Dream About Family Member Committing Suicide

I dreamt of a family member trying to commit suicide.... what does it mean?

I had a dream of my mother trying to commit suicide. In my dream she did not die, but was in the process of trying to kill herself and we had found out she was trying to do it right after we found that she took like 20 sleeping pills.
In my dream she did not die and she was still living, but she was like in the process of committing suicide.

What could this mean?
It has followed by a horrible HORRIBLE REAL day where my stepfather's mistress sent my mother a text msg telling her she hopes my mother dies so my stepfather leaves my mother for her. Then I sent her a text msg telling the mistress I hope she dies and how dare her talk to my mom that way. And now my step father called me a "****" today and that im a "stupid B***"
so after that dream I had one of the worst days of my life...

What does it mean to dream about a family member committing suicide?

If you have no reason to believe that your dad is depressed or despairing, then it is about something that he has removed from his life, a problem, bad habit, negative attitude. Death in dreams is more often than not about letting something go from your life, or ending a phase of your life to begin a new phase of your life. Has your dad let go of something old, or begun something new?
Sometimes a child dreams about a parent's death when the child matures to a point where he or she is not as dependent on the parent as the child was when he or she was little.
Since your dad is taking the action here, and you are only observing it, it suggests it is more about something going on in your dad's life than yours. It could be a problem he resolved, a bad habit removed, or ending an old job to begin a new job, or any number of other things. Birth and death in dreams both accompany times of transition in our lives. Death tends to be more about releasing something, while birth tends to be about taking on something new. That your dad shouts "no" and takes such decisive action suggests not only releasing something but outright rejecting something that was having a negative impact on his life.
Don't worry when Death comes to visit your dreams, it is very rarely about an actual death on the way.

What does it mean when i dream of a family member commiting suicide?

Pay special attention to your cousin right her SHADOW. I'm not saying she would commit suicide for sure, but 'something' is troubling her and your mind picked up on it with this vivid dream. The 'colors' you saw were to 'make an imprint' in your that you would take it seriously. If you know 'something' about her that COULD be the issue, do NOT leave her alone to take care of it even if she TELLS YOU TO.
Do some checking to find out WHAT is may end up being something much less severe than what would cause suicide...dreams are symbolic. She may just FEEL like dying...much different than DOING IT. But in any event she NEEDS YOU something is going on!

I dreamed about someone committing suicide?

Dude. What a dark dream.

Dream of my mom trying to commit suicide?

It could be that your mother might be going through something in her life and you are picking up on those vibes. It can be difficult for chidren to provide comfort at their parent's times of need, because all their lives they have been on the receiving end of their parent's nurturing. But your mother could be in a state of some emotional need and this might have caused you to have a dream where she does these drastic acts. Death in dreams can symbolically mean "change". And there could be something going on at home that giving you signals that things have changed - even something your mother might be going through.

Mothers are only human and they have their own times of need. If you think she might need some help, then you can choose to comfort her and/or suggest that she do things that will help allieviate anything that might be a cause of stress in her life. She's still got to be your mother, so I don't advocate role reversal, but if there is something you can do (if she is currently in a needy state) then be sensitive to what you can do to provide some help - maybe even approach another relative or a friend of hers. :)

What do dreams about someone committing suicide mean?

Your subconscious is alerting you to the fact that your brother is going to change in some way that you will find upsetting. It does not mean that he is going to commit suicide however; in dream symbols it translates as change, and the fact that he shoots himself in the head could mean that he is going to change the way that he thinks about things; or sees himself. I don’t think that you have to be too concerned as a result of the dream, because the subconscious likes to exaggerate things to get one’s attention.

What does it mean if you dream about someone committing suicide?

No worries. Your dream is NOT predicting any future event. Instead, it illustrates your own concern for your crush. Your dreams cannot give you any special insight into anyone else's thoughts or feelings, not even someone you love intensely.

The only way for you to learn about what someone really is feeling is to talk with them. But because you use the term "crush" for this guy, your old Zia Lucia suspects that you do not have a relationship with him. If this is a celebrity or stranger that you love from a distance, it would be very inappropriate for you to approach him because of this dream. The thoughts and dreams you have about him only exist in your own mind, and in the real world have nothing to do with him as a real person.

On the other hand, if this "crush" is a personal friend, and you already have a relationship of some sort, there could be no harm in your speaking to him and perhaps asking how he is doing in a general, friendly way. Nearly everyone appreciates a good listener, and you might find that building a real life friendship with him can be better than an imagined "crush."

I tried to commit suicide by shooting myself in my dream, what could this mean?

It could mean that you’re actively trying to end a particular stage in your lifeIt could mean something about you has come to an end as a result of your actions or decisions.It could also mean that you’re trying to escape a situation that is painful, monotonous of frighteningThese are possibilities…