How Do I Stay Dedicated To My Workout This Month And Keep Up With My Hair

How do I stay motivated to workout everyday?

That’s a good question Chris, as even the most diligent of us sometimes wonder “do I have to do this for the rest of my life”?My trigger was external - being diagnosed with diabetes. Later I had other external benefits / motivations when I had two different cancers and operations. I directly experienced the payoff of being fit.However, even today I still leave home some nights and think “I really don’t want to go tonight” - even knowing those benefits.But I know that both the inner and the outer aspects of my life have been changed by being fit and being consistent and sticking with it.As a matter of fact, I always feel better when I finish. So I think of walking out of the gym, or finishing the run, and feeling better. So I visualise and contrast that certain feeling which I will attain as compared to how I will regret staying home, wasting an hour, and gaining only the guilt from thinking about the fact that I could have gone and not been lazy.I also reaffirm how the benefits are so wide-reaching, especially at my age (70). The will to exercise starts in your brain, then it manifests itself in your body, and then it circles back to reaffirm your sense of being a purposeful capable agile and well-postured human being in your mind. You could say that it adds to your self-image.Biologically, exercise acts as a catalyst in providing the energy and mindset for the other key ingredients of your life: focus, discipline, persistence, domain knowledge and talent. Reflecting on that may kick you back into a consistent exercise routine.On the less “mindset” side, I have also found a few other techniques help:Don’t overload your week with fitness - you can do 3 or 4 sessions and be very fit;Make sure that you are investing your time in a program that is delivering real results - not something that hasn’t produced any change for the last 3 years;Aim to be the fittest person in the room, not the strongest;Have a program which you can feel across your entire frame and body, that will ultimately make you feel the best;Find some specific things that you really enjoy and swap some other things out - provided you still have the balance of strength, intervals, and functional. I swapped out HIIT program for running 5km twice a week, with interval training in the running.In short, find ways to make your fitness routine add as much value to your everyday life as you can (and fit into your everyday life to the greatest extent possible).Hope that helps. Good luck.

How do you get motivated and stay motivated to work out every day? I have been trying for a couple of months now, and I always back down.

I don’t.Motivation is great for revving up my workout engine, but I’ve found that it’s not enough to keep me going in the long-haul.Here’s why: For the most part, without a powerful, painful emotion like anger, fear, shame or rejection working as a primary driver, I’ve found vanilla-flavoured motivation (think “I want flat abs” or “I want to lose some weight”) to be a flaky, fair-weathered friend.It comes and goes as it pleases and is rarely there when I need it the most, which is most days. The busier or suckier my day, the less likely it is to stick around.It’s not that I haven’t tried—I have, and the result was always me using every excuse under the sun to avoid working out. And the truth is that when it comes to exercise, I’m just too damn lazy.What has worked really well for me though, is to focus on developing the habit of exercising rather than fixating on the exercise itself and why I should do it.But in order for this habit to take shape, I’ve found that I need these 3 ‘C’s in place:Community. I find that I’m able to push myself harder when I work out with other like-minded people, so whenever possible, I opt for a group exercise class where I have a trainer as well as the collective energy and support of fellow exercisers to feed off. It also gives me a reason to keep showing up other than plain old “I should exercise because it’s good for me”.Convenience. If I have to drive 20 minutes out of my way to get to my workout, it’s not going to happen. Or I might show up a couple of times, but I’ll eventually lose interest because it requires too much effort to keep up with, in addition to my busy schedule.Commitment. I’ve had many different reasons to commit to working out since I started exercising over 20 years ago. They’ve ranged from completing my first 5K, 10K and then 21K runs and signing up with a personal trainer to simply showing up to work out with my friends, who had their own goals to accomplish.What’s yours?

How does one maintain consistency in working out?

