Help Me Remember A Book

A book like a walk to remember????? help!?

Nicholas Sparks is the author of A Walk To Remember. Here's a list of his books:

The Notebook
Message in a Bottle
The Rescue
A Bend in the Road
Nights in Rodanthe
The Guardian
The Wedding
True Believer
At First Sight
Dear John
The Choice
The Lucky One

How do you remember the book you read?

I read about a book a week on average and throughout most of the books I read I have to make one thing very clear:I do not remember most of the content of most Books I read.But to me, that is not the point. Most of the Books that are out there nowadays hold about 10–50 pages worth of valuable content and then the rest is written static noise. It is not actually valuable but needs to be part of the Book to truly explain the valuable content and give it the credit it deserves.That being said, all I am focusing on when I read are the 10–50 pages worth of real value. I am looking for the ideas that will change my life, not the stories surrounding those ideas.I still read most of the books, and will sometimes remember something about the book when I read or hear something similar, but I mostly do not recall it.For me, the best way to remember more of any book I read is a very simple concept:Reading it again.The second time through a book is ALWAYS better than the first time through because you know what to expect. This makes you look more closely at the key concepts presented in these books and you will be able to connect everything in the book far easier.This will make you recall more in various ways:You have more areas to connect the important information to because you read between the lines.You have repeated the valuable content, making it more likely to be transferred to your long-term memory.You know what to look for and pay more attention when you know there will be less static.I often buy both the audio version and the written version of any book and will read the new book whilst also listening to the audio of the last book I read (Not at once but during the same day I may read the book and listen to the other book multiple times and freely switch between them).And I usually remember way more from listening to the book when I “read” it a second time, aka listening to the audio the first time.If that seems to much for you, then what I suggest is instead to take notes as you read and review them a week after having finished the book.Just like with anything else in life, the only way to really get good is to practice. In terms of books, this means reading it over and over again.And if you think there is no value in that I would suggest you look at Bob Proctors story. He is a multi-millionaire who says he has only read one book that he attributes all his success to. And he reads this book every day.

Help me remember an old picture book?

It's an old picture book about a girl who loved spaghetti. I remember she helped a pig in a race who had lost his shoe laces by giving him some spaghetti. But in the end, she gave all her spaghetti away and the people she helped gave her spaghetti ?

If anybody could help, I'd be grateful.

I think her name is Sally? I've checked online websites and nada.

What is the name of the book in Remember Me?

I remember this part because I'm pretty sure we used the book in my Latin class in sixth and distinctly remember commenting on it to my friend who also took the class. I'm pretty sure it's D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths, it's this really bright yellow book with a guy on the chariot, definitely a memorable book, I remember a picture with Cronus and his six pack having each child in one of his "packs" after eating them. I'm not positive because I saw the movie when it came out in theaters, but here's a link to see if it's the one.

Can't remember the title of this book?

It takes place in the past, in the 1800s maybe? It was about this guy that was attacked by a bear when he was a teenager, but managed to shoot him and survived. Indians found him when he was injured, and they took him in and healed him. At first he resisted because indians were portrayed as primitive savages, but over the years he finally stopped pushing them away and loved them like his family. They called him Talks Alone because he would sometimes sit by himself and talk to nothing in particular in English, just so he could hear his native language.

Somehow he ends up meeting his original family again (he had two brothers I think) and lived with them for a while but they never get very close because he's more indian than white now, and they aren't used to that.

I can't remember much else except for when he and his little brother were abducted by some really savage indians, and when some white people came to get them, the indians hid them somewhere on a river bank I think. The indians told the other people that the guy and his brother were dead, but the guy started yelling and they got away.

So can you guys help me out? I really want to read this book again, it was really good. (I tried google, couldn't find anything. I think the title might've had something to do with a light or lantern, and a panther maybe? I don't know. But I think it also said something about woods or the forest.)

Can't Remember Title of Book?

"Maledicte" by Lane Robins
Series: The Antyre Chronicles

"After the love of her life, Janus, is stolen by Lord Last who hopes to make his bastard son heir, Miranda swears she will do anything to get him back, even pledge herself to Ani, the dead goddess of Vengeance, who may not be so dead after all, and become the ward of the lascivious old courtier Vornatti."

"... to the kingdom comes a handsome, enigmatic nobleman, Maledicte, whose perfect manners, enchanting charisma, and brilliant swordplay entice the most jaded tastes . . . and conceal a hunger beyond reckoning.

For Maledicte is actually a woman named Miranda–a beautiful thief raised in the city’s vicious slums. And she will do anything–even promise her soul to Black-Winged Ani, the most merciless of Antyre’s exiled gods–to reclaim Janus, the lover whose passion still haunts her dreams."

" Trained in all the skills of a decadent and treacherous court by the lecherous baron and his servant Gilly—and possessed by Black-Winged Ani, a bloodthirsty goddess of love and vengeance—Miranda becomes Maledicte."

" Frame-Up: Janus kills his half-brother, knowing that people will blame Maledicte for the crime."
" Sweet Polly Oliver: Played more or less straight, although Maledicte puts more effort into the transformation than most Polly Olivers. For example, he wears a waist-bulking, breast-binding corset and uses poison to lower his voice."

Could hypnotism help me remember a book title?

For some people, hypnosis can help with memory. In general hypnosis could be seen as a way to access capabilities that are less available during regular states of consciousness, and memory is one of them. Aldous Huxley was described as being able to remember quotes including page numbers from books he had not read in several years, as relayed by Milton Erickson (related in Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D, Vol. 1: Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Milton H. Erickson: 9781555520526: Books)However recall and memory can be quite dynamic, and hypnosis is also quite effective at eliciting creativity.What you might consider is some self-exercises, in which you focus on the senses of your experience with the book. Was it a book you heard about from someone? If you imagine the place and time and person who was talking, perhaps you can remember the words spoken. If you were looking at the book, you might consider imagining holding it in your hands and focusing on the visual memory. Different people organize information in different ways, so using the way you organize information as a guideline can help you retrieve memories.Certainly it can’t really hurt, but I would also suggest that if you have information about the book besides the title, google or other search engines are remarkably useful. A quote from a book or a character name can be enough.

Can someone help me remember the name of a book I read a while back?

Thanks for the A2A.Maybe Goblin Secrets by William Alexander? It has a girl named Rownie and her older brother Rowan.