How Can I Convince My Parents To Let Me Be Homeschooled Online

How do I convince my parent to let me be home/online schooled?

Depending on where you live, there will be laws that support an online education, or restrict it.If your local laws support that, you might find that your school has online classes available. If they are offered by the school district itself, your parents might be willing to let you do it for a year.Don’t ask them to let you do it for the rest of your education, because they won’t agree to a long term plan they haven’t seen proven.Ask for one year, just to get a break from having to deal with being at school.Many places have homeschool communities that get together at a park or community center once a week. (Often called “park day.”) Even homeschooled kids who are doing their courses online, can meet up with a community of homeschoolers to have that “socialization” so many parents are afraid is missing if kids don’t go to school.Middle school age is definitely the very worst age for a kid who tends to be bullied, to be in school. Parents sometimes ask me, “I want to homeschool my kid for a year or two, but I’m not going to do it for their entire education. What is the best time to homeschool them?”And I always say if they’re only going to homeschool for one or two years, do it in middle school.Some kids are just bully magnets (I was). By Junior and Senior year in high school, I wasn’t being bullied. But in middle school I felt never safe. And in high school, it got better, but not as fast as I would have liked.If you can look up the laws in your location, and the online school options, and put together a kind of “sales packet” for your parents, a sales presentation to sell them on the idea of letting you learn from home.Include in the pitch, contact resources for the local homeschoolers’ groups, what coursework you would do, how, how much will it cost them, and what you will do if you have lessons you need help with. Parents like having teachers their kids can ask questions to. If you are doing classes online, there may not be teachers to ask, and they might be worried you will want their help. They may not remember all the history they learned in school, anymore, or may not have progressed far in math, etc.In other words, make it easy for them, and have a plan for how to get help if you need help they cannot provide.Look up “homeschooling” and your location (city/county/state/country, whatever makes sense for where you live) and you will find local resources.

How to convince my parents to let me do online school/ home school?

That person who answered is completely wrong. Your parents will not be homeschooling you and they won't be getting all your supplies. I have been in homeschool and let me tell you I freaking love it. You can try convincing your dad by telling him how this benefits you. And towards the "social" part. Being in homeschooling makes you way more mature and unafraid of fitting in. I used to be very shy and being in homeschooling helped me on that. Plus why does he want you to be social if there's just fake people and its just the pressure of fitting in. Plus there's a solution to that. You can try looking in to schools where you only have to go once or twice a week with different students. Then they give you packets to work on in at home.This can also help you graduate quicker depending on your speed. I recommend home school. You can use your phone whenever. You can do your work at your pace, you can use the bathroom and eat whenever. You can sleep in. Well hope you convince your dad.

How do I convince my parents to let me do homeschooling (online school) ?

I really want to do online schooling because I can’t deal with the stress of school anymore. I suffer from awful anxiety and just walking into school makes my stomach fall apart. I’m always nervous around people and I don’t have many friends. I get so much work from school that I literally stay up till 1-2 am just to get it finished. I do have good grades despite all the stress but I don’t even think it’s worth it. The work I’m getting isn’t even necessarily difficult, it’s just a lot at once. I also have some teachers that suck at teaching and are a complete waste of time to even listen to. Still my parents are unsure of whether or not they should let me do homeschool because they think I’ll be less social and I’ll miss out on highschool opportunities (like prom; even though I’m not even interested in it).

How to convince parents to let me do online school/home school?

So, my parents absolutely HATE the idea of online school or home school, for reasons they wont tell me. I suffer everyday when I go to school, and they don't see that. I don't know how to tell them that, it's scary. I don't do well in that type of public environment. I just want to know if there is a way to convince them.

Thanks for the help.

Convince my parents to let me do online school?

I have wanted to do online school for a long time but I just mentioned it to my mom in February. She flat-out said no, but I wrote out a list of reasons and she started to consider it. I asked the next day and she said no again. A few weeks ago I decided I would just give up, but then my anxiety got worse and some guy in my class made fun of me horribly and got the whole class laughing. I mentioned it again to my mom, and she actually sounded interested in it, but then I asked her if she would think about it and she said no. What do you think I should do? I really severely hate public school and I would do anything to do online school over public school. I need to convince my mom that online school is the best option for me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated thx xx

How can I convince my parents to let me do online school?

I have friends at school that are just flat out rude. I really don't wanna deal with it anymore, and yes I have tried to make new friends.
I've asked my parents multiple times if I can be homeschool, but they refuse.
The first time I asked, my mom got angry with me because she said that she never wanted to homeschool.
My parents are usually at home, so I don't understand why I can't just stay in my room. I have a laptop, and I'm helpful with chores and things.
Is there anything I can do to make them change their minds?

How do I convince my parents to let me online school?

First of all, don't be anxious. I know that your school literally hurts you. But you will not be faced with ANYTHING that you cannot bear.

1. Explain to them the advatages of online school. Make sure they know what it really is and what it offers.

2. Make sure they know the seriousness of the pain you are going through. Tell them exactly what the other students say to you. Don't just say that you're bullied by the other students. Tell your parents exactly what they've said and done to you.

3. You are not "running away from your problems" you are FACING and DEALING with your problems by finding solutions such as online school. Make sure they understand that.

If you feel burdened or alone you can always talk to me. Don't give up and don't forget your purpose!

How do you convince your parents to let you be homeschooled in high school?

By telling them that if they don’t, you will be a truant, and out-school yourself.(And meaning it!!!!!)Cheers.P.S.: Really, one can never convince anyone of anything … unless they want to be convinced in the first place. So I would advise everyone to never give a s**t about what others - including one’s parents - think or say, but just do what makes you happy.(And in line with that philosophy, I do not write answers on Quora to convince anyone of anything either; I just do it for my own enjoyment.)+++++

How can i convince my parents to let me homeschool?

My dad says yes but my mom says no. she thinks that i shouldn't be homeschooled because i have anxiety and she wants me to get used to being around people but going to private school just makes it worse and i tried telling them everything good about homeschooling but right as i did she went NO! and school is torture to me because i cant go through the day without getting an anxiety attack or something like that. there are too many people who distract me and that makes it even more worse are there any ways i can get her to get me homeschooled

How can I convince my parents to homeschool me?

You WILL BE very isolated unless your parents are willing and have the resources to facilitate your socialization. You would need their support to become involved in homeschool co-ops and other extra-curricular activities such as team sports, community volunteer opportunities, special-interest clubs, etc.It is also good for you to gain some “social” experience with project- based group learning, but that can be accomplished by joining a 4-H club.Your parents would need to be supportive of inviting friends over for fun, which is how a lot of socialization takes place.Your parents may both be very busy with their careers and not have time to help with arrangements and transportation to activities. Some activities have an associated expense which may not be affordable for your family. It is inconvenient for parents to homeschool you and they might not have the energy.Basically, you can’t be well-homeschooled without full-out support from your parents.If you are a dedicated student of age 13 or older, you likely can self-direct most of your curriculum-based learning because of excellent book and online resources that are available to homeschoolers. But you will be hard-pressed to overcome your parents’ opposition to socialization complaints.This is the approach I used when well-meaning relatives questioned me about socialization deficits in my homeschool… I told them that homeschool socialization opportunities are superior to school-based socialization. Homeschool socialization is multi-age, multi-ethnicity, gender inclusive, and incorporates high moral standards. Homeschool socialization avoids bullying and the peer pressure to use drugs and have sex. Public high-schoolers have clinical depression at alarming rates. Try to convince them that it is worth it for them to invest in a better socialization experience for you.