Eye Anatomy Best Way To Organize The Structures In My Thesis

West side story essay help~?

Hi, we are writing an essay about the Theme of Westside story by selecting Literacy terms that help the theme. I just need some ideas like what kind of themes are there..? Thank you :))) and i also need help on organizing my essay. Thank you SO much

What is the best way to organise PDFs (academic journals, etc.) when doing research?

Edit 10/12/2018: Bookends to manage my 1300+ PDFs on both Mac and iOS. I’m still reading on paper. My workflow now is to take notes (on paper) as I read, then I distill those notes down into my own words (the very important part). Those distilled thoughts I type into The Archive, a zettelkasten app on my Mac. My notes there are also indexed by DEVONthink so I can take advantage of its artificial intelligence for finding links between papers. The zettelkasten system itself helps my own brain do this, linking new knowledge with existing, leading to better retention, and some insights too.Edit 10/01/2017: I still use paper when reading articles that I want to get the most information from. When printing, I scale the page down to 80% or 90%. This reduction of the printed area gives me more space in the margins for writing notes.Edit: I've been doing research in this area, and there are a couple of systems out that might be of interest for organizing PDFs. Both @CompendiumNG and @Docear integrate PDF management with other organization tools such as mind mapping. Docear especially has visions of being a universal interface to all things related to doing research. I recommend the OP look into these suites in addition to the other traditional PDF managers being suggested.I use BibDesk and Adobe Reader on my Mac to organize, read and annotate PDFs. On my iPad I use PocketBib and GoodReader to read the bibliography created on the Mac and read and annotate the papers. This lets me sit in the recliner with my iPad and read references.I've also added a field in BibDesk named 'To-Read' that has a checkbox I can tick for papers that I haven't read. I create smart groups for professors inmy program so all their work is together, and static groups to group the references in papers that I want to 'go deep' on and read all the refs. Everything is saved in Dropbox, and I write papers using Texpad for my Mac and for my iPad.

What are great ways to structure an impromptu speech?

One of the most important things I've learnt about impromptu speeches while indulging in some heavy debating, public speaking through my college times, is that you shouldn't try to talk too much- it's going to confuse you, it's going to confuse the audience and you are going to end up with a sick feeling in your gut telling you to shut up after the first few minutes.I suggest you do the following :- figure out the time limit . If its about 5 minutes, pick 3 good points and start talking. You won't believe how much you can actually start talking when you are giving the speech. That's why , take fewer points and elaborate.- if the time limit is 5 minutes, there is no way in hell you are going to finish at 5 minutes sharp. Understand that and your tension will reduce substantially.- If the speech is taking a natural conclusion. End it . Don't worry too much about the time, You rather finish well than stumble at the end and just say , " Um yeah thats all!"- slow down. You may be going to fast.- Most importantly, take a deep breathe. Remember to smile - It disarms the audience and you'll feel good too,Cheers :)

How about this thesis statement?

Here is the intro paragraph to my process essay on the function of the heart.

The heart is a hollow organ located in the area between the lungs that pumps blood throughout the body. Without the heart, the lungs would be useless, the brain would be lifeless, and muscles would lose function, and essentially, the body would die. A healthy heart requires all its parts to be working, otherwise complications can arise. Without the heart's independent electrical system, complex anatomy, and efficient oxygen delivery, the body would die. Therefore, the heart is the most important organ in the body.

My thesis statement is the last two sentences. Is it okay that it is two sentences? It would be great to have an english teacher answer. others welcome too.

Organizing statement?

An example: we once asked for a character analysis of Pyle, from Graham Greene’s novel The Quiet American. A good introduction might look like this:

The central character of Graham Greene’s novel The Quiet American is Pyle, a young American working for the secret service in Vietnam. Though Pyle has a number of good qualities, his character defects lead to his own perdition and that of hundreds of innocent Vietnamese. Through the eyes of the narrator, who is not necessarily reliable as he himself has had a hand in Pyle’s death, we get to know Pyle as an innocent, loyal, courageous and upright young man; nevertheless, his inexperience also causes him to be tactless, callous, and dangerously short-sighted.

The first sentence sets the scene, not to start off too abruptly. The second sentence contains the thesis statement: this essay is about Pyle’s character traits, good and bad. In the third sentence, the reader is given an organizing statement, which tells him about the structure of the body of your argument: first the perspective will be discussed (one paragraph about the question of how much we can say about Pyle, as all we know about him comes from the narrator who is not completely reliable); then some paragraphs about his good qualities (one paragraph about his innocence, one about his loyalty, one about his courage, etc.); and to conclude, a number of paragraphs about the qualities that led to his demise.

Personally, I'd go back and write the organizing sentence after I'd written the paper. But I'm old school.

Why is organized crime viewed as somewhat glamorous and alluring?

While the inner-city gangs and drug dealers are castigated? Isn't it all the same? Is Al Capone and Lucky Luciano any different than those so called "Black" thugs in the inner cities? I never understood why these people were glorified?

How exactly should a thesis statement get written?

a good way to write a thesis statement, is to write the essay first, so that you really understand what you are trying to introduce. Then think of a topic of your essay, such as food or something, then think of a theme. A theme is how it applies to the real world. Then use a sentence structure such as this one to put it all together: The view (if you are using a book or something, insert the name here) has about (topic) is that (theme). An example would be: The view "Easy Cooking" has about food is that it brings families together. Remember, its only one sentence!!! Good luck!

What are good ways to write effectively a master thesis?

You'll be amazed at how much the choice of Master's thesis will influence your long-term interest in the field, prospects for jobs within and outside of academia. I'd suggest picking up some mainstream journals or magazines in your field and see what is currently trendy in the field, and what are bread and butter topics. Having a birds eye view of what's going on in the field allows you to be strategic about your topic, with the goal of planning a successful career.Most likely, a successful career is one that will hook into an existing community of researchers in a topic, with a reliable source of funds that pay for conferences, departments, and students to populate them. A strategic topic is one that has the potential to make an impact in the field, and has the potential to cross-over into related disciplines, or even to have practical applications to real people (god forbid).Finally, and most importantly, choose a topic that gets your blood flowing. Your master's topic could very easily become a PhD topic, which could then become a career focus. A lot of grad student burn-out is the result of students reaching their limit of interest in a topic, and thus deciding they've had enough.As you survey mainstream and more specific literatures, be aware of what problems and topics get you excited. Choose something that you actually get excited about, that you can't stop thinking and talking about, and that you can even get other people excited about. That's the topic that will keep you going when you get stuck in the muck of research and don't know if you can keep going for another year.