How Do You Help Someone Who Is On A Manic High

Can you tell if someone is Bipolar?

Tammy that was very ignorant you must not know what it's like to live your life with uncontrolled thoughts racing all over the place, not knowing if you will be able to cope enough to live the very next day. Can you tell if someone is bipolar? No you cannot. Everyone suffers with mood swings ocassinally! Everyone gets sad ocassinally! But those who have it more and more and like a yo yo tend to be those who MAY not always but MAY suffer with mentel health issues.
Racing thoughts
Crying alot
Sucidal thoughts or acting on them
Anger (not nessary at anyone just a trigger)
Elivated mood shifts (Happy then sad, then angry then guilty)
Highs & Lows often
Very chattery (high moods)
Very quit (low cycle)
Some people go into a mood where they have no idea what they were just talking about and then they say...ummm sorry what did you say?
Poor consentration (big one for me)
Crave sweets/saulty foods

Thats just a few.
If you subspect someone like this please have patients with them and a open mind be postive and be there for them but most importantly don't take anything they say to heart "they have their moments" its not dirrected at you. Also if they are making comments like "i want to die or i want to kill myself or you please CALL 911.

How do you know if someone is bipolar?

You don't.

If they are not medicated, they may have symptoms of mania such as excessive spending, excessive sex, talking wildly, racing thoughts, needing no sleep, doing crazy things, etc.
Or they may have symptoms of depression, such as crying, gaining weight, losing weight, sleeping all day, thinking about suicide, etc.

But if they are medicated, you may not be able to recognize any symptoms at all.

In general, unless a person is in a classic Bipolar 1 Manic episode, it requires a trained person to determine if someone is Bipolar.

How do I know if someone is manic depressive/bipolar?

First of all, safety is paramount. If you broke it off, why does he still have keys to your house and access to your money accounts? Please change all that first thing.
Secondly, as someone who grew up w/a bipolar/manic depressant for a mother and many years of therapy on how to deal w/her, it does sound like he's going through a manic phase, i.e. irrational/poor decision making, spending money recklessly, little/no sleep, also sounds like he might be doing drugs though as well, which is common w/bipolar as well, as they tend to self-medicate.
So back to my first point, which is to protect yourself. Bipolar manic depressants NEED medication, daily meds. So unless he's willing to see a doctor, get a diagnosis, take meds everyday, THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO FOR HIM. Please listen, from experience. He is a grown man who is spiraling downhill. I admire that you want to help, but he has to help himself.
You can seek therapy for yourself, so you can extricate yourself from the relationship. I suggest this because if you still are seeing him, you need to stop and set up boundaries so he understands that the relationship is over.
A warning. Most bipolar manic depressants go OFF meds frequently for many reasons. The meds make them feel better, they start to think they don't need meds and so they stop taking them OR they miss having manic highs (my mother hated meds) and don't like that the meds even out their moods. So be prepared.
Good luck honey, you're going to need to be strong.

Why does escitopalogram make someone who is bipolar high or make them cycle oftener?

I was diagnosed with bipolar 6 months ago and the mood stabilizers have worked really well with proper sleep & eating helathy + exercising. When I was put on antidepressants 8 months ago by a psychiatrist because my depression got so bad I almost got admitted to hospital for being suicidal, I was put on an antidepressant (ssri) Escitapalogram and 2 weeks in I began having severe mood swings and cycled so many times in a period of 5 weeks. I usually had long depressive episodes for MONTHS but now I had them for days or hours and was restless, agitiated, angry but also felt euphoric. I just lost control, and changed from irritable, depressed & energetic into pure hypomania and suddenly I was extremely happy, super social and did risky stuff (jumping down from a roof into water, was extremwly flirty, boughts lots of stuff, I wasn’t me) and then suddenly the same week I crashed. It became very apparent for the psychiatrist I was bipolar, and not just depressed. They were suspicious that it was bipolar but I didn’t quite meet the criteria for hypomania before it just got out of control (I hadn’t been hypomanic for almost a year before this I think). Why does antidepressants make you hypomanic/manic, or extremely rapid cycling, or put you into a mixed episode? What is the science behind this, why did I cycle so often & not sleep for days?