How Long Does It Take To Learn Java For Android Programming

How to start learning Java to develop Android apps?

I want to start developing apps for Android, I have ZERO experience with programming.

Should I start with simply learning Java from books like Dummies Guide?


Should I start learning Java FOR Android development directly like the Lynda video course?
(Does it need previous experience with Java?)

Books like:

Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies


Java Programming for Android Developers For Dummies

If there are better books for beginners please suggest.


Where to learn java/android coding with no coding experience?

I read through the "Hello Android" book, which walks you through creating various apps and even down to installing Eclipse and the Android Developer Kit on your pooter. It was pretty useful, I've been programming for a while, but not for Android, so I tended to skim the sections that detailed more of the basic programming concepts. But it may be a good launching point.

Creating an app through AppMakr or learn programming language?

I think it really comes down to what you want your app to do. If you are looking for advanced functionality, like building a game, or using the devices hardware in your app (like the camera or accelerometers) then it may be worth taking the time and effort to learn coding.

On the other hand, if you are looking to make more of a content based app, to support an existing business or blog that you already have, then no coding platforms like are a great choice. A lot of people also start with a platform like that to rapidly prototype their app and do some market testing, and then use that as a mockup to brief a development team that they hire once they are confident that the app/business has legs.