Freshman Back To School Shopping


Hey sweet heart! First off, I am proud of you for working so hard and earning your money. Just make sure when you go school shopping you don't get carried away and buy super expensive clothes, this may sound stupid but I would rather have in expensive cute clothes rather than ugly name brand clothes just to rub in people's faces :P anyways, I would recommend Rue 21. The thing I love about rue 21 is that they get so many clothes shipped in , that everything they sell eventually goes in clearance for 2-5$ I mean everything. What isn't on sell is usually around 10-20 $. They tend to have lots of cute vintage and floral clothes also. No matter where you choose to shop, look at clearance and make sure you're not afraid to ask the sales women/men for help on styling if you would like it. Defiantly buy some shoes there, they are rather good quality and some are $2. I bought a pair of studded stilettos for $5 several days ago. If you don't have a rue 21, no worries I would highly recommend Target. As surprising as it may sound, they actually do sell designer brands and all of their clothes are cute, plus, there shoes and underwear are cute as well. My other favorite store would be Khols. They have Vera Wang clothing no it also goes on sale for almost nothing! Other stores like PAC sun, Charlotte Russe , deb , and areopostale sell some cute clothes but sometimes more costly. The best place to buy shoes would probably be Payless, or one of the stores I recommended above. For makeup, go to Walmart. You don't need outrageously priced sephora makeup to look pretty, Walmart sells everything at the lowest price, and its good brands. I would recommend using light makeup from cover girl or revlon. That's your choice though. With makeup make sure you do buy good skin care products for your face and body as well. NOT PROACTIVE. It really is not that great, it has the same ingredients for 3 times the price as things at Walmart. If you want to save even more money, but your school supplies there as well, I do and know one cares. It's actually super cute. I hope I helped!

Freshman highschool CLOTHES shopping list?

Do you know what the common style is at your school? My school was very name brand oriented, so quite a lot of clothing was that. It can be really expensive, but if you want that I would suggest looking at the clearance and sales racks at those stores (My school was big into Aeropostle, American Eagle, Hollister, etc). Sometimes you can even find good, gently used clothing as consignment shops like Plato's Closet that specialize in name brands.

Besides that, high school tends to be casual. Jeans and tees were most common. Some people are into dresses and/or skirts in the warm months, so you would of course modify that to your own personal style. I would suggest spending most of it on basics, like jeans, casual tops, shorts, sweaters, etc, then just spending a little on accessories to make outfits interesting.

Remember to buy clothing for all seasons (if you live in an area with seasons), and not just spend it on summer stuff cause that's what out right now.

Also, make sure you check your dress code at the school. Most schools have similar codes, normally no sleeveless tops and shorts must be fingertip length. Make sure you follow that when shopping.

It's going to be very similar to middle school. All the new freshman are just like you, and will have the same styles to go on. Real high school is no where near as dressy as movies make it seem.

When do you go back to school clothes shopping?

I usually do most my shopping about a month before school starts
I usally spend no more that 00 so I guess thats my budget
I go to thrift stores, vintage stores, H&M, american appearel, Jcrew, Express, nordstrom
I buy jeans, shorts, shoes, shirts, really anyhting i like

How much should I spend for back to school shopping?

I'm going to be a freshman in high school next year. Right now I'm 13 , but will be 14 at the start of the school year. I don't want to look like a bum in my opening years of high school. I made a list of clothes that i want to get (that can last the whole year)
1. Hollister
2. American Eagle
3. Abercrombie&Fitch
4. H&M shirts
5. Urban Outfitters
6. Adidas
7. Polo Ralph Lauren
8. Nautica
9. Hollister Jeans & Pants
10. Aeropostale Jeans
11. Nike

Jordan retro 10 powerblue - $120 (my size)
KD vi (any) - $100
Lebron soldier vii galaxy - around $90-100

I did the math and I'm estimated to spend over $700 . I didn't tell my dad yet, but I'm not even sure if he'll spend that much for school. My highschool has no uniform, all my previous schools did (so he didn't have to spend much)
I feel like I'm being greedy, but not sure. Am I spending the right amount for school clothes?
Can you make a list of how much to buy out of the list i made above (optional)
And yes, I really need the shoes.. It matches with my clothes.

If I'm wrong, how much should I be spending (including shoes) .

What's a good budget for back to school clothes shopping?

hello!! :) so first of all i am a 14 almost 15 year old girl going into freshman year next year and i reallllyyy want some cute new clothes for starting high school. my parents hardly EVER buy me clothes, besides shoes and a winter jacket. and i mean, my parents are definately not rich. but not poor either. we are pretty average. (3 1/2 bedroom house, 2 cars, public school, and my parents are always very considerate before buying something.) we have some periods of time when we have to cut back on spending completely untill we can save a little. other than that, we live pretty well. so. my question is WHAT DO YOU THINK WOULD BE A GOOD SPENDING BUDGET FOR BACK TO SCHOOL SHOPPING? IF YOU ARE A TEEN, THEN DO YOU HAVE ANY SORT OF BUDGET? :) AND HOW SHOULD I GO ABOUT CONVINCING MY PARENTS? THANKS! XOXO

p.s. (not trying to come across as shouting up there, just wanted to high light the main question) ;)

What are some good clothing stores for a high school freshman to shop at?

I am going into 9th grade (freshman) and I need suggestions for stores to shop at for back to school clothes shopping. My wardrobe mainly consists of aeropostale, and I want more variety.

-I do not like tees that have the store name on them
-I am 5'9
-I am pretty much flat chested :(
-I do not have a lot of money

It would also be nice to have links for certain shirts or polyvore sets!
Thank you!

How much money should a freshman in high school spend on clothes?

Like the question says, I'm a freshman in high school. My parents buy my clothes for me because I get straight A's and behave myself. I go back-to-school shopping at the beginning of each year and usually get a new pair of shoes, 2 pairs of jeans, and a couple of tops for a little over $100. The only problem with this is that in October-Novemberish it starts getting a little colder and I don't have much to wear, so I want to go shopping again for "winter" clothes, but I feel weird asking my mom to get me more stuff when she just bought me clothes in August. My family is average income, so I was thinking of talking to her about a "seasonal budget" -- $200 for summer and spring clothes, and $200 for fall and winter clothes (per year). Does this sound reasonable? How much do you spend? :)