How To Make Him Think Of Me All The Time As I Do

What can I send with my boyfriend overseas so make him think of me?

Since I spent a lot of time separated from my wife in my career (Naval Flight Officer) I have some decent recommendations.


Speaking as a former Navy Airborne Electronic Warfare Officer I can't tell you how many times naked girlfriend pictures made the rounds even from "nice guys who were really in love." If he asks for a naked photo do not comply and find another boyfriend.


You just become a joke. Again, do not send if asked and find another boyfriend.

Send the following:

A love letter expressing your emotions to the absolute best of your ability, not a "what I want to do to you/what I want you to do to me" letter. Scent it with HIS favorite perfume or the one that will most remind him of you. VERY LIGHTLY scent your following letters with the same aroma.

A picture of you in a "dressy" dress - maybe from a "glamour" photo studio.

A picture of you in attractive casual clothes in a casual setting...maybe someplace where you two have good memories.

A picture of you - tasteful - in nothing more revealing than a regular bikini.

Ignore the knuckle-draggers here who will likely next ask that you send the naked photos to them first for their approval.

Is he thinking of me when I'm thinking about him?

It's possible. The problem is it will not probably be at the "same time". Your brain is electric. When you think it sends electric waves out to the world. These electric waves can travel and reach other people. That's why sometimes people in the same room can feel nagative energy at the same time, because they're brain is like a computer and thoughts are like wifi signals. So it is possible that his thoughts traveled all the way to you.The heart sends out 5000x stronger signals magnetically than the brain. If it's a feeling in your chest than it is more possible with this being a fact.

I still think of my ex all the time, 5 months after the break-up. I still want him to contact me. Does this ever go away?

I don’t usually answer questions on quora but coming across yours reminded me of my own past and I hope I can help.Before you read I want you to know that I understand how hard it could be and no matter what someone says or does to make you feel better it just doesn’t work. Nothing I say will help you get over him; It’s time that will heal you. I’ve been through it, I feel you.Well, the memory of my breakup is all a blur. All I remember is depression and anger for 6 months!In short, I was cheated on :(Backstory:The first month I just stayed in bed, never went to college for a couple of weeks. Lost my appetite, couldn’t eat even if I wanted to.Every now and then my ex would bring something up and create drama, though we had broken up she would accuse me and spread rumours in my college/among my friends almost every week.She harassed me, just because I didn’t have the power to say anything. I was too weak, without any support. My depression was very clear but she would tell people that I was just pretending like being depression to attract attention.In conclusion, it took a few months to get over the whole situation, it still angers me thinking about it. Everything happened just over a year ago. Looking back 5 months post-breakup I was as worried as you are about not forgetting/getting over my ex.I had no support, all my friends (I doubt they were) turned against me after my ex lied to them that I used her and whatnot. This wouldn’t have affected me as much if I had the support of my friends, the best way you could get over him is hang out with your buddies and treasure every moment. Your ex isn’t worth it.I could go on and on about my story, there is ALOT more but I know how annoying long answers can be xD (btw I have completely gotten over her and matured over time). In fact, me not discussing the whole story or letting it all out- is proof that I’m over her.Trust me honey, it’s gonna be a hard-to-recall memory that you can’t really rememeber in the next 30 days and so on :) <3Her name was ‘Ayesha’If you’re reading this, f*ck you Ayesha :)I’m glad I got rid of you.

Does my twin flame runner think of me as much as I think of them?

Yes of course. It is a connection and it takes two people to feel a connection. Remember that it is the intensity of the love that triggers the need for space to absorb the meaning of the experience.Separation and absence makes the intensity of the love stronger and purer.It is true that I feel my Twin Flames love for me everyday no matter the physical circumstances.It is not easy to forget the beautiful memories. The eyes of your twin flame and the total acceptance that you have for each other.When I met my Twin, all past life seemed as if I had been practicing to be ready with my twin flame.I attempted to run first but we both ended up avoiding each other. When I ran, I could not stop thinking of him, us and our memories. Everything intensified because I was trying to avoid feeling the intense love I have for him.Also, on top of the Love I feel for him, I was married when we found each other and I needed some space to just figure out how everything was gonna work out.I was so emotionally tormented because he is so perfect for me and yet I had committed myself for over five years in marriage yet I could not stop the Love in my heart for a total stranger.My old life was so intertwined with work, friends and family yet my soul wanted to be free of my old life and become whole.I am always consumed by our love even now that I have not seen him in two years. I feel him everyday loving me back in the Connection. He embraces me everyday and his essence never leaves me.I am still overwhelmed thinking of seeing him again. That look in his eyes that comforts me. His warm energy that brings the bliss.I have never had a break from this twin flame experience. Once initiated, everyday is a new kind of lesson and experience.I divorced, separated from my old life and I am free and happy being my authentic self.Him and I are gonna laugh about this someday over coffee. Our love is so beautiful.Thanks for the question.

