Help With Grade 9 Math Questions

Can you help me find the answer for this grade 9 math question?

the answer is b
because a n c shows a linear relation
and d u continue adding 15

Grade 9 Math help?

you would put together the common ones

so -3x + 9x = 6x

so now you have 9 - 6x - (-8y) - y

so now put together 8y - y = 7y

but the - is in front of the other - sign. it changes to 9y

so now you have 9 - 6x +7y

and i fixed my answer but the other person insulting me did not tell you how to get the answer.

Grade 9 Math Help??

i am doing a review for math for the regents and i am having some trouble on some questions. Here are a few of them:

1. For five algebra examinations, Maria has an average of 88. What must she score on the sixth test to bring her average up to exactly 90?

2. The graphs of the equations y = x[squared] + 4x - 1 and y+ 3 = x are drawn on the same set of axes. At which point do the graphs intersect?

I need help with this grade 9 math question.?

Question: Two tutors charge according to the following equations, relating the tutoring charge, C, in dollars, to the time t, in hours.

Brian: C= 35t
Ashley: C= 25t +40

a) Solve the system of equations by graphing.

I don't understand what they mean by "solve the system of equations."

Grade 9 math help??????????????????????????...

9 1/2 minus 12 1/8
First, make them into fractions instead of mixed numbers
12 1/8 = 96/8 +1/8=97/8
9 1/2 = 18/2 +1/2 = 19/2

Now, in order to subtract you need to get the denominators (bottoms) the same). You can change 19/2 into something/8 by multiplying the top and bottom of the fraction by 4

Subtract: 76/8-97/8 = (76-97)/8 = -21/8
Now convert to a mixed terms:
-21/8=-16/8+-5/8=-2 5/8

Make sure when you set up the subtraction you take the closing price minus the opening price. This turns out to be negative because the stock price went down.


Grade 9 Math, Need Help? Probability Question.?

There are four people in a room. For every two people, there is a 50% chance that they are friends.

Two people are connected if:

- They are friends, or
- A third person if friends with bot of them, or
- They have different friends who are friends of each other.

What is the probability that every pair of people in this room is connected?

The choices are: 18/32 , 20/32, 22/32, 19/32, 21/32

Grade 9 Mathematics--Correlation Help!?

it depends on you coordinates. if it is strong it will increase positively weak will be semi-positive but wont be grouped together. no correlation is scattered on the graph no pattern. weak is negative slope and scattered. strong is negative but grouped close.

Grade 9 math help?

Ok both of these are going to deal with two similar formulas.
Volume of a Pyramid =Vp
Volume of a Cone = Vc
Vp = (length x width)h/3
Vc = (pie*radius^2)h/3
For the Square pyramid we add the answers we know.
The Volume is equal to 100 cm^3. Or in other words Vp = 100 cm^3. And we know that the base area is = 40 cm^2.
So here's the final formula.
100 cm^3 = (40 cm^2)x(height)/3.
we'll call Height 'h'. And now it gives us a variable to work with.
This is gonna be a routine algebra problem where the goal is to have your defined data on one side and the undefined on the other. And here's how we do it.
Step 1. To remove that pesky "/3", multiply each side by three.
3(100 cm^3) = 3[(40cm^2)x(h)/3] <-- I know that looks complicated but if you write it out on paper it looks easier.
300 cm^3 = 40 cm^2 x (h)
Now divide by 40 cm^2
(300cm^3)/(40 cm^2) = (h)
300/40 = 7.5 cm.

For the cone one pie is equal to 'y'. Just cause I can't find the pie button. And I know I'm not spelling it right.
Diameter 'd' = 34.4 Radius 'r' = d/2. h = 14.2 y = 3.14.....

Vc = ([y(34.4/2)^2]*14.2 )/3
Vc = ([y*17^2]*14.2 )/3 <-- it's important to note that you do exponets before the multiplication. So 17^2 then times y. Not y*17 then squared.
Vc = ([2829.4]*14.2) /3
Vc = (12885.9)/3 <--division is last. Take that whole number and divide it. I know it's big, but it's right.
Vc = 4295.3 cm^3

(Volume of the cone)/6.9

Hope that helps, I know it's long and boring to read...but yeah, I tried to make it easy.