How Can I Stop My Nose From Burning So Bad

Why is the inside of my nose burning so bad?

Your nose is most likely dry and damaged. If you are taking anything like benadryl or allergy medication or cold medication, it has caused your nose tissue to dry out. You need to get a Saline Nasal Spray from a chemist/pharmacy.

Wallgreen's brand Saline Nasal Spray is something like $2.00.

I've been sick for like a week and my nose/throat hurt like hell because it is a sinus infection and the medication dries me out and the post nasal drip causes my throat to get sore at night.

You need to make sure you are hydrated. That means more than drinking a lot of water, it means making sure you have the vital salts etc. that your body needs so you should get a few bottles of gatoraid or pediasure (in the baby section of the store) on top of drinking lots of water. If nothing else, add a pinch of tablesalt to your glass of water to add a bit of sodium chloride and iodine to your system.

Good luck... I feel your pain...

How do I make my nose stop burning?

It could be burning when you inhale from your nose being dry and irritated. Try some saline drops to moisten it. If you don't have any, then hold a wet washcloth under your nose and suck up. The moisture will help alot. Good luck!

Nose burns from wiping how to stop it?

dab a bit of lotion to the chafed area around your nose and mouth. Mine was horrible a few weeks ago, and the dry skin looked lovely too lol. I stopped using tissue to blow or wipe my nose when I'm at home since that was actually what got me so chafed, I instead had a few old wash cloths and used them for blowing my nose. I would just toss them in the wash when they were too soaked to use anymore and the redness/raw skin healed up quick. Hope you feel better soon.

Why is my nose burning when I blow my nose?

I'm just getting over an Upper Respiratory Infection. The other day when I went to see my doctor regarding my Upper Respiratory Infection he told me to try some Afrin Nasal Spray. I tried it and it made my nose burn REALLY bad. That night I ended up in the ER cause I was so congested I couldn't breathe. When the ER doctor was checking my ears, nose, and throat I told him that my nose started burning after I sprayed Afrin in my nose. He told me that if I have any open skin in my nose then thats why my nose was burning. (I only used the Afrin once cause I didn't like the way it felt when I sprayed it).

But then my nose didin't burn anymore after that until yesterday when I would blow my nose. My nose has been burning this morning too. Its kind of annoying. The burning started out only in the right nostril and now its the left one too (but the right nostril burns worse than the left). Plus I noticed a little bit of blood when I blew my nose. I used to get nose bleeds when I was younger whenever my nose would be dry but I haven't had a nosebleed in a long time.

So my question is what is causing my nose to burn when I blow it? Is there anything I can do to stop it from burning? Could the burning be caused by my Upper Respiratory Infection? Should I be concerned?

I usually use Ayr Nasal Spray to keep my nose from getting dry but I haven't been using it since my Upper Respiratory Infection started. I was going to start using it again this morning but after noticing some burning I decided not to.

Why is my nose burning when I inhale?

The burning is most likely a sign of irritation. When you have a cold (or even excessive allergies, but mostly with a cold) the membranes in your nose get irritated from too much mucus production, the viral infection itself, and even more nose blowing than usual. Air, especially air that is cool or dry, will cause the burning you report.

Note that indoor air is especially dry in winter, which does not help.

What you can do:

1. Wait it out. It will get better when the cold gets better.
2. You can try smearing Vaseline inside your nostrils.
3. Use a humidifier as much as possbile.
4. Avoid Afrin and other spray nasal decongestants - they are very irritating
5. You can try a saline spray (OCean Mist, other brands) from the drugstore. They may help a little.

How do I stop my nose from getting dry and burning when my air condition is on?

Another method to consider rather than using a humidifier is lining the inside of your nostrils with Vaseline (or any other petroleum jelly made for human use). Lining your nostrils in this manner will stop them drying out from the decreased humidity associated with air conditioner usage.Use a finger to apply then wash your hands with soap and warm water… or if you are squeamish you can carefully apply with a cotton bud (q-tip).Another option is to obtain a saline spray from your local pharmacy and apply it at regular intervals. These are readily available over the counter preparations. I prefer the Vaseline method because it only needs to be applied infrequently. The saline spray needs to be administered with more frequency as it dries out relatively quickly.

Why does your nose burn after burping?

If you are burping up through your nose after drinking soda’s like cola it could be the carbonating gas escaping through your nose. If it’s not from fizzy drinks, it could be stomach acids/bile going up through the back of your nose and burning the sensitive membranes. If that is the case you may have a hiatus hernia and it needs checking by a Dr. When you next burp try not to hold it in so it is forced through your nose, instead let it out gently through your mouth.

Burning sensation inside my nose?

You may have a sinus infection, the burning sensation is caused from the membranes in your sinus cavity being irritated. The natural mucous in your sinus cavity is infected and is excreting a nasty substance that is probably crusting and also draining into your throat and causing a bad taste, this can also cause a fowl smell. I suggest you wash out your sinuses with tepid water and a little salt using a Netty pot (looks like a tea pot) you tilt your head to the side over the sink and insert the spout into the opening of your nostril lean way over so the the mixture can run out the other nostril, then do the other side. May sting a bit at first because your sinuses are irritated but it is a great cleanser, and disinfectant. If you cannot find something to do this with, the pharmacies now have the same thing in spray form with the saline already premixed. Same results, if the burning sensation is really bothering you, try putting some polysporin ointment or a similar ointment up in the nose and rub it up on the inside particularly on the cartilage area. Of course your only going to do it with your little finger gently as you do not want to cause additional problems. Even allergies can act like this and there is such a similarly between sinus infection and environmental allergies but the same treatment will work for you. Would also help if you gargled your throat with salt and water.