How Is The Lithosphere Connected To Real Life

What is the relationship between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere?

Simple answer. The lithosphere is that portion of the crust and upper mantle that is rigid based on the pressure and temperature. (The dividing line between the crust and mantle, Moho for short, represents a fundamental change in chemistry of the rocks, but they are both rigid at the boundary.). The asthenosphere is the next layer down in the mantle, and is ductile and deforms readily. The boundary is usually defined as the 1,300 degree C isotherm. It is thought that the convection in the mantle that drives continental drift is occurring in the asthenosphere (and lower). It is 80 to 200 kilometers below the surface, although can be higher at mid-ocean ridges and lower elsewhere. The anesthosphere is the source of the Mid Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB).These boundaries are deduced based on the different propagation speeds of seismic waves in each layer.

What is the connection between lithosphere and atmosphere?

Gasses escape from opened cavities in the earth into the atmosphere.Ditto for water vapor. Converse for rainfall.Methane produced by corn-eating cows. CO2 produced by animals. CO2 consumed by plants [life based carbon sequestration].Gases from chemical reactions - natural, and human induced.Historically, Methane and CO2 from the atmosphere were absorbed by life, and O2 released from water by life.Natural & artificial combustion and oxidation [with a modern oxygen rich atmosphere]

One way the hydrosphere and the lithosphere are connected?

Water is evaporated from the oceans, gets taken into the sky as clouds, and rains (hydrosphere).

The rain infiltrates the ground and fills aquifers (lithosphere), flowing as groundwater (lithosphere and hydrosphere) to an eventual outlet into a stream or large body of water (hydrosphere).

How are Earth’s four spheres connected to form a system?

The area near the surface of the earth can be divided up into four inter-connected "geo-spheres:" the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere. Scientists can classify life and material on or near the surface of the earth to be in any of these four spheres.

The names of the four spheres are derived from the Greek words for stone (litho), air (atmo), water (hydro), and life (bio).

The lithosphere is the solid, rocky crust covering entire planet.

The hydrosphere is composed of all of the water on or near the earth. This includes the oceans, rivers, lakes, and even the moisture in the air.

The biosphere is composed of all living organisms.

The atmosphere is the body of air which surrounds our planet.

All four spheres can be and often are present in a single location. For example, a piece of soil will of course have mineral material from the lithosphere. Additionally, there will be elements of the hydrosphere present as moisture within the soil, the biosphere as insects and plants, and even the atmosphere as pockets of air between soil pieces.

Could we get endless energy from the lithosphere?

errrr... Tesla was a crackpot when it came to this stuff. Although he worked with electricity he did not understand the fundamentals of physics and did not even believe in the electron. He thought wireless electricity would transmit through the "ether", a sound concept in the mid-19th century (when he went to school), but all the "ether" stuff had been found to be bogus well before he even began his experiments.

What are ex. of interaction between hydrosphere to lithosphere?boi to earth universe?bio to atmo?bio to hydro?

Well to start off, the earth has four subsystems : the Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Biosphere.

The hydrosphere is the collective mass of all water found on the earth's surface.

The lithosphere is the superficial area of the earth.

The biosphere is made up of every living organism on earth and finally

the atmosphere is the layer of gases that sorrounds earth.

These being open subsystems of the earth, they all interact with each other.

Answering the examples you wanted:

The lithosphere and hydrosphere are connected through the water cycle. Waters infiltrated in the earth's crust cause physical and chemical alterations in the crust's minerals and rocks.

The relation between the biosphere and atmosphere is related to the amount of O2 and CO2 in the air. The metabolic processes of plants and animals, not to mention photosynthesis, alter the concentrations of these molecules in the atmosphere.

Lastly, between the hydrosphere and the biosphere we have the fact that animals necessitate water for metabolic processes, among others.

The questions you had are only a few, there are a lot more relations between these subsystems : litho-bio; atmo-hydro; geo-atmo-hydro-bio, and a whole lot more.

If you need any help with others, feel free to ask again xD. Hope that helped.

Why do most lithospheric plates contain both oceanic and continental crusts?

Lithospheric plate is composed of a layer of oceanic crust or continental crust superficial to an outer layer of the mantle. Containing both crust and the upper region of the mantle, lithospheric plates are generally considered to be approximately 60 mi (100 km) thick. Although containing only continental crust or oceanic crust in any one cross-section, lithospheric plates may contain various sections that exclusively contain either oceanic crust or continental crust and therefore lithospheric plates may contain various combinations of oceanic and continental crust.
The oceanic lithosphere is located under the Earth's bodies of water. Although generally thinner than its continental counterpart, some areas of oceanic lithosphere can be up to 200 kilometers thick. It is younger than continental lithosphere because most of it forms at mid-oceanic ridges, places on the ocean floor where new crust is formed and pushed out. Some areas are as young as 170 million years old. Oceanic lithosphere is composed of a very dense rock known as basalt. This rock is high in aluminum and magnesium and is often termed "sima." Part of the oceanic lithosphere is connected to the mantle; this segment is composed of peridotite.
Continental lithospheric plates are quite different than their oceanic counterparts. First, they are much older than the lithosphere below the ocean; some plates are billions of years old. The continental lithosphere is also much thicker than that in the ocean, at an average of 150 kilometers deep. Continental lithosphere is low in density, which allows it to remain buoyant and travel easily over the asthenosphere. The plates are composed of granite, which is high in aluminum and silica; because of this, the continental lithospheric plates are often called "sial" plates.

Are there any land masses that aren’t connected to the earth’s core?

In essence eveything's floating as the earth's core is liquid.

The earth's surface is made up of a series of tectonic plates which float about and bump into each other (earthquakes). Where these plates meet each other are what are known as fault lines, the San Andreas Fault being one such. The Asian tsunami was the result of two such plates that had been pushing into each other for many years until the force between them was so great that one plate sprung upwards like a giant spring.

Over millions of years these plates have moved huge distances and continents have drifted apart or been pushed together. If you look at maps showing the world as it would have been say 1 million years ago it's very different to how it is now. Likewise, in another million years it will be very different from the world as we know it.

Why is the hydrosphere in the lithosphere?

The hydrosphere of earth is inside the lithosphere because the highest water on earth that is not part of the atmosphere is at or below the height of the highest rock: at the tops of the tallest mountains. Therefore, if you draw a sphere that is centered on the earth and contains all of earth's rock, it will also contain all of earth's non-atmospheric water.