Gaining Weight Only After Adding 50 Calories Help

Gain weight with Gatorade?

Yes. Always have to read those labels. And learn all the words they use for sugar also. Fructose for example. But Gatorade has the following:
Ingredients: water, sucrose syrup, glucose-fructose syrup, citric acid, natural flavors , salt, sodium citrate, monopotassium phosphate, red #40, ester gum, sunflower oil ...

So the sucrose syrup is, the fructose syrup is also....... all the ose words basically.

Will muscle milk help me gain weight?

Firstly, you must realize that you are different from the people who use muscle milk and saw the weight gain. Most of them do not have a high metabolism rate like you and me and even if they do, chances of that helping you to gain weight is low. Let me elaborate. The things in muscle milk is whey protein powder which is found in egg whites and milk while the biggest contributor of calories come from sugar. This firstly means that you are actually paying for overpriced sugar. Secondly, a high sugar content will not help you to gain weight as it will spike your blood sugar up and let it dip down by a lot later, causing your body to burn more calories rather than limit it. What I suggest if you are looking to gain weight is to look into eating a high carbohydrate diet many times a day, sleep well and do the right exercise to help you get there. Even if you drink it at night, prolonged use will cause damage to your system like it did for me due to the high amount of sugar and protein in the mixture that your body will pass out in an attempt to prevent itself from being poisoned by too much nutrients.

A high carbohydrate diet in my personal experience is to eat 3/4 of your normal size meals but do it 6 times a day. Make sure that you have at least 50% of it coming from carbohydrates like potatoes, pasta, noodles, biscuits, rice and bread for all your meals. This will provide you with enough calories to help you to gain weight steadily despite your high metabolism rate.

However, diet is only one pillar you need to get right. You will also need to sleep well every night to prevent unnecessary calorie lost. What I suggest is that you look into turning in 30 minutes ahead of the time you usually do so that you can wake up slightly ahead of your alarm clock, thus ensuring that you get the maximum sleep your body needs without being abruptly interrupted by the alarm.

Lastly, you need to lift weights or do exercise that provides you with strength. It is a simple logic really. The more weight you can bear, the easier it is for your body to gain as it gets accustomed to the weight you need. This means you need to look into lifting heavy weights for a short period of time for your workout.


What would happen if you were to only eat 50 calories per day?

Slowly you would starve to death by malnutrition.

It might be a wise decision if you were to seek counseling.That is IF this is your idea of rapid weight loss,and your only going to eat 50 calories per day.Not a wise/healthy decision at all!

Take care.

Can a ectomorph gain weight?

I am very skinny 5'4 105 pounds im still growing since im 14, can I gain weight just from eatting more calories than I need a and Body weight training, im tired of being small...