How Large Of A Dose Of Ritalin Would Be Fatal

How does an overdose of Ritalin cause death?

Not very pleasant and it usually occurs if the dose is >=200mg, and there’s one case known of 10 mg. If you start hallucinating stop compulsive overdosing. Watch care-ully the intervals you take again (be aware that Ritalin “relativately” speeds time up). Don’t stop drinking, watch your heart and pulse, keep a bottle of a benzodiazepine around and if it really went wrong (seldom) a neuroleptic, and consider a hospital, but don’t bother these people too early beeing always overworked as last resort.… The symptoms of a moderate acute overdose on methylphenidate primarily arise from central nervous system overstimulation; these symptoms include: vomiting, agitation, tremors, hyperreflexia, muscle twitching, euphoria, confusion, hallucinations, delirium, hyperthermia, sweating, flushing, headache, tachycardia, heart palpitations, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, mydriasis, and dryness of mucous membranes. A severe overdose may involve symptoms such as hyperpyrexia, sympathomimetic toxidrome, convulsions, paranoia, stereotypy (a repetitive movement disorder), rapid muscle breakdown, coma, and circulatory collapse. A methylphenidate overdose is rarely fatal with appropriate care. Severe toxic reactions involving abscess and necrosis have been reported following injection of methylphenidate tablets into an artery.Treatment of a methylphenidate overdose typically involves the application of benzodiazepines, with antipsychotics, α-adrenoceptor agonists, and propofol serving as second-line therapies …… Methylphenidate may inhibit the metabolism of coumarin anticoagulants, certain anticonvulsants, and some antidepressants (tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). Concomitant administration may require dose adjustments, possibly assisted by monitoring of plasma drug concentrations. There are several case reports of methylphenidate inducing serotonin syndrome with concomitant administration of antidepressants …Methylphenidate

Can you chew Ritalin?

I was just given a perscription for my adhd... and i told my doc that i can't swallow pills.. like i couldn't swallow a pill to save my life.. but anyway i have the smallest dosage which is like 5mg? but i was wondering if i could just eat it wit my yogurt in the morning.. and chew it..? but I was reading that chewing it could be deadly.. because to much meds. is released to fast... /: humm... idk what to do?

Mixing ritalin and hydrocodone dangerous?

Okay now Im freaking out. Since looking this up on the web, all the sources say it can be fatal!!! I just took 15 mg of ritalin and 5 mg a while later. I also took 2 hydrocodone pills. Is it really fatal?? How dangerous is it? Should I be worried or is this not a big enough dose of each to really be dangerous? Dont tell me not to do it or whatever because I already did so please just tell me if I am going to be okay. Serious and helpful answers only please.

Whats the lethal dose of methylphenidate(ritalin etc.)?

There is a lethal dose, but it would also depend on your tolerence.

For example: If a person weighs 200 lbs, call it 100 Kilograms, now the 50% lethal dose for a mouse (we don't know about humans, but assume it is similar) is 190 mg per kilogram.

This means a person would have to take 190 X 100 = 19 grams of ritalin to reach the 50% lethal point.

Considering that the tablets are 20 mg typically, you would need a bowl full of the stuff to kill yourself.

How effective is Ritalin on dogs?

Large doses of Ritalin and other stimulants are toxic and potentially fatal to dogs. However, I have also read that low doses may calm an overly-active dog.As always, please consult with your veterinarian about any medical questions about your dog.Please don’t give your dog any medication without your vet’s approval.Poisonous Household ProductsMethylphenidate | Pet Poison Helpline

What is the approximate fatal dose of coffee?

there is no “approximate”. People are dying from caffeine overdose but its almost impossible to do that with coffee. Mainly due the fact that caffeine overdose requires taking at once around 14–15 grams of pure caffeine. Unless your extremely fat, you wouldn't be able to fit that much coffee in your stomach. But don’t think lower quantities are safe, there are numerous reports of teens drinking 7 monsters in a day and dying due to sudden cardiac arrest. Mostly due the fact that teens now are mostly fat and caffeine overdose symptoms ( trembling, tachycardia ) can trigger heart issues that fat person probably already has.

Concerta overdose?? Uncomfortable or fatal?

Concerta (methylphenidate) is a chemical cousin of amphetamine, and like amphetamine can raise blood pressure and stimulate the heart.

If your blood pressure gets high enough you can pop a blood vessel in the brain (one type of stroke), and end up with brain damage. If you damage your brain enough you could end up dead.

In the long run these kinds of drugs promote heart and kidney disease, and your likely to get mini-strokes that will impair memory. Not that everyone gets that.

If they taught the basics of how the human body worked in public schools people would understand the risks of using drugs (prescribed or not) and be less likely to buy into it, but that would hurt drug sales and the associated problems that are also profitable. So therefore they won't teach that in the public schools, instead they have TV shows like 2&1/2 men and how I met your mother, that 70's show which are 1/2 hour long commericals for drug and alcohol abuse. Its our version of North Korea.