How Do You Do An If Then Situation In An Excel Spreadsheet And No Not The If True/false Logic

Nested Logical Function in Excel?

Your format is incorrect..also, check which version you are using to find out if your version accepts the "AND" statement

Start with the proper form if the IF statement... IF(test statement, if true do this, if false do this)

So, taking this one step at a time, you want to test to see if the release date is before 12/31/1989 (cell N4)..if this was your only test, you would just write IF(F2
However, if the expression is false, you have a second test which is where the nested IF comes in...stripped down, your equation becomes
Your AND statement looks like (AND(statements),display true message, display false message)

So, you have AND(H2="YES",J2>=500,N2<400), "highly Valuable,"Not Highly Valuable")

Throw this in the Last IF() and there's your nest. make sure you count your parens

Excel: is there a subset function?

no nested ifs, ands or ors? can you use a helper column of any sort?
you are using rows and not the usual for this test use A to E to get the logic down, then you can always expand the range later.

- A1 to E1 gets your subset
- A2 to E2 gets your larger set (looks like it could also be smaller)
- in A3 copy&paste this (it finds a match or no match is an error...the multiply by 1 just converts it to a 1 or a 0)


you should get 1 or 0
- you can copy A3 and paste in B3 to E3 (or just drag A3 across)
- in F5 (or any cell) copy&paste this formula

=IF(COUNTIF(A4:E4,0)=COUNTA(A1:E1), "false","true")

it counts the 0's and counts the # in the subset if it matches you get your false.

you can put the last formula in any cell, and hide row 3 if you want.
incidentally, since row 3 is binary, you could probably get this done all in 1 formula (either a CSE array or a SUMPRODUCT() formula) but you would still need an IF() because of your weird (reversed) true/false result.

give it a try and let me know how it worked out

What do i input for IF function? (excel)?

In cell G24, enter an IF function that will calculate a bonus for the part-time sales agents. If the value in cell G19 (Total for all sales) is greater than 250000, then multiply G19 by .015. Otherwise, the function will return a value of 0 (i.e. no bonus).

i think i know how to do values for true and false, but what do i need to put in the Logical Test box?

How add an AND function to this formula in excel?

You have too many IF functions to make sense, and you're trying to mix in more of them?

What are you trying to accomplish? Figure this out before you try writing any formulas.

It seems some of these calculations can be pulled out, and the formula reorganized. It may also help to spread the calculation across multiple cells, so you don't need to maintain one huge formula. If you simply need different values for each option in C4, a LOOKUP formula will serve you much better.

Looking at it more, here are some ways to improve:
- Put CEILING(F34 * 1.02, 50) in its own cell or Named Constant (Ctrl+F3), since it is used so many times.
- Use MAX() or MIN() in place of any IF() function used to force a maximum or minimum value.
- Many of the parentheses in your original formulas are redundant, which makes it difficult to see if any are out of place.
- The TRUE/FALSE results of operators like < or > can be interpreted as 1 or 0 if multiplied by another expression.

Your very first formula can be reduced to this:
=(F29>=0) * MIN(CEILING(F34 * 1.02, 50), 6250)

We can then mix in the LOOKUP formula as one of the MIN() arguments:
=(F29>=0) * MIN(CEILING(F34 * 1.02, 50), LOOKUP(C4, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, "g"}, {4750, 4750, 5250, 6250, 6250, 10250, 10250}))
"grad" will be counted as "g" in LOOKUP, although not mixing text values and numbers would be much safer.

Microsoft Excel help Nested IF function.?

In cell B10, enter a formula using the IF and AND functions to indicate whether the revenue goal has been met that month:
a. Enter the logical test using the AND function to determine if the Fundraisers amount in cell B7 equals 0 and the Total in cell B8 is greater than 20000.
b. If the logical test is true, display Yes (using “Yes” for the value_if_true argument).
c. If the logical test is false, insert a nested IF function.
d. Enter the logical test of the nested IF function using the AND function to determine if the Fundraisers amount in cell B7 is greater than 0 and the Total in cell B8 is greater than 200000.
e. If the logical test for the nested IF function is true, display Yes (using “Yes” for the value_if_true argument).
f. If the logical test is false, display No (using “No” for the value_if_false argument).

This type of test has an outcome of true or false?

C.) Logical

I say this because I have taken Introduction to Logic and one of the major themes in logic is "truth values" or whether something is true or not true. I do not know for 100% certain but I would choose C.

How would I create an Excel formula for something like "if Column A and/or Column B equals 'Yes', then Column B equals 'Yes'"?

Use two IF functions, one within the other. Essentially, you're asking does the first column pass and if not check the second column.

=IF(Logical test 1, Value if true, IF(Logical test 2, Value if true, Value if false))

Or you could use the Max function to take the higher of the two.