How Do I Slim My Thighs Down Quickly For Summer

How to slim down my thighs & stop chafing?

•Cardio exercise alone is not the best way to lose thigh fat. Yoga, which includes postures that can slim and strengthen your thighs.
• You also need to change what you eat. If you inherited the trend toward fat thighs, you will have problems if you eat a diet heavy in saturated fats, sugars, and sodium. You will keep liquid and fat.
•Stretch your muscles thoroughly before and after exercising.
•Your strength-building, thigh targeting workout could include leg presses, leg curls, and lunges. For extra strengthening.
•The best way to lose thigh fat includes drinking sufficient water throughout the day to keep your metabolism running full blast. You could alternate two cups of herbal tea for two of your cups of water a day.

Thighs squish out whenever i sit down?

No matter how skinny you are, you'll always have that "squish". (Unless you were anorexic, which causes serious health risks, and you don't want to be that...). I am 5'5 and 93lbs. My thighs always look squished and fat when I sit down --even though I am already really thin. Everyone's body is like that, and you shouldn't even be concerned about it.

I have big thighs...?

Can someone please help me? I saw myself in a bikini today and I did not like what I saw in the mirror. My thighs have gotten so big since winter started and I always gain weight but this might be the worst one yet....what excercise is the best to slim then down and get rid of my cellulite? I need my summer body by June. I know not a whole lot of time, but it's all I have.
Thank you guys.

How can a thirteen year old loose thigh fat before summer starts?

hmmmm... burning calories.. burning fat... slim down... good body...

... focusing on thighs.. uhmm..

Running is obvious. Running will shape up your legs and burn those little pinchable areas you aren't happy with. Not sprinting.. but long distance, well paced runs with the intention of burning, not building.

And ab exercises, I won't say one specific because there are many variations of crunches, flutter kicks, leg raises, and v-ups that you can work with to burn and tone your tummy area.

Avoid carbonated sodas (this isn't a diet, its just smart consumption) avoid sugar loaded drinks, stay hydrated, and avoid the 'really junkie' - junk foods. You're young, your matabolizm is kicking and you can use that to your advantage.

Best of luck, and better results to you :)

How can I get thinner thighs fast?

1. Leg Exercises- If you're on a mission to get thinner thighs it can take a little time, so settle down and do it the right way. After all, it may have taken years for those thighs to get that way, so it takes time to get rid of them.As you know spot reduction is a myth! You can't do it, so don't try, it's not a waste of time, but just exercising your legs won't make thighs thinner. You have to lose overall body fat then the thigh fat will start to come off.2. Flabby thighs- You can safely lose two pounds a week just by eating 1200 to 1500 a day, no less than 1200. It's not as hard as it sounds, usually if you reduce portions and not eat seconds as well as drink water with meals it will work like magic.That is, considering that you are doing at least moderate exercise. After all, what a pity to lose fat thighs just to have them look flabby! This is what happens to those who lose weight without exercise. Did you know that flabby thighs can look as bad as fat ones? It's true I've seen them many times at the beach.3. Billy Blanks- If you're going to get thinner thighs then why not have good muscle tone, so that you can show them off. A combination of cardio and weight training would give you the best results; however, a Billy Blanks video can do a pretty good job too.As long as you exercise 3-5 days a week on a consistent basis and lower calories, as instructed above, your fat thighs will be a thing of the past. No rush, no panic just steadily day by day making healthy choices. Don't fall for scams that promise the moon and end up worse off than when you started.4. Thinner thighs- It's also a good idea to keep a journal and chart progress this way you know exactly what you did and how many calories you ate. Plus when you document everything it keeps you accountable and on track.The really great part is that it's such a simple weight loss plan that anyone can do it. And here's an added bonus! You can go shopping for a new bikini to show off your newly toned thinner thighs.

My upper body is in shape but my thighs are very fatty and big how can I reduce my thighs .I am doing running of 3km daily only?

This is a great question and I'm so glad you asked it!When I was in college, I was on the track team and we used to have rigorous weight training workouts. We lifted a lot of heavy weight on our legs and I had some HUGE thighs-muscle of course. But then one day I saw a photo of myself in a mini skirt and I was shocked to see how big my thighs were! They were completely unfeminine and I didn't know how to change them. My coach always told me you can't "spot" lose weight and he also told me that when you lose weight, you tend to lose it from top to bottom which is why many people have fit arms but fuller legs. Here's what worked for me. That summer, I took a summer school class and I lived a mile from school so I would walk to school in the morning and walk back after class. I would walk super fast in the morning (not at all fast on the way home) and I took really long strides-not because I was trying to get exercise, but because I didn't want to be late! LolThe summer school class lasted five weeks and during the first week of classes, and the last week of classes, our rec center offered free yoga classes which I decided to attended. The first day I saw my awfully huge legs in the mirror. I stood in the back but seeing them in the mirror made me cringe so I never went back to yoga. After the summer school session was over, my girlfriend talked me into going to the same free yoga class because she didn't want to go alone, so we stood in the back and I caught a glimpse of some girl in the mirror with skinny legs and realized it was me. I was amazed!!The moral of the story-walking with long strides for a mile once a day for 5 days/5 weeks really shaped my legs. My inner thighs haven't touched since and I never would have known that walking could do this! I just happened to walk so fast to my class and little did I know, I was slimming down my thighs. It was a great surprise!!Hope this helps!