How Can Love Instability Lead To Psychological Instability

Is it a sign of mental instability to check Answers even on work breaks?

don't know about mental health, but it least it is not ruining your body like cigarettes and caffeine do!

Give me 2 causes of Social Instability?

1.) Wealth disparity
2.) Propagandized media

These aren't direct, but rather powerful and insidious causes.

Others are:

1.) Economic uncertainty

2.) Racial inequity (affirmative action is a good idea in theory, but in practice only justifies the in-equality its trying to combat - how do we get there without it, but then again, how can we truly get there WITH it?)

3.) Gender inequity (this isn't meant to mean that I think more feminazism is needed for equality but that I think there is too much of that already whether its politically seemly or not to think so.)

I think you covered the main causes with very general topics. I can only answer with specific sub-categories I feel are particularly relevant today.

For instance, I consider drug/alcohol problems to be part or the greater social/crime problems you list which further relate to the moral/psychological problems you list.

They all relate to each other so I can't really name a new category - your own categories are already inter-related.

What causes emotional instability?

At one time getting hurt, so you are now insecure of how you are! We have all been hurt before, some of us more deeper and painful than others. We never forget, it stays with us, it is just how we react to it and let it shut us down. A lot of it stems from our childhood. That is what gives us our foundation. We do not have to be a product of our past, our past is in the past, we now have a whole new future, new friends, new attitude, you can rebuild anything if you let your mind believe that, you can do anything!

How could I deal with my emotional instability?

Have you ever noticed a boat in the water off shore anchored to the bottom on a large rope. It bobs and tosses all about shifting here and there in many directions.The instability comes from not knowing your center, your anchor point. The tossing about of the emotions is normal and brings fun and joy into our lives. I must admit having that center point brings an ease in dealing with the tossing currents. I'm cyclothermic, that's rapid dynamic emotions, just like the boat in rough waters. The center point is that quiet spot inside I found with my meditation practice. The practice of meditation does smooth some of the bouncing reactions but not all, it still very dynamic. Meditation reveals our true nature a quiet point inside, something to hold onto during rough times. Incidentally holding this quiet point during smooth times gives not only practice but much peace. A practice of meditation will in time reveal this quiet point and with more practice it becomes your anchor. And with more practice you become the anchor.

You can’t make tragedies without social instability Why not?

The purpose of a tragedy is to critique a society, to show it how its ways are harmful.
So, tragedies com after social instability, not social instability after the tragedy (In order of purpose).

Is being "limerent" a sign of emotional instability?

instead of having "normal crushes", when i LIKE someone, i start being limerent
here is a definition: Limerence is a term coined c. 1977 by the psychologist Dorothy Tennov to describe an involuntary state of mind which seems to result from a romantic attraction to another person combined with an overwhelming, obsessive need to have one's feelings reciprocated. The concept grew out of Tennov's mid-1960s work, when she interviewed over 500 people on the topic of love, and was first published in her 1979 book Love and Limerence: The Experience of Being in Love.

Attachment theory emphasises that "many of the most intense emotions arise during the formation, the maintenance, the disruption, and the renewal of attachment relationships".[1] It has been suggested that "the state of limerence is the conscious experience of sexual incentive motivation" during attachment formation: "a kind of subjective experience of sexual incentive motivation"[2] during the "intensive...pair-forming stage"[3] of human affectional bonding.

i really dont like this. i have recently realized that this is what is happening to me and i want to stop it. i have a huge fear of rejection, due to being abandoned by my father, with the opposite sex. because of this, when i like someone, i REALLY like someone. how can i stop this and have normal, regular crushes or none at all (id prefer) id really like to be able to pick who i want to date or not without these awful intrusive, nearly obssessive feelings getting in the way. i feel crazy when i like someone.

Is intensity of love a tradeoff for emotional stability in a relationship?

Yes for some....but no for others like me.  Although some with emotional instability would beg to differ, my intensity of love for someone has nothing to do with my emotional stability or instability in my relationships. more stable emotions do not diminish the intensity of love I have for someone within a relationship.  The man of my affections can be assured my emotions and love for him are honest and not hyped.  I have nothing to prove with the over the top display  of some people's version of "love".  In my heart and soul...with every fiber of my being, I can love just as intensely as someone with all the theatrics.I remember being ridiculed by a couple ...the woman actually, who believed that because she was high strung, crazy in love, fighting for her man that their love, her love was better than any love I could have provided him.  They still fight, he still looks at other women, their lives play out over social media, he leaves, comes back, leaves...repeats.  Her sentiment was true.....for him.  He needs to be loved like she loves him and I need a man who needs to be loved like I will love him.  Everyone is different.  Her man and I would never have made a good couple.  Too many differences, namely, the way I would have loved him.  They say there is someone for everyone and him and the way he needed to be loved was for her.

What questions do psychologists and/or psychiatrists use to determine mental instability and/or insanity?

There's no specific test for psychosis – it's a matter of the health professional recognising the behavioural and thought disorder patterns to make the diagnosis. Usually, doctors will do a physical examination, blood tests and other investigations to make sure the symptoms aren't due to another condition.

One of the difficulties with psychosis in its early stages is that it can easily be mistaken for something else, like drug and alcohol use or even just bad behaviour. These misunderstandings can lead to alienation from family and friends, and perhaps even difficulties with the police.

How do I deal with being emotionally unstable?

You don’t “handle” a partner, even if unstable. You try to understand the person to help you appreciate their struggle. And if there is zero for you, meaning the other is so unstable that with all your love and understanding, you’re in the dessert and becoming a sacrifice, you may consider extricating yourself.But “handling, ? ” nahhhh, that’s what we do with situations, but not people. People ain’t situations, and when they become that, best to evaluate where you are and where you want to be. If the chasm is too far, like trying to reach for a star, you may considering extricating yourself. And if you deeply love the person, but you’ve become a sacrifice, think about extricating yourself.han·dleˈhandl/verb1.feel or manipulate with the hands."heavy paving slabs can be difficult to handle"synonyms:hold, pick up, grasp, grip, lift; More2.manage (a situation or problem)."a lawyer's ability to handle a case properly"Language is like a rain of tiny pieces of a mirror reflecting our expressions.Bruce Kugler