How Long Does It Take For The Swelling To Go Down After Wisdom Teeth Removal

How long does it take for swelling from wisdom teeth removal to go down?

I got all four teeth removed 6 days ago. I’ve researched this subject quite a lot, and many sites say that swelling should go down after about 4-7 days, but mine hasn’t gone down at all. One cheek is a tad better than before, but the other one is still completely swollen. I took horrible right now. How long should it take for the swelling to go down? It’s been the same for the last couple days. Thx

How long does it take for swelling after wisdom teeth removal to go down?

Today is Wednesday, and I had all 5 (yes, I had 5) wisdom teeth removed on Monday. I ve been taking my prescription pain pills and antibiotic along with ibruprofen and using some ice packs. I wasn t swollen at all until yesterday morning and I look like a chipmunk and can hardly open my mouth! How long should it take for the swelling go down? I m only asking because I m scheduled to go to work late next week and don t want to look like this. Thanks for any help.

How long does it take for my swelling to go down after wisdom teeth removal?

I'm on my third day and my cheeks are still super swollen like a fat chipmunk. My jaw is aching so much my lips are bleeding. I look like a mess and I don't want to return to school looking like this. I literally want to hide away beacuse how hideous I look.

Why hasn’t the swelling gone down after my wisdom teeth’s removal?

Generally the swelling will disappear within a weak as the wound heals. If it last for a long time, there may be a chance of developing a dry socket. You’d better come back to your dentist for a checkup to nail down the underlying cause and seek proper treatment accordingly.

Why does my swelling not go down for wisdom teeth removal?

i would get it check depending on how bad the swelling is and if your anxious. But I had swelling and slight discomfort up until the end of my second week. So unless it's extremely painful, then you should be good :) slight uncomfortableness is common since your gums have to heal (I have read 3 weeks-A couple months) but I'm no dentist! Just ice if swelling continues I know this sucks had mine out end of June :/

How long does it take for swelling to go down after wisdom teeth removal?

Three days ago I had all four of my wisdom teeth cut out. And the facial swelling is well pretty darn bad lol. How long does it usually take for the face to return to normal? Thank you :)

When does the swelling go down after wisdom teeth are removed?

I got my wisdom teeth out twice! Two the first time, then they realized another had to come out and I had to do it all over about a year later. The swelling was worst during the first 3-4 days and completely gone after 1 week. Good luck and I hope you feel better!

When will the swelling go down after wisdom teeth removal?

I had my wisdom teeth removed Friday morning. My left cheek is massively swollen. It hurts like crazy. I'm not sure but when I look back in my mouth it looks like he may have stitched my cheek to my gum. When will the stitches dissolve and how long until my face goes back to normal? Is there anything I can do to make it go down faster? Am I just being paranoid?

How long will swelling last after a wisdom teeth removal? What are some tips to reduce the swelling?

Swelling occurs as the body’s way to protect and splint the area of injury, in this case oral surgery. To reduce swelling, you need to first control the bleeding and then treat the body for swelling.Bite on the gauze pack for one hour with steady pressure. This controls the bleeding. Don't over treat the bleeding issue. This will cause more bleeding and more swelling. There is normally a small amount of blood in the saliva the first day. This will turn brown towards the end of the day. There is a difference between diluted blood in the saliva and abject bleeding with bright red clotting blood flowing into the mouth. Call the dentist if that occurs.When you remove the gauze, open, close and work the jaw around a few times to get the muscles working. Do this on a regular basis throughout the healing phase. If you keep your jaws together for three days, you won't be able to open your mouth. You will have a increase in swelling and muscle trismus that adds to your pain level. Don't worry about disrupting the sutures. The tissue is sutured in a passive position and should not cause a problem with movement.Do not rinse the first day but start the next day rinsing every four hours and after meals. Drink fluids and don't use a soda straw or smoke. These things cause bleeding.A soft diet is needed the first day, not a liquid diet. The second day start a normal diet. Chewing will keep the muscles in good shape, improve circulation and help to reduce swelling. The improved circulation will bring nutrients to the area to promote healing.Remain sitting or standing as much as possible the first day, keeping the head elevated. Keep the head elevated at night the first few days. Keeping the head elevated will greatly reduce the swelling.It was very easy to see who followed these instructions and who didn't at the suture removal appointment. Sometimes, those that didn't needed to be reappointed for suture removal because there was still swelling and insufficient access to reach the sutures.