German International Schools

How much are schools in Germany for international students?

You must be fluent in German at a high academic-technical level. University entrance exams (in German, of course) are reputed to be among the world's most difficult. Visa interviews in German as well.

Cost of living in Germany is very high, especially housing, since rental housing is scarce. Plan to need EUR2000-3000/month for living expenses in addition to tuition, fees, books, equipment, supplies, health insurance, etc. No financial aid for foreign students. Proof of sufficient funds for all school + living expenses, plus return transportation home, required to apply for student visa. IF a university accepts you . . .

Do you know any international schools in Hamburg?

After the next year I'm going to come to Hamburg to learn in the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg as a Jung Student. However, learning in university doesn't excuse me from finishing the school. I will have to finish it. Problem is, I don't know the language so good that I could learn in German. I was searching for an International school in Hamburg and I found International school of Hamburg (ISH). It looks and IS very nice but I can't afford it. Another school where they teach in English is called Hansa-Gymnasium Bergedorf but (as I understand) they demand level B1 of German language which I don't have and will not have until the end of the next year more than likely.

So, my question is, are there any other international schools in Hamburg?

Any international boarding high schools in China?

well if you speak Mandarin you probably would prefer another city like Beijing, since people in Sh do not speak good Mandarin.
Boarding schools I do not know many but there are lot's of international schools in China, many have students from just one country or preferable one nationality, if you are in a major city. There are british,american swedish, german etc schools. if you google international schools in china (Shanghai/ Beijing/ Guangzhou/...)you will get long lists of them, there might be some boardings schools, but schools in China are ridiculously expensive.

Is there an international school near Antalya, Turkey?

I did a little research for you and came up with a site for the expatriates information and communication board who live in Turkey. I am placing a link below, maybe it can help you more.

Good Luck

What is cost of English medium education in Germany?

Yes, private international schools are very expensive. You could perhaps ask your employer to cover part of the fees.

There are a few state schools that teach in English or bilingually though, e.g. in Berlin:

Another option would be a German school, seeing that your child is still very young and will probably learn the language quickly. Whether this makes sense really depends on how long you want to stay in Germany.

In general, I recommend the following very active expat forum for further questions: