogames, we may believe that crime is on the rise, when it is actually stagnant. Ultimately it is up to the parents to decide whether their child is able to determine between reality and make believe,which is the biggest factor in a videogame negatively affecting them.

What do kids learn from violent video games?

Depends on the typ of videogame you’re looking at. This is assuming that there are specific lessons in these games and they’re not just random acts of violence (also to note that this is my opinion and interpretation) :Games such as GTA are a way for kids to experience a”realistic” world where people are not all good or evil but rather that they have to do some things to just keep living on.Games like CoD or Battlefield teach kids about coordination and being mindful of their surroundings as there may be enemies nearby, also about the different types of weapons and their respective destructive power.Games like Dishonored or Assassin’s Creed are a bit more philosophical and about problem solving. To find oneself in an environment in which one has a choice to engage or move silently with no problem.These would be the three main archetypes of games I can currently think about.

Do violent video games really affect children...?

Hey, alright I don't think that playing Violent games inspires kids to go murder someone, it's just not like that. However, it does desensitize them. After seeing so much blood and gore and violence, it doesn't seem like a big deal. Think of it like this, if all you listen to are songs full of swearing or you contantly hear swearing from parents or something, who is more likely to cuss, the one who always hears it, or a child who is never exposed to it. Now there are boundaries to be taken into account, a little violence such as fighting monsters or people with little gore isn't going to dement your kid. However, if that is all they play and they are very violent games, it most likely will desensitize a child. I still do not think they will be serial killers or anything, just be less sensitive to murder. And again as I said, there are different levels of violence, Teen games usually do not have bad violence and some Mature games are okay (halo, and things like that) but things that are filled with so much, are not good.

Does violent video games really affect young children?

I've played video games my whole life. When i was younger, people were saying that violent video games will make kids more violent and that playing video games will fry your brain. I find this to be entirely untrue for a few reasons. The first is that every guy thinks that blood and shooting is cool, but they know it is wrong to do in real life. The violent video game is an outlet for this and can actually prevent kids from acting out violently. There are some who will play violent video games because they are also violent people. As long as your son isn't acting out violently, i wouldn't think you have anything to worry about. the second reason that it isn't a problem is that studies show that playing video games can actually improve dexterity in kids who play them. The third reason is that games now are so complex that it actually takes a lot of thought to be able to get through them. For example, God of War uses real greek mythology in the story line and i actually learned a lot from playing it.

As for the swearing, i would have to agree that the swearing i the game may show him that swearing is cool or okay to do. If i were you, i woud speak to your husband and make sure that if he's going to play these games, you need to really enforce that swearing is wrong. You should do your best to swear infrequently and tell him that the reason they swear on the game is because they are bad guys, and good gys don't swear...or something to that affect.

Don't worry too much about the violence aspect, but try to teach him that swearing is not something that is acceptable in your home.