How can i get my bf to stop spanking me??

my bf spanks me all the time. when i'm a bad girl he will spank me until he thinks i have got the point (which he usually thinks takes about an hour for me to get) but my birthday is tomorrow and i really don't want him to spank me on that day but he insist that if he i do anything wrong( which i always do even if i don't know i am) he will twice as hard and i don't want him to tomorrow cuz we will be in front of my friends how can i make him stop for one day?

How do I make my long distance lover miss me and think of me constantly?

Long Distance Relationships are difficult to maintain, because you cannot see each other quite often, but its still possible to keep going with the bond you share with your partner.You partner will miss you if you do few things like:DON’T DO EXCESSIVE COMMUNICATION: Just because you people are not together ,doesn’t mean you have to be in contact the entire day. It affects the personal space and you may seem sticky.DISCUSS YOUR EXPECTATIONS BEFOREHAND: That’s not right that one person keeps expecting and the other one is no fulfilling it. Set few ground rules for you to manage your expectations.TALK TO EACH OTHER AT LEAST ONCE A DAY: Its very important for the people in long distance to at least wish a simple ‘good morning’ or ‘good nights’. Send random pics and videos just to make your partner realize you miss them.GET A MAKEOVER:Change your wardrobe once in a while. And tell the other person what compliments you got, that will make them think about you.UPDATE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA: Hangout with your friends and post the pictures of your fun time. That will make the other person feel they were too a part of it.VISIT YOUR PARTNER:Once you meet your partner its enough for them to miss you for a few more months ahead.SHOW THEM YOU CARE: Whenever you people meet, show them through your gestures you care and you adore your partner.GIVE SOMETHING OF YOURS TO YOUR PARTNER: If you give your sweatshirt,perfume or anything to your partner, that will make them miss you more. Every time they see that thing their heart will skip a beat.MAKE THEM REALIZE THAT THEY MEAN A LOT TO YOU: Its important to make your partner feel that you love them and you are quite lucky to have them in your life.Long distance relationships are based on trust,patience and respect. When you love the person truly, no distance can be a barrier. Its rightly said ‘DISTANCE MEANS SO LITTLE ,WHEN SOMEONE MEANS SO MUCH’

My boyfriend thinks I'm after his money, how do I make him trust me?

If you, are not after his money, then you should do this: TELL HIM ONCE, THAT YOU DON’T. If he doesn’t believe you, then DUMP HIM. If he think that way about you, and he think that is a bad thing, then yeah, darling, he is not the right guy for you.You DON’T HAVE TO make him trust you that you are not after his money. You just have to be your most true person in front of him. I personally think that If he really loves you, I don’t think he will mind that you ARE after his money. He should love you the way you are, and even make that a reason to live more diligently.

How do I trick my boyfriend into thinking I'm pregnant?

Okay, my boyfriend is a HUGE jokester. He plays tricks on me all the time, sometimes he will carry out his pranks for days! Well now I'm out to get him back for all the years of pranks he has pulled on me. So I've decided to play a really big trick him. I want to trick him into thinking I'm pregnant, which is something he has always been terrified of because we are both not ready to have children (I'm 19 and he's 20), however it might be kind of hard because I have Implanon (a birth control that goes under your arm that protects you from pregnancy for 3 years) I was thinking of saying I hit my arm and it got messed up or something, but I'm NOT a good actor :( Does anybody have anything that I should do to really make him think this is real? 10 points to best answer, thanks!

How do I make my long distance boyfriend think about me and miss me?

There are lots of little cute things to text to plant you in his mind. One of my favorites is to reference the shower, ‘Can I call you back, I'm going to take a hot shower to relax’ & wait quite a while before getting back to him. You're giving him a picture & letting him think on it. Trust me, you'll be in his thoughts. Lots of little tips for that on the net, just don't be too overtly sexual. As for missing you…. give him space. I swear it works, you gotta give a man time to miss you. I switch up the tempo of my texts too. I'm naturally talkative, so sometimes I'll give 2 or 3 word answers to keep him thinking. I don't answer my phone all the time either but I do call him back, always. I just wait a while. It builds a sense of tension and eagerness. Don't do these things all the time or it'll frustrate him. Your aim is only to interject yourself into his thoughts. Also, be honest about your feelings to the point of being vulnerable. If you think highly of him, tell him. Not all praise, all at once but when you truly feel it, It’ll give him endearing thoughts of you. Best of luck