Give Three Reasons Why Americans Would Be Afraid Of Socialism In The Late 1800s And Early

Why did socialism appeal to some Americans in the late 1800s?

Socialism appealed to people in the late 1800s for the same reason that socialism appeals to some today. With the problems of the poor and unemployed, many felt that the government needed to provide aid and services to the poor that they lacked. In the 1800s, there was no social security, no welfare, no unemployment insurance. There was no government safety net at all and if a man lost his job, or was paid less than a livable wage at the job he did have, he had no recourse but to accept what little was offered to him with no prospects for advancement in his life situation.

What reason did average Americans of the late 1800s have to approve of the railroad companies and what reason ?

The companies had the resources needed to expand 'civilization'.
It soon became apparent that these companies need REGULATION if humane standards were to be considered.