How Can I Find A Prisoner In A Tennessee State Prison

Can prisoners vote in the united states?

N0, while incarcerated or while serving any part of their sentence such as parole or Probation a convicted Felon may not vote. However, in many states, once you have completed your sentence and are once again a tax paying citizen you can vote. This varies from state to state. Florida I don't believe you can, but in South Carolina I know you get your rights to vote reinstated, but not your right to own a handgun, that you lose for ever.

How many death row inmates are in Tennessee?

As of July 1, 2017, there are 62. See Death-Row Prisoners by State and Size of Death Row by Year

What are the differences (if any) between state and federal prison?

A federal prison and a local jail are built nearly the same, but the difference lies in what they are used for. A local county jail is used to detain/incarcerate offenders for one year or less; the state prison is very similar to federal prisons that both incarcerate/rehabilitate and execute offenders. States generally have industries where offenders work and make furniture, license plates and etc for the state. Federal prisons have fewer jobs but they also have the Supermax prisons that are like "animal cages" where offenders stay 23 hours a day. 1 hour a day they get to exercise, shower and etc.
What did your boss do?

What does a pending investigation mean while in prison and being placed in the hole in a Tennessee state prison?

They have so much time to gather evidence to gather enough evidence to give you a conduct report. Each state is different. Sometimes you may sit in the hole for days up to weeks before you get charged with your rule infraction. They can extend the period once or twice also. A lot of times this is were they gather up all the informants info on you to officially charge you with a rule infraction in kangaroo court. Sometimes but seldomly they do let you go if they find you innocent. Sometimes there just lazy dickheads and they make you sit there knowing they have nothing on you or give you your ticket on the last day just to mess with you. Then you go on your conduct report and receive your hole time or sometimes if lucky but rare you can get released from segregation if you sat long enough and are decent enough to give you time served. Btw I once was housed at the private prison many years ago in whitevelle Tennessee and was in the hole there under investigation and then let go on the last day due to lack of evidence.

Which U.S. states have the most and least humane prisons?

Probably California has least humane and the inmate's are the cause of it because they don't care how they live. For the most humane I'm from Tennessee and the prisons in East Tennessee would be a top competitor for it my cellie (cellmate) wear street clothes worked at a store in the Nashville mall making minimum wage and another friend worked at saw mill in a max security prison he had to pay $75.00 wk for his ankle bracelet. If you behave it's a place to do time if you have too.

Mixed sex/gender prisons??????????????????????

They can catch glimpses of each other through fences usually, but that's all.
- Shelby County Division of Corrections in Memphis TN. Known as "the penal farm" by locals because it used to be one.

Not currently, but before men and women were together and could interact at the Illinois Department of Corrections' Logan facility.

These days there are different prisons and jails that house both men and women, but like at the penal farm, it's just glimpses, really.

Difference between federal and state prisons?

I will try to explain this simply. A federal prison is for individuals who violated a UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) or USC (United Code) criminal act, who appeared in a Federal Court and was sentenced to service of a sentence. Each State has a Prison System. I now reside in Nevada, but once worked closely with the Tennessee Prison System. To be sentenced to a State Prison you must be convicted of a Felony in the state and sentenced by a court of Jurisdiction for felonies, i.e., a Circuit Judge or a Supreme Court Judge.
I suspect if your question is specific, you may be wanting to know how a drug dealer goes from a state arrest to Federal. This is by way of a transfer of jursidiction. Federal Laws are much more punitive in Drug trafficing than most state laws. A local State Judicial Task Force Case may be presented to a Federal Prosecutor who may take it up. What may surprise you is that the accused dealer may be prosecuted in both State and Federal Court, and receive sentences in both, for the same trafficing incident and not be in violation of double jeopardy. Sorry the answer is so long, but it was hard to tell exactly what you were asking.