Explain Why Henry Viii Broke With The Roman Catholic Church And What Social And Religious Changes

Why did the church of england break away from the roman catholic church??

Roman Catholic Church was corrupt.

And it suited the King of England at the time...

(Henry 8th)

How did the Catholic Church respond to the Protestant Reformation?

Well, initially, they said "This is awful. Can we just let these heretics teach what they want? No. Can we just let people leave the Catholic Church if that's what they want to do? No!" So it (the Church) took a variety of steps to force people out of Protestantism, which partly included laws against practicing it.Essentially though, the goal of the Catholic response was to install Catholic rulers in every important position who would ensure that Protestantism is illegal and that people who attempt to spread Protestant teaching are expelled or killed or silenced. Something along those lines.After much fighting though, Catholic and Protestant rulers worked out the Peace of Westphalia, which ensured that Lutheranism and Calvinism would be recognized as legitimate expressions of Christianity and that local rulers could determine the religion of their realm. It also laid the groundwork for the modern nation-state, we now all basically live in nation-states that relate with each other under an expectation of Westphalian sovereignty. Zelo Domus Dei was the name of the papal bull that condemned Westphalia and forbade Catholic rulers from recognizing it- that particular pope really wanted to keep fighting until the coercive power of the Church was once again absolute. But the bull was ignored by everyone and treated as if it didn't exist. That was a good day.

The reasons Henry VIII made the break with Rome, love,faith,money and power.?

Love. He decided he did not "love" Catharine of Aragon because she was not able to give him a son to continue the royal line. Divorce was the only way, so he trumped up the excuse that as she had been previously married to his elder brother Arthur, (he died when quite young), it was an illegal marriage and therefore he was living in sin and demanded an annulment from the Pope so that he could marry Anne Boleyn with whom he had been having an unconsummated affair for 3 years.

Faith. There was at this time in Europe a new faith that challenged the power of the Church of Rome and its creed. With the continual refusal of Rome to sanction a divorce, Hnery was threatened with excommunication should he undertake this action, Henry did what he wanted - as always - divorced Catherine, married Anne and was subsequently excommunicated from Rome. He then followed the new religion 'Protestantism' and became Head of the Church of England and also Defender of the new faith. (A title that HM Queen Elizabeth II still holds).

Power. This Act gave Henry increased power throughout Europe and at home the Catholic Church lost their power base. All people had to choose which religion they supported, even the Dukes and nobles. A lot decided it was politic to change, many thousands changed only on the surface, and many did not change at all. Previous Catholic men of the Church and nobles (Dukes, Earls, Barons etc.,) had to pledge their allegiance to Henry. Those that didn't were either sent to the Tower of London and be headed or killed in some other brutal way. These became martyrs - Thomas More a great friend of Henry, was beheaded - so no one was safe.

Money. Henry sacked the Catholic monasteries of their gold, confiscated the land - making him even richer that he was originally.

This is just an overview - things were far more complicated in reality.

Hope it helps with the leaflet.