How Hard Would It Be To Institute Voting Days That Everyone Can Vote Instead Of Restricting The

Which one of the following reasons is why you vote democratic?

10. I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't.

9. I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

8. I voted Democrat because Freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.

7. I voted Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.

6. I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius.

5. I voted Democrat because I'm not concerned about the slaughter of millions of babies through abortion so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.

4. I voted Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits.

3. I voted Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the democrats see fit.

2. I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.

1. I voted Democrat because my head is so firmly planted up my azz that it is unlikely that I'll ever have another point of view.

American Idol Votes vs. Presidential Election Votes?

I heard that more Americans turn out votes for american idol than turn out to vote for president...

I don't watch A.I., I don't understand the fascination with it. But I do vote every chance I get. I was disgusted when I heard this statistic!!! I can't understand how a new cd by some new artist is a bigger motivation to vote than PEOPLE DYING defending our rights. Pathetic!!! Is it because you just have to pick up a phone to vote for A.I. and it's "too much of a hassle" to get out to the voting booths?

I would love to hear some differing opinions on the topic!

Do you think America is in need of another revolution?

With the squalor and filth that we have as candidates now, I wouldn't vote, it's not worth your time.

Will abolishing the electoral college increase voter turnout?

No. Low voter turnout is a feature —not an aberration— of American federal republicanism. Yeah. You read that correctly.Look. We'd all love to get better voter turnout. Australia’s model is anathema in the US. I'd like something that encourages better voter turnout, but that's not the discussion. There is no evidence that high voter turnout makes politics better or that fundging the system without clear legal obligation and some motivation mechanism will make people vote.It turns out that voter apathy is pretty consistent across political views in the US. It's also important to force parties to motivate their base to vote. Getting more people to vote basically gets more people to vote. I am sure many elections would change, but the presidency would not necessarily be all that different.

What would happen if no one voted for a president in the United States of America? Would the electoral college vote in the new president? How would the lack of popular vote be addressed?

Do you mean in the general election or if none of the Electors voted?If, let's say, no one bothered to vote in the general election, then the states would be forced to decide another way to chose their electors. (There is nothing in the Constitution that says the states need to hold a popular election to chose electors, just that the legislatures must decide). What would then most likely happen is that fifty state legislatures would each chose a slate of electors. From there on out, the election would continue as planned and there would be no constitutional crisis.Now, let's say that none of the electors bothered to submit votes...or worse yet, all of them cast blank ballots. (No one actually knows who the electors vote for until the ballots are opened in a joint session of Congress at the start of the next congressional session.) Then it would really get dicey. According to the Constitution, if there is not a majority of electors voting for President, then the top two candidates names are thrown to the House of Representatives. Unfortunately, in this case, who are the top two candidates? Ditto for the Vice President and the Senate. This would be a constitutional crisis of the order we've never faced. (Note, the 2000 election wasn't  a constitutional crisis, the 1800 election was.) What would probably happen in that case is that there would be a lot of congressional wrangling behind the scenes and somehow they would resolve the issue, probably with the candidate who actually won the popular vote winning. Unfortunately, his term in office would be hampered and hamstrung from the start with true cries of illegitimacy.