How Do You Solve An Open Sentence And Graph It

What is the solution to the open sentence?

C. 3

Can you write an open sentence involving absolute value for this graph?

This is my best guess at what you are talking about.

············ -4············0············4······

The easiest interpretation of |x - y| is "the distance between x and y".
Notice that in the above graph, the distance between x and 0 is greater than
or equal to 4. Which is |x - 0| ≥ 4 or just |x| ≥ 4.

Solving Open Sentence Equations Involving Absolute Value question?

A quick search for "line graph" and "open circle" confirmed my suspicion that it doesn't specifically mean "less than"; it means that the point is not included in the graph. In this case, the open circle on the 1 translates to a "greater than" condition; the one at the 11 translates to "less than."

The technique here is to look for the middle of the line, which is at 6, a distance of 5 from each end. So the difference between any solution and 6 is less than 5.

That last statement translates directly into an absolute-value inequality:
|x - 6| < 5
where we use < instead of ≤ because of those open circles.

(By the way, I used a Windows tool called a "character map" to generate that ≤ sign. On my system it, and many other useful characters, are reachable via the following sequence of menus:
Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Character Map

If you don't want all that hassle, just about everybody around here will understand the sequences
<= for ≤ and
>= for ≥
which are now used in many computer programming languages.)