How Does The Atmosphere Affect The Hydrosphere

How does the hydrosphere affect the geosphere?

The hydrosphere is is everything to do with water, so think rain, clouds, rivers, lakes, etc. The Geosphere is the solid Earth, so basically think of the ground. As the water falls in the mountains is causes erosion and removes bits of the solid geosphere, those particles travel down the hydrosphere's system (rivers) until it eventually gets deposited at a new location (beach!) So the obvious answer to your question is erosion and re-distribution of the geosphere.

How does the atmosphere affect the hydrosphere?

The atmosphere absorbs water which evaporates from the hydrosphere, and returns it in the form of precipitation. The hydrosphere also absorbs atmospheric gases such as oxygen, taken in by aquatic animals and CO2, utilized by phytoplankton.

How does the hydrosphere affect the atmosphere?

The broad answer to this question is encapsulated as the field: "air-sea interaction." A good synopsis of physical air-sea interaction can be found here:

Googling "air-sea interaction" will turn up a lot more on this.

A second reference, for looking at the process from a more biogeochemical perspective, is provided by the Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study, which goes by the name of SOLAS. SOLAS has put out a very comprehensive series of documents that are available on the web that go into air-sea fluxes and how the ocean affects the chemistry of the atmosphere (and vice versa). The website for SOLAS is:

The link on the left-hand side to the science plans and implementation strategies will guide you to the documents.

How does earth's structure affect the hydrosphere, geosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere?

Earth's structure--shifting crustal plates--means that the configuration and sizes of the geosphere and hydrosphere are constantly and gradually changing. Plate tectonics also allows for recycling of carbon, which aids the biosphere. The atmosphere is affected by volcanic gases due to tectonics and subduction.

How does the atmosphere affect the geosphere?

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How does the biosphere, hydrosphere, and the atmosphere affect plate tectonics?

they don't have much effect on plate tectonics since it is driven by internal phenomena inside the earths crust. tectonic movements are caused by magma flow inside the layers of the earth. and since the radius of the earth is somewhere around 6000 km (about 3750 miles) these layers, that are so thin (around 20 km, or 13 miles) are insignificant by comparison.
think of it as if a straw was trying to affect the movement of an 18 wheels truck ...

How have members of the biosphere affected the hydrosphere and atmosphere?

Plants are responsible for the fact that earth's atmosphere, unlike that of Mars and Venus, isn't predominantly CO2 and has a considerable amount of oxygen. As for the hydrosohere, it too has oxygen dissolved in it; without life it would be anoxic.