Help With Geometry Homework Question.

Geometry Homework Question?

A regular hexagon is composed of 12 congruent 30-60-90 degree triangles. If the length of the hypotenuse of one of those trianles if 18 root 3, find the perimeter of the hexagon.

Geometry homework question?!?

Rectangle WXYZ has a length that is 5 more than three times its width.

a. draw and label a figure for rectangle WXYZ.
is this right?
if not can you help me?

b. write an algebraic expression for the perimeter of the rectangle.
is 8x+ 5 right?

c. find the width if the perimeter is 58 mm.

Geometry homework question?

This is a "linear equation" problem. There is only one variable, the amount of time spent on the repair. Everyone is charged the uniform charge just for bringing it in. so let's set this up:

2 hrs.=$100
1.5 hrs.=$80

I say, let y = the total cast of a TV repair, x = the number of hours spent on repairing the TV, m = the rate that is charge per hours worked, and b = the uniform charge:

y = mx+b (total cost = the hourly rate times the number of hours worked plus that funky charge everyone has to pay)

a.) This is just asking us to fill in the numbers:


b.) this is the slightly trickier one. Unless you have to show your work, you could just look at the difference in hours worked and the difference in total cost and see the rate:


so we reason that a half-hour difference costs $20 more, so a full hour costs $40. This means m= $40/hr. We then use either or both equations to find b.

$100=($40/hr)(2hr) + b
$100=$80 + b
$100-$80= b

And now the equation read:

y=($40)x + $20

The question was how much 3 hrs costs. So, let x=3

y=($40)(3) + $20
y=$120 + $20

c.) we went over this one. x represents the number of hours works repairing the TV that I broke because I sent my Wii remote into it.

d.) the constant would be the one factor in this equation that never changes, the one charge everyone is going to pay, that weird uniform charge of $20.

I hope this helps.

Geometry homework question. Please help!?

Use the law of sines. That's a SAS triangle, isn't it?

Geometry homework Help!!?

for question 1:

1) 32
2) 81
3) 67
4) 32
5) 81
6) 67
8) 67
9) 113
10) 67
11) 32
12) 148
13) 32
14) 148

Problem 2 = (4) There are two right angles between the 4 lines, but this does not mean any of them are parallel

Missing link =

I have two geometry homework questions I would appreciate help with!?

When a 2-D circle is rotated around a line that it does not touch. What is the name of the resulting figure?

A. Cavalieri section
B. Torus
C. Cross section
D. Annulus

A sphere with radius 16 m is cut by a plane though it’s a great circle. What is the best description of the cross section that is shown?

A. A torus
B. A circle was radius 16 m
C. A circle with radius 8 m
D. A sphere with radius 8 m

Mat Homework Help - Geometry?

Well, if the side you're looking for is the hypotenuse, this is how you do it. You really would have to use the Pythagorean Theorem (it really is the easiest way).

350 squared + 245 squared = x squared
122,500+60,025= x squared
x squared = 182,525
x= about 427.22944

If the remaining side is a leg, you would just put the other values in the equation and solve (a squared +b squared = c squared)

Need help with geometry homework?

QUESTION 1:for each graph, find the length of segment AB to the nearest tenth.
i can't show you the graph but A is (-9,-6) and B is (6,6).
How do i find the lenght of segment AB??????

QUESTION 2: there's a diagram of 2 segments. go to the link for the diagram the question is MB=8x +7, AB=126, solve for x.

for both questions please show me how to get the answer thanks!
best question gets 10 pts

Homework help. Geometry, Apothems...?

Ok so heres the problem:
The apothem of a regular pentagon is 10.8cm.
a) Find the radius of the circumscribed circle.
b) What is the length of a side of the pentagon.
c) Find the perimeter of the pentagon.

This is a review question from last years geometry and its got me totally confused. Btw incase anyone can't remember (I couldn't) an apothem is the measure of a line of the segment from the center of the polygon to the midpoint of one of its sides.

Geometry homework help! very important please!!?

i have a quiz on this exact problem, and im having problems.

the slope of the roof is 3/7. the height of the roof is 18 ft.

1.what is the length from the gutter to the peak of the roof?
2. if a row of shingles is 5 inches high, how many rows of shingles are needed for both sides of the roof?

** the "roof" in the diagram is 2 right triangles facing opposite directions and are connected to eachother.