Gr.8 Valedictorian Speech Help

Valedictorian Speech?

One of the most challenging and important aspects of writing a speech is getting organized. Well organized speeches are not only easier to follow, but more memorable. It’s one of the keys to successful public speaking.

A simple technique that I use is called the 3-of-3 method . It helps to keep the speech focused. The speech is begins with a main idea, and is broken down to three main points. Each point has its respecive supporting statements.

When preparing a speech its important to remember the time limitations. Divide the time accross each part of the speech. This helps in knowing how much or how little information to include in each segment. For example, the ice breaker speech has 4-6 minutes alloted. When preparing the speech outline, plan 1 min for the opening, 3 minutes for the body, and 1 minute for the conclusion.

Here is a sample outline:

Opening (1 min max)

Body (3 mins max)

1. Point

2. Point

3. Point

Conclusion (1 min max)

some tips to those who are beginning their journey.

1. Perfection isn’t manditory.

This is your first speech. Go easy on yourself. The main purpose is to begin speaking before an audience.

2. Watch your time.

The first speech is the shortest. You only have 4-6 minutes. Make it short. Try not to go over time.

3. Use note cards.

Don’t burden yourself with the need to memorize your speech word for word. Also don’t read your speech word for word. Use note cards to help you remember key points.

4. Practice, practice, practice.

By practicing your speech you will feel more confident. Also you will be less reliant on your notes. Ask your friends or family to listen to your speech.

5. Share more about yourself.

Your fellow club members want to get to know you. Include information about yourself. What are your interests? What do you do for a living?

Hope this helps.

8th Grade Valedictorian Speech?!?

The fireworks begin today. Each diploma is a lighted match. Each one of you is a fuse. ~Edward Koch

There is a good reason they call these ceremonies "commencement exercises." Graduation is not the end; it's the beginning. ~Orrin Hatch

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. ~Aristotle

Don't live down to expectations. Go out there and do something remarkable. ~Wendy Wasserstein

Wherever you go, go with all your heart. ~Confucius

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. ~Les Brown

those are a just a few you might like to use at the end if you want to leave an impression on the audience

Is this a good valedictorian speech?

I like it, if the valedictorian of my class said that I would be satisfied and impressed. It gets the point across, incorporates humor, and still shows off your intelligence without using too many big words. Good luck, say it confidently, and congratulations on being valedictorian!

Valedictorian speech for preschool?

Any preschool that is so competitive that it has a valedictorian deserves to be shut down immediately.

I need help on my introduction for my valedictorian speech???

Everyone expects the traditional heavy duty words that sum up our time spent in this institution of learning, but I won't bore you with that... Let me break tradition and just say that I hope each and everyone one of you goes out of here and lives - really lives. Carpe diem anyone?

How does my grade 8 valedictorian speech sound? Help Me pleaase, ASAP!?


So Ladies and Gentlemen, as we face and tackle the inevitable, hold true to yourself. Remember to hold onto your value system, your work ethic and most importantly, your humanity. It is these qualities that will guide you further on your journey.
Mr.Denby, a teacher who by now we all know a very intelligent man, on multiple occasions has compared our elementary years to a buffet. Delicious! These past years have catered to us the variety of opportunities before us. John McCrae especially has guided us and taught us what is tasteful for our particular interests. So as we move forward to high school we are able to choose what best accommodates our taste buds.
Today's achievements may fade or even be forgotten. The applause may become a distant memory and our certificates and medals may gather dust on a shelf or in a drawer. But, you will always be remembered for caring enough, for helping someone, for making someone feel special and appreciated and for being the kind of pe

Grade 8 Graduation Valedictorian Speech?

Well first off, congratulations on being valedictorian ! I think your speech should be longer, it's supposed to be from 3 - 4 minutes. I really like how you explained the previous years, i have read a lot and most of them were very boring, but this was very good. I think you should talk a little more about what happened in grade 8 though.

Valedictorian Nominee?

Okay, so here's the problem. I have chosen to write a speech to become the valedictorian at my grade 8 graduation.

I'm able to write the speech, don't get me wrong, but there's a few other complications.

1) I need to write an essay saying why I would make a good valedictorian before I can be an official nominee.

2) The girls in the other class may just win because of the amount of friends they have, if the decision would be put to a vote.

I need some help here! What can I say to convince the teachers to nominate me in my essay? I don't want to be braggy?

And what can I do to kick the competition to the curb?