How Can I Get Closer To My Colleagues

My colleague show me penis but not gay?

We are frequently together at work, and whenever I go toilet, he almost certainly follows me and he makes his penis very visible. I am gay and he is my type but I ignored it for few months because I thought it is very inappropriate to look colleague's penis at office toilet.

But this continued few months and I slowly started to suspect his intention of following me and I started to use urinal right next to him and also give glance on his penis but he didnt stop following me.

So I decided to give more direct hint to him, and I started to turn my head and stare at his penis during whole pee but he still didnt stop following me so one evening we went toilet as usual and I not only stared at his penis but keep commenting on its color, skin, and the shape of d*cksize and he was obviously turning shy but I keep commenting until he finished. That night I sent him SMS and wrote him I like "what is happening at toilet" and he immediately wrote me back he is not gay and has girl friend.

There was tension between us for about a week but again back to normal and he still follow me to toilet.

I wonder what is intention of him to follow me to toilet . I mean at he could simply go toilet at different timing knowing that I stare at his penis with sexual intention. He also admitted himself that "what is happening at toilet" is something gay.

Can a female colleague tell a male about colleague about his zip of pant open until they are close friends?

my boyfriend told me that zip of his pant was open & his female colleague (monica) told him to close the zip.i didnt like that a girl can tell a male colleague until they are close friends . but he blamed my thinking. he told monica is right & my thinking is wrong. I tried him to stop to talk to that girl but he is behaving rudely.
I beleived that I was not asking any impossible thing because if we were going to marry we have to leave our family at least for sometime due to our family oppose so why he is unable to leave talking to a girl.he said he will not stop . I realised that i am not important to satyam . my feelings , love & care towards him is useless.

Next day he told that monica asked some help in studies & he has helped her in the office & taught her .other day he told me that monica liked my whistle to a song . I told him that i am hurted by his talks & requested him to stop talking to monica.he blamed me& told he will not stop.even for the sake of my happiness