How To Tell If A Red Eared Slider Is Dead

Is my red-eared slider turtle dead?

I know the easiest way to tell if a turtle is dead is if he starts to smell, but my mom doesn't want to just leave a corpse in a tank if the turtle is truly dead, so here are the clues--

My turtle's been sick due to an eye infection of sorts, so his eyes are closed so I can't check if his eyes are "glazed open" or "rolled back in its head"...

When I pull on the legs the legs automatically pull back into its original position, so it doesn't feel like the turtle is actually pulling back his leg (not quite rigor mortis, but not quite reacting, kind of like rubber.)

When I gently shake the turtle the turtle does not react, I can't tell if the head moves around when I shake him, but when I stop shaking him his head remains in the same place.

I'm probably in denial, but one of my worst fears is burying a pet prematurely. If you ever had a dead turtle or know any of these conditions and its scientific names, that would really help. (If he's just hibernating or sleeping he SHOULD respond to being shook, right?)

How can i tell if my red ear slider turtle is dead...?

Turtles can go days even sometimes weeks without eating. Especially if the water that they are kept in is too cold. Their insides will shut down sort of like they are hibernating. Do you have a water heater for the turtle? You need one of them so that she doesn't go into hibernation mode. Also warm water will make them have more of an appetite.

Do you have a UVA/UVB light for her? You need one of those too. It is essential for her bone, shell and digestion health.

Also you need a heat lamp so she can get out of the water to dry off and warm up.

A filter for the tank that is stronger than the size of the tank you have her in. Turtles can be pretty messy pets. To keep the water cleaner a bit longer you can even put her in a separate container with warm water and feed her there and wait until she is done eating another 10-15 minutes in case she has to go to the bathroom.

Now you said you think she may be dead? When turtles die they usually float in the water with their legs and head all the way out of their shell. Is she doing that? Or is she sticking all of her limbs in her shell when you go to look at her? If she is sticking herself in her shell when she sees you guys that is her just hiding from you.

You took her from her first habitat and stuck her in a new one. She needs at least 24 hours alone by herself without anyone bothering her so she can check out her new home and become comfortable.

How to tell if a red eared slider is dead?

You might want to check him out with a vet. There are ways to tell if a red eared slider is dead, but I can't explain the lack of appetite or dull reaction. Your vet will tell you if anything is wrong with him. he might just be basking (when my turtles totally relaxed, he has his limbs stretched out really far, i'm afraid it will come off). If he still doesn't eat, check the water's temperature or move him to a separate tank so there's no competition with eating.

hope this helps! :)

How do you tell if your red eared slider is dead, sick, or hibernating?

You've probably found that the turtle is in fact dead by now. I'm sorry.

I usually recommend a canister filter to people with turtle water quality problems. This will save you a lot of work, and perhaps the life of your turtles, if water quality is what caused your loss of life.

Is my Red Eared Slider dead or hibernating?

His limp, his eyes are slightly open, his floating, he won't wake up

It's been nearly about 1 and a half days, he doesn't smell yet, apparently when turtles die they get orange blotches on their head? apparently their shell gets veryy soft, his hasn't changed. and apparently their skin sheds a lot before they die, one time my red eared slider hibernated for about 3 months and she was the same but then she came back to life.

READ THIS QUESTION about someone thinking their turtle was dead and then a few weeks later she was running around.;_ylt=AvtLGXlD9Q.Q.6ncLjMqKQsjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20090107155525AABCqmY

I don't know whether to bury him or not....... =S

How can I tell if my Red Ear Slider turtle is dead or hibernating?

His name is Pedro and he's been in a healthy place since I got him a week ago. His eyes are sunk in and he's not reacting to anything but he's been that way since day one. He only reacted when he got hungry or wanted to just chill in the water. I'm really hoping he's not, but it'd be nice to know so I know what to tell my younger ones in the home.

I think my turtle has drowned. how do i revive her or know if she's dead? red eared slider turtle?

if you had something for it to rest on with easy acsess then it didnt drown

Red Ear Slider, Dead or Hibernating?

I have Had an RES for over 3 years... It is not moving, and when I picked it up it did not wakeup.... How can I tell if its hibernating or dead? It was eating and moving fine a day ago?

Can a red eared slider hibernate outside in a pond at -10°F?

Reptiles don’t technically hibernate, they brumate, that being said I would not advise leaving your RES outside in such harsh climates. During cold winters RES will usually sit at the bottom of the pond rarely coming up for air. They will also not eat for weeks greatly lowering their metabolic rates to survive. This means young or not healthy turtles are at great risk during brumation. This being said I would not feel comfortable leaving RES in a pond during such a cold winter, especially if you don’t have a very large and deep pond with several feet of water and significant foliage on the pond bottom. During optimal conditions brumation is natural, however being such a popular pet RES have been introduced all over the world as invasive species, so your location is probably not suitable for RES during winters.I recommend you set up a small tank or even a bucket with simple filtration and leave it inside your house or in another climate controlled place during the winter. Be aware however of the water parameters as turtles are very messy animals and will quickly pollute a small container.Best of luck to you and your RES! :: Hibernation