I followed these guidelines and became somewhat big! I was a skinny Guy! Slowly, very slowly, I built my physique with proper use of natural food. I am hungry for more gains. Patience is everything! (Took me nearly five years)Worry less about your current physique. You can lift, run, climb, and play any sport you like to get a decent body. ( Stop worrying and read articles on - Huge Online Supplement Store & Fitness Community! - Huge Online Supplement Store & Fitness Community! and LIVESTRONG.COM - Lose Weight and Get Fit with Diet, Nutrition & Fitness Tools )Over-training is dangerous. A solid one-hour workout will be enough for an ectomorph (those who eat like anything, but they store nothing) to put on weight and an endomorph (those who eat less but they have a rich physique ) to shred extra fat.Research about every workout, every meal you eat, every workout pattern you follow. Argue with your friends and friends interested in fitness. Write down the exercises you do daily. Again, research to find where you are in sculpting your dream physique.Keep going! Discipline is getting up from bedand hitting the gym though you don’t want to. However, take breaks and rests whenever you feel like you need one. As soon as you open your eyes in the morning, listen to any music that cheers you up throughout the day.Out of your comfort zone! Complete 8,000 steps per day (Who says? WHO! says) Walk, run, at least crawl. You can’t have a healthy body just sitting and breaking keys of your keyboard. Take brisk walks whenever you feel weak. Do push-ups whenever you are angry. Do pull-ups whenever you have lost hope in life. Unleash it!Urge to feel motivated. Watch Arnold’s Blueprint and follow the classic style of bodybuilding. Become self-motivated by looking at your growth in the mirror. Working out is an art. Hitting the gym is necessary yet, trekking with friends and outdoor workouts add value to your hidden potential.Time is crucial! Wait for some weeks to see slight changes. Some months to see drastic changes. And years, to see catastrophic changes. Also, never underestimate the value of a day’s workout. Sculpting takes time! But, the sculptor should keep on going to witness ineffable results.Thank you!

I hate working out; my husband wants me to be fit?

I hate working out but my husband wants me to be fit. I don't really hate it, but I really don't have time being a mom to a 16 month old and having a full time job; and keeping house. My husband has time to work out and he does so, I don't have time, I have an hour to myself each night and by then I'm pooped and usually just fall asleep. I told my husband that if he wants me to be fit and work out, he has to help out a lot more so that I can have time to do so.. He's agreed. But now, as much as I'd like to work out (i've always been athletic) now I feel resentment towards my husband and as though I'm only doing it b/c he's asked me to. My feelings are complex at the moment. I want to work out for me, for my health, and b/c I miss working out, but how can I do it w/o hating having to do it. Anybody else been in this situation?

Routine How To - Girls (mostly)?

I'm a 15 year old sophomore and I hope I can help. :)

I'm very mature and would definitely consider myself a young lady. (Not 'woman' because I feel that'd be a college word.)
I'm considerably a lazy procrastinator, ha. But being a girl, that's not always okay!

Some pointers:
-Shower daily, no matter what! If you don't have time to shower in the morning, then shower the night before!
-Brush your teeth like crazy. Brushing daily really does help whiten your teeth. If possible, brush after a meal. Flossing is important too!
-Organization is key to being "collected" and Confidence is the bigger key to "attractiveness". Organization doesn't mean to be OCD, but just to have some order in your life and where you put your things.
-Work out to stay fit. Now THAT's attractive. Also, being flexible is a good thing too. Stretch daily!
-Brush your hair daily, because that helps keep it healthy and prevents it from breaking... That prolly doesn't make sense, but I can't really explain myself.
-Doing your nails or getting them done won't hurt. It won't. And it could help give you a cleaner appearance. Just don't bite your nails.
-Smell good! Do you laundry, change your sheet, put on some lotion, use perfume.
-Take care of your skin. Wear make up if you want, but don't over do it. Daily basics: mascara, eyeliner, chapstick or lipgloss, and preferably blush. And you're set!
-Speak clearly. Don't worry about big words... that's for college. Just speak a little slowing because nothings more annoying than someone who slurrs their words!
-Dress correctly and creatively. Correctly as in dress appropriately for the weather and others. And creatively because clothes can sometimes define who you are! Also, accessorizing helps, a LOT.

Your personality has a lot to do with you yourself. Just be nice and pleasant to others, and don't forget to laugh at yourself!

I think I wrote alot... sorry! But I hope I helped! :)

When can one start exercising after a FUE hair transplant?

One can start light exercise after 2 weeks but strenuous physical activity is to be resumed preferably after 3 to 4 weeks of the procedure.Read more about care after hair transplant here.