How To Fake A Sprained Ankle

How Do I Fake a Sprained Ankle?

I am a 13 yr old girl an i want to fake a sprained ankle to get out of something. please, if you have an answer post it, but dont waste my time with scolding me. i cant by crutches or a bandage, because i live at home so it wouldnt work. i need to actually act it out, the hurting myself or knowbody will beleive it. but im a good actor. my parents know my school has no nurse or anything. thanks for the help, and make the answers good to get the 10 points for best answer.
ps. i want to get out of gym class, and i want to get crutches, but i cant buy them because my dad would wonder where they came from. i cant just do it at school, because ide need a note to skip gym, even with crutches, and we have no nurse. i wont forge my dads signature, so dont bother with that one.
pps. yes, i know ive asked this question4 times, but im looking for a decent answer and im not finding one.

How do i fake a sprained ankle?

really sprain your ankle. that's about as beliveable as it gets.
Specially since the doctor will be feeling your ankle for damage.

How to fake an ankle sprain?

Fake a fall that looks as if it twisted your ankle.
Get friends to help you to all of your classes
Buy a set of crutches at a drug store and wrap your ankle with a bandage.
Complain how much your ankle hurts and use the crutches as if it really did hurt.
only wear a sock if you ACTUALLY had a ankle sprain then thats what you should do. Really convince yourself it hurts.
Very slowly put weight on the ankle using the crutches.
Be careful not to wrap or brace your ankle too tight.
Do not share your secret with anyone.
If you CANT get wrap or a brace then just wear a sock with no shoe
Get some brown makeup and make a fake bruise. for it to look really real use a couple of dots of purple and blue makeup
Put a sharp rock in your shoe or sock; then it WILL hurt if you try to use that foot. It also helps prevent switching ankles.
Act like it is killing you 24/7, you never know who could see you at any moment!
Do not over use the crutches; people will get suspicious.
Do not walk unless you are completely alone.
Watch out for camera's.
Choose an ankle and stick to it! Nothing looks more fake than the old switching hurt ankles!
If you use an ancle brace, make sure its not too tight. If your toes turn blue, or you get cold feet make sure you loosen it, as it is probably cutting off the circluation.
Glad I could help

How to fake a sprained ankle to the doctor and to get crutches?

Even if its for a good reason unless u get a really bad doctor it is impossible to do I when ever I have gone to the doctor for a sprain they move it around to see if the joint it loose I have been in for a grade 2 mcl sprain and a grade 3 ankle sprain and I never got crutches I should have been given some but the doc was bad

If u really wanna try then u need to hit it on something just enough to get it to bruise and swell cuz it it is neather u army gonna get any my ankle looked like a softball and was blue and purple and It killed in pain and I dident get any

How can I fake an ankle sprain to get on crutches and my mom and dad and friends will belive me?!?

I can't help you with getting crutches, but I can help you get a cast on your arm.

If you fall and you put your arm out to stop yourself, you can break a little bone between your wrist and thumb called the scaphoid. It kills to move your thumb. When the doctor asks where it hurts, point to your wrist through to the base of your thumb. Then describe how you "fell" by putting out your hands to stop yourself.

They can't pick up a break in the scaphoid on an X-ray because it is so tiny.

When you are at the hospital, remember not to move that thumb at all!

How can i fake a sprained ankle to get my parents to buy crutches?

If you want crutches, the best way to do it is to fake it - go somewhere out of sight, and decide you twisted your ankle badly. Put a bottle cap inside your sock to force a limp. shows how to get a cast from a doctor, be on crutches per doctor's instructions, and everything else without actually doing damage to yourself.