How Can I Get To Raise Up The Child Support

Is it cheaper to pay child support, or raise a child?

I've read that it costs $250,000 to raise a kid to the age of 18. Half of that is $125,000. If we divide that by 12 months times 18 years, child support should be $580 a month over the course of 18 years if one parent is to pay for half of the cost of a child…

This does not include luxuries or college, though. Though, those aren't necessities.

Child support texas?

My babys dad has a 20 hr a week job in texas and paying child support for my daughter. He got a raise 2 yrs ago but the child support payment didnt go up. He also works in his dads bakery but doesnt report it. His dad pays him cash. Is there anything i can do to get more than just $140 a month. plus he never visits my daughter when he is suppose to.

Should a mother be forced to pay child support?

Consider this scenario: A man and a woman have sex. The woman gets pregnant and wants to get an abortion or at least put the baby up for adoption. The man, however, wants to raise the child. Should the man be able to force the woman to have the baby? Furthermore, let's suppose that in this relationship the woman was the bread winner, the person who earned by and far the most income. Let us also suppose that the woman has stated that she does not want to have a child nor does she want any involvement in the child's life. Should the man be able to force her to pay child support if he is able to make her carry the pregnancy to term?

The reason I ask this is because I'm curious as to what people's opinions on child support are when the stereotypical gender roles are reversed in a common scenario.

Child Support during Deployment?

I currently have a child support order for my childs mother in the state of Illinois.

My wife and I are trying to figure out our deployment budget before I leave.

The woman I pay child support too has already announced that when I deploy to Iraq she is going to submit for an increase in child support so she can get part of the hazard duty pay, etc.

Has anyone who has been deployed that had child support go through a similiar situation?

I was just wondering if the courts will increase it for that year to include all the extra pays. If they DO increase it, is it just a temporary order seeing as all the extra pays only apply while you are deployed?

I have heard from some that they do not do an increase because its temporary and tax-free, and I have also heard that they consider everything as income and increase it for the time you are there. I have heard both of these from people who are guessing and don't even pay child support.

I would like to hear from someone who was actually in this situation if possible.

Child support payment for 2 children.?

My mom got 134 for 3 kids. I'm 23, so that shows you how long ago that was. I can't exactly remember how much she got just for my younger brother but it was only like 30 or 40 dollars. And I could be wrong on this, but I thought child support went by the amount the person made. I mean yes there is a min. amount. If you have no job you get this amount. Then it increases if you make more. My dad quit his decent job for a min. wage just to cut his down, but the judge knew why he did it and refused to lower it. My nieces dad pays 125 for just her, I think he had a decent job when the papers were signed, but he was told that when her mom started making more than him(she was in school) he could bring her back to court and get it lowered. He just hasn't bothered with it and continues to pay his set amount, then when he doesn't have it she just tells the court he gave her cash(so it evens out in the end). So I would call a lawyer before you go through hiring one and getting all the court dates together to make sure it WILL go up. You don't want to waste money for nothing.

If i were to win the lottery, would my child support increase legally?

I have 2 children and am in the military. I pay 750/mnth and thats based on deployment pay with no taxes taken out (which i think is bs cuz im about to come back home soon, and its probably not worth going back to court to adjust the payments). If i were to win a large sum, and claim it myself, would i legally have to bump up my child support?