How Do You Know If You Broke Or Sprained Or Fracture Your Wrist

How do you know if you have a sprained wrist or a broken wrist?

First of all, X-ray is the best way to see if you have broken or sprained wrist. If you can't get a X-ray cause you don't have insurance like me and cannot check to the hospital, see if your wrist swells. If it does, yes it's broken. Not too swelled or not swelling at all? Not broken, and maybe sprained. And even if your bones are broken, it'll grow back united, so don't panic too much.

Get a towel/cloth and soak it with cold water and wrap it around your injured wrist. I recommend not to do it in warm/hot water, since your injury can heat up and swell. If you have a white cloth, wrap it around your wrist and let it heal. This should pretty much have your wrist back to normal.

How do I know if my wrist is broken or just sprained?

Swelling and discoloration are by no means reliable indicators of a broken or fractured bone. Gross deformities can sometimes be a good indication. Bone ends sticking out of the skin, known as an "open fracture" goes without saying. The only reliable method is to either have an Xray, CAT Scan, MRI or bone scan. Normally an Xray with lateral, oblique, anterior and posterior views will suffice. If not, then CAT Scans, MRI's or Bone Scans are even more reliable. That's just my opinion. Rad Tech. ( ^ _ ^ )


You said that you fell on your out stretched hand? People who take a fall like you're describing can have what is known as a "scaphoid" or "snuff box" fracture. If you make the thumbs up sign, the scaphoid or snuff box is the dimple or depression on your wrist. You can readily see it. You can put your finger there. This type of injury is particuarly dangerous because blood flow is not as abundent in this area. Hence you could do yourself some real damage. Also you have eight wrist bones. You also have your radius located on your thumb side (scaphoid bone is located on this side as well.) And you have your ulnar bone located by your small digit or "pinky." Here's a treatment plan for you just in case you don't want to go to the E.R. RICE (N) Rest. Ice. Compression (ace wrap) Elevate and Non Steroidal anti-infammatory drugs. Naprosyn or mortin. Good luck chicka!
( ^ _ ^ )

Can You Do Track With a Sprained/Broken Wrist?

I supposed you can do the running events/practices. Of course, you shouldn't even try the activities such as shot put, discuss, etc. Don't even try jumping the hoizontal pole (I forget what it's called because I haven't been in track since last year). After running, your wrist might hurt though, so be careful. Don't do push ups, play with the medicine balls, or do anything with your hands until it recovers. Even after it recovers, you should take it slow. I was in track when I had my first sprain. I sprained my ankle and the doctor told me to have no physical activities. But the coach still got me to do stuff. =/ He got me to peddle on a stationary bicycle and do ankle stretches. If you were to do such things, don't over-do it. Ask your doctor when it's okay to perform activities. Also, the doctor should give you exercises to do to help improve the sprain/broken wrist.

Broken or sprained wrist?

okay, well i broke my wrist whilst snowboarding recently, and was shown the x rays (small fracture across the radius and ulna), so then getting a check up 5 days later at another place i was told my wrist is not fractured or broken at all. i am just a little confused. at this second place i was given a bandage and told it might be just a sprain but not broken (i seen these x rays too and there was nothing there).
admittedly, it didn't hurt that much when i fell compared to previously when i broke the other wrist, but still.
any suggestions??? my wrist does hurt when it is touched in certain places (the back of it mostly) and is stiff now from wearing a cast for the 5 days....

oh and i am on holiday so i don't have a family doctor to see either

Can a wrist sprain be worse than a fracture?

Sorry to disagree but a wrist sprain could very definitely have long term consequences and often does. First off, the term "sprain" is very non-specific and could describe anything from a very partial injury to the carpal ligaments to carpal dissociation that can lead to severe instability. There are in fact many cases where ligament injuries of the wrist prove to be more difficult to treat than fractures because of their poor blood supply and small size. Also,it is not uncommon that so-called "sprains" are misdiagnosed and turn out to be unrecognized fractures i.e scaphoid. Bottom line, get it checked out.

Broken or sprained wrist/arm?

I was biking home yesterday from a football offseason workout and I fell. I broke my fall with my right arm. I was able to bike home (mile or so) and put ice on it. It was swollen towards yesterday afternoon, but the swelling seems to of gone down.

Right now, it hurts when I move my wrist but I can move my fingers and such without pain. It's a tolerable pain, nothing severe or even moderately severe. I immobilized it for the moment with one of those wrist braces. Can someone figure out if it's broken or if it's just a sprain (that's what I think it is)? Also, how long does it usually take to heal? I don't want to miss too much practice (starts on the 11th).

I'm 15 if that helps.

How can I tell if my wrist is sprained or broken?

So like 2 weeks ago i wrecked a dirtbike but im fine but my wrist hurts more and more every day. i can barley bend it with out screaming in pain and it pops when im moving it Im going to the doctors tomorrow i just dont know what to expect so thank you guys!

How can I tell if my wrist is broken or sprained?

You need to have an xray... only way to really see if you have a fracture. I work at an Orthopedic's office, and many patients come in weeks after an injury to find out they had a fracture, and now are in trouble because of the way it is healing. Sports injuries are especially common, and if you are still growing, you need to make sure you dont have an injury to your growth plate. Not a big deal to get an xray... go to the emergency room or call your doctor. Good luck!

How can you tell if you strained, sprained, or broke your wrist or if you've done nothing at all?

broken- lots of pain, swelling, bruising and lack of mobility.
sprain- swelling and some pain- some loss of mobility
strain- painful when moved with the muscle or tendon that is strained, but fine if relaxed.

Is there a way for me to figure out whether I sprained, or broke my wrist without seeing a doctor?

The definitive way is an X-ray. that said, is there any deformity, swelling or tenderness? Good signs that you have a fracture. Tenderness in the snuffbox at base of thumb is important and you should get an xr then. Tenderness at back of wrist over listers tubercle or even just the entire bone is a good sign to get an xray. Get a splint witha thumb and wear it. Ice, compress and rest is the best way without being seen by hand doctor.