How Long Did The Battle Of Hydaspes Last

How many battles did Alexander the great lose/win?

I suppose you are reffering to the Wars/Conquests of Alexander The Great. Which in this case, would mean 10 big battles (excluding small skirmishes):

Battle of the Persian Gate
Battle of Gaugamela
Siege of Gaza
Battle of the Granicus
Battle of the Hydaspes
Battle of Issus
Siege of Halicarnassus
Siege of Miletus
Siege of the Sogdian Rock
Siege of Tyre (332 BC)

Alexander never ever lost a defeat in battle, but has suffered heavy casualties and losses, most notably the fighting in India, where he was nearly killed. If Alexander conitnued to fight, he may even of lost, this is due to: - Vicious Indians
- Unused to the climate
- Unused to basically everything, plants and all which were foreign and some even dangerous
- Troops did not really want to fight
- Everyone but Alexander was sick of conquests, and wanted HOME (Macedonia - not Persia.)

So to sum it all up: - Never lost a battle, but had suffered heavy casualties and near defeats

Why did Alexander the Great's conquest stop at India?

Bottom line Logistics in all wars supplies are everything run low morale drops and leaders are forced to withdrawl or defeat.