How Can My Mom Buy Me A Violent Game

How do you convince your parents to buy a game?

It goes like this....

You: Mom, Can you please buy me a game for my PS3 that is worth $60? I have been very kind to you since I was in preschool and gentle with you since preschool and today. Mom, I will be very polite to my sayings and I will follow your commands and to show love and affection to you I will do your chores.

Mom: Oh son! How sweet, you could buy as many as you like sweetheart.

Caution: Your mom may be fooled use at your own risk hehe

My mom won't let me play any violent video games?

I'm 15 1/2 and my mom won't let me play any violent video games (COD, Halo: Reach, Battle field 3) and I think it's just because I'm a girl. she has very little understanding of violent video games and how I view them. I think they're fun, but of course I do not think in any way of doing any of that stuff in real life! My mom has no reason to distrust me, I've never done anything bad, I've never even gotten in trouble at school and I get pretty good grades. I really want an xbox or playstation because it's what I do for fun at my friends house (my mom knows I play violent video games over at their house). What can I say to convince her? Oh, and money isn't an issue. If she allowed me, I would buy the xbox and the games I wanted with my own money.

Is Bioshock 1 violent?

I have enough money to buy the game but, the thing is my mom is concerned of me playing violent games. I don't really care about violence or gory moments in video-games and they don't affect me at all. However my mom is concerned that I will become a mass murderer and she prevents me from playing violent games. I really want to play the game but I don't want her next to me yelling at me for playing violent video games. So my question is: Is Bioshock Gory? And is there a way to control the violence in the game?
Sorry for the bad English.

My parents won't let me play violent videos games?

I'm 14 years old. I get straight A's. I am well behaved. But my parents won't let me play any violent video games. When it releases, i want to play watch dogs. I showed some gameplay to my mom and she said she doesn't want me playing it because it has a lot of violence in it. She says that these games are too close to real life and murdering and stealing is actually happening in the world and she doesn't want to support it by buying a games like that. I COMPLETELY agree with her. But as long as I can tell the difference between the real world and a game, it should be fine. How can I convince both my mom and dad that games like this are fine.

Also: I will be paying for these games with my own money

Do you think Video Game violence leads to children to be come violent adults?

Hello, this has been an issue with me, more like a topic, thats been with me for years now. Does Video Game violence effect a childs or teens mind to make them violent or criminals in the future? My belief is no but slightly changing to a maybe. Theres 3 factors i believe that could lead to a child/teen possibly turning violent. First, the parents, games have a rating for a reason and that is to help you make sure the game is fit for your child. Some parents allow their children to get higher rated games, which I find is ok...within reason. I've seen parents allow children lower then the age of TEN to rent rated M games such as GTA4, saints row 2, and Gears of war 1 and 2. There are ratings for a reason, to tell you whats in the game to be sure that it is appropriate for your child. Little billy age 8 chainsawing an enemy from behind in GOW2 (Gears of War 2) waching blood on guts fly out...NOT appropriate. On the other side for kids who are under the age for the game but have a acception which leads to my next factor. Kids who may take the game to seriously. I've only heard of this a few time to where a child/teen turns violent or has HUGE charcteristic changes from a video game. It's the child/teen's and parent's job to inform and secure the fact that ITS ONLY A GAME AND NOTHING LIKE THAT CAN EVER HAPPEN. An example, tell billy that in Saints Row 2 compare to real life, no one (or him) will never run in public with a chainsaw cutting hundreds of people up while being invincable. My third and final factor which seems extreamly important, the rating system and how they rate games. There HAVE been issues as to where they rated a game SO bad they made a game T when it should have ben Mature-Adult. Its up for the ESRB to make sure they rate their games TO THE EXTREME, making sure that nothing too mature gets into little kid games.

Whats your opinion? Do video games REALLY do make kids violent (compared to my 3 factor) or Do video games make kids violent CAUSE of one or all of the factors?

Is it the childs/parents fault? Is it the ESRB's fault? Is it the parents fault?