Graph Interpretation/conclusions Etc

In science experiments what does interpretation mean?

Interpretation is where you discuss the results and observations, explaining them. If, for example, you see a colour change, you write possible reasons why in the interpretation section. Why did the colour change? What possible reactions could have occurred? Things like that.

Can you tell me if I am reading this graph correctly...?

What that graph says is that despite co2 emissions rising at a faster rate than predicted, temperatures have remained flat for the past 12 years.

If one looks at the CRU data, it shows a decline in temperatures since 2002 (Source Phil Jones)

What will be the best approach for solving Data Interpretation questions in SBI PO exams (is there any special tricks)?

This is a good question because DI questions are increasing in PO exams and are becoming difficult too. Let me address solving DI questions in following five principles:The secret is DI questions are easy to solve. Just remember this and then work around solving DI.Concepts of Ratio and Percentage are same - 50% is 1/2, 25% is 1/4, 12.5 % is 1/8, 6.25% is 1/16 and likewise. Work on these numbers in mind and you will start viewing 100% as full pizza. You will find reading bar diagram, line graphs, pie diagram is easier than reading tables. Actually these diagram are used for easy representation. If you feel gap in conceptual understanding in DI questions, study Percentage and Ratio & proportion chapters and practice questions from these.Approximation and fast calculations -Improving your calculations is the most important step for Data Interpretation. Both accuracy and speed matter. Do calculations in your mind rather than using pen and paper. In the starting it would take some time to do mental calculations, but gradually you will see a mark difference in your speed. Approximation is not guess but mathematics, learn these techniques for which you may watch videos on YouTube.Skipping the question - Normally there are 4-5 questions in a set, one question out of the set is very calculative and time consuming. You need to identify such questions in 5 seconds and skip these.Practice does not make perfect, only perfect practice makes perfect. - You need to practice right questions matching the difficulty level of the exam. You may practice questions at Welcome to are prepared by experts and are selected by exam toppers and tutors.Mastering Data Interpretation is must for cracking Bank PO exam and learning to solve DI means edge of 10–15 questions.Enjoy the DI and ensure success, all the best.

What are bar graphs and pie charts used for in statistics?

Pie Charts are good when you want to compare up to 5 data categories with values that are easy to differentiate. When the pie slices have roughly the same value consider using a column or bar chart instead.Bar charts are good to compare different categories of data, showing trends or change over time. The bars can be plotted vertically (column chart) or horizontally (bar chart).Charts created with Create Infographics, Charts and Maps |

What are the uses of a graph in real life?

Graphs allow you to visualise data or the behavior of something quickly, bypassing the intimidating mathematics or models that the graph represents. If, as opposed to a simple line graph, a company board were given a list of data points with corresponding profits, losses etc., the conclusions drawn from this data would take longer to derive than simply looking at a line pointing upwards or downwards over time.A nurse, whose main background is not rooted deeply in maths, may struggle to interpret results of medical data, were there not tools to express it.Even myself, studying maths in higher education, am still only human. Visualising the behavior of 4(+)-D functions in a 3-D brain, or trying to visualise solutions to such functions, is exceedingly difficult. Graphs help us build a bridge between the abstract and the real, and are indispensible to real life problem solving and analysis.

What is the difference between data and findings?

data is solid information gathered during investigation. findings is the interpretation of that data to say what you found.

data could be a graph, findings is what that graph signifies.

like a graph of the stock market going down down down.
the finding would be that the economy is in recession

Is the slope stands for resistance in a current vs voltage graph?

Yes.If Voltage is on X axis, Current on Y axis, Resistance is the slope.In the graph above, the 5 Volts point at V in x-axis when intercepted and then taken to the corresponding point in y-axis, gives 0.5 amps.Therefore, resistance of 5/0.5 = 10 ohms is indicated by this graph.If you draw a vertical line up from 3 volts in x to the slope, the corresponding y point will be 0.3, hence R = 3/.3 = 10 ohms.Same at any other point.The linearity (straight line) of the slope tells us the circuit obeys ohms law. At any point, the ration of 10 will be maintained.The angle of the slope to the x-axis is decided by the resistance, as well as by the scales used in the axes. Note the progression of voltage from 1, 2, 3 etc, compare to the y axis progressions of current from 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 etc.In this situation, a resistance of 5 ohms will have a slope that is twice s steep, and a resistance of 20 ohms will be more close to the horizontal axis half as steep as the current one.