How Do I Remove Matting In My Cat

Removing matted fur off of my cats tail?

My cat has matted fur on her tail and lower rear hind quarters. She's had it for a while and it appears to be coming more pronounced. She doesn't like when I try to remove it, I've tried gentle brushing and I've also tried separating the mats. Whenever I try to remove the mats she tries to scratch and bite me, she'll give me about 10 minutes then she's had enough! I have currently been trying to give her baths, but, she hates that even more! Any advice on removing matted fur off a cat?

Can I shave my cat to get rid of her matting fur?

I agree with you, that if your cat’s fur has become extensively matted, and the mats are in several places around her body, then the best and kindest solution is to have your cat shaved.But I recommend having your cat’s veterinarian do this instead of trying to do it yourself.Your cat’s veterinarian can safely give your cat a little touch of “happy gas” to calm and relax her, or even put her in a light “twilight sleep” so that being shaved will not be so upsetting, traumatic or painful for her.Your cat may wind up looking like a tiny lion if her body fur and most of her leg and tail fur are shaved close, and only her ruff around her head is left. She may feel uncomfortably chilly without her fur, so I suggest a small blanket, like a baby-blanket to put over her when she curls up to sleep, so she feels warm and comfortable and less “naked”.

What is the best way to remove matted fur from my cat?

I got her from a lady and she has really big, painful mats on her tummy. I tried to trim them, but it is very painful for her. Any suggestions would help. She is a long haired cat "mutt" (a cross between Garfield and a Himalayan).

How do i remove concrete from my cats fur?

Dear pumpkin,

You should really call a vet and ask for their guidance. I'm sure the best way is to have the vet shave the fur off where the concrete is. I'm sure she won't do that again. Also check with the vet regarding if she ingested any of it as I'm sure she probably tried to wash it off. I hope this is of help to you and good luck to your cat. Happy Holidays.

How do I restrain a cat to trim matted hair?

Given what you've described, I agree Karmen and Deb's advice. Petco has a very rigorous cat grooming certification process. Apprentices must train on dogs for two years before going anywhere near cats with grooming equipment.  This is because cats' skin is paper thin beneath the fur.  Long hairs are especially sensitive and the experience can be quite traumatic for them. I recommend regularly brushing your cat.  This will not only prevent mats -- it will put the cat at ease with the grooming process so the bi-annual visits to the pro-groomers are less traumatic.

How do I remove matted hair and knots from my Persian cat at home? What are the best methods and brushes recommended to use on long haired cats?

How long have you had your cat, without taking care of the matts? This is very sad, and these matts are uncomfortable and painful.Try going without brushing or combing your hair for an extended period of time.If you hold and pet your cat daily, you will be aware when those matts start. I have a long haired cat, and I feel for matts every time I hold her, which is several times a day. I can feel when they start, and I call them “baby matts”. I don’t use a brush to get the matts, I use a flea comb, but that’s because it’s just one or two matts.There was a time when she was getting a lot of matts, so I was taking them out daily. I don’t recall what was causing them; she’s an indoor cat and it was when I lived somewhere else.When she got a large matt, I would carefully split them into with a box cutter or use small sharp scizzors to snip them out, being very careful not to touch the skin.In addition to the flea comb, I use a product called the “Shed Monster”, which I use lightly along the surface of her fur. Sargeant’s also makes a tool that has large wide teeth on one side, and it flips over to a smaller set of teeth that look like a flea comb, but with fur and matt cutting capability.Please become a more responsible cat guardian. A long haired cat means more time and patience. Are you up for it? Seriously!I’ve seen pictures of cats brought in to shelters, that had several pounds of matts removed, and they looked like a different cat.This is my long haired cat, and she’s not a Persian, but I treat her as I would my child, by caring for her in ways that she can’t herself.Mitzy The Beautiful!

My cats fur keeps matting together! Help!!?

My cats fur always gets gross and matted in the summer time. Im always brushing her/petting her but the fur still matts! Its so gross and I feel so bad for her. It gets so bad that I have to cut her fur with scissors.

Whats causing this? I have two other cats that have GORGEOUS soft fur. And hers is just... gross? Dull, not soft and she also get dandruff.

I know it probly sounds like I dont care for her, but I do! Good diets, indoor cats, play often, and I give them baths about 3 times a year. I always clean the ears and clip the nails. They are spoiled!

So why does she have gross, dull, matted fur and dry skin, when my other two cats have beautiful fur???

All cats are 5-7 years old.

Hair Removal Cream on Cats?

Don't put any chemicals such as Nair on a cat, especially a sick cat.

Matted fur usually has to be removed in stages, rather than going to the bottom of the mat, near the skin, and trying to take the whole thing. Be very careful with any kind of scissors to remove them...a cat always seems to move suddenly and gets cut.

What we have success with where I work is one of those letter -openers that are a disk or rectangle of plastic with a slit where the razor is. There is a point to open the edge of the envelope flap, then you slide it along and the razor cuts the envelope open. (I wish I had a photo to show you.) We've had good luck using the plastic point to separate and grasp a hunk of matted hair, then using the razor to cut it free. The sharp razor edge never comes near the cat's skin but it cuts the mat easily. are some lettter-openers similar to the ones we use.