How To Tell If Poison Ivy Is Getting Better

How can you tell if a poison ivy rash is healing or not?

I know w/ any skin irritation, there are usually stages that it may go through before it is gone. I've had poison ivy for a little over a week now and it has changed somewhat in appearance but isn't spreading much. I read somewhere it gets uglier the more it heals? Is this true and what ARE some signs that it is going away rather than getting worse. I really can't tell!

Allergy or Poison Ivy? I can't tell!?

OMG, I just called the Pedi about Logan. He has a rash spreading from his diaper area up his stomach and behind his ears spreading down his neck and back. Little red bumps here, blotches there. I think its the measles. We took him to the doctor Monday for an ear infection and 103 fever. We got amoxicillon antibiotics and he has been taking ever since. I remember what those posters with kids with measles look like and thats what he looks like. I looked up symptoms of measles and ear infections is one of the symptoms!!

The doctor's office doesn't think that is what it is because he has had his MMR shot (but vaccinations are not always %100 effective.) The nurse is talking to his doc and is going to call me back (they think he may be having an allergic reaction to the antibiotics)

Im thinking that it could be going around more than usual

EDIT - False alarm. I took him in because the pedi wanted to see him. She diagnosed him with Non allergic amoxicillon rash,a side a effect that affects 3-10% of children that take it within 72 hours of initial dose. It looks so much like measles that if he wasn't taking the antibiotics that he would have been diagnosed with measles.

Will a poison ivy rash look worse before it gets better even with treatment?

Urushiol is the oil that causes poison ivy rash. It is so persistent that if it's on your clothing, shoes, or even your dog's fur, you can come into contact with it again days, weeks, or even a year later and re-infect yourself.

So if there's a chance you have this oil on clothing, shoes, towels, etc., you need to wash them as well. There is poison ivy all over my property (I got into it just yesterday), and after I've been near it I wash my clothes (warm water cycle), then run the washer empty with a cup of chlorine bleach in it.

I assume you already know that you cannot get poison ivy from the substance that is weeping from the rash. But having them dry out is a good sign.

If you can take an oral antihistamine such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) it may help with the itching. You can also use a corticosteroid ointment or cream (you can get these over-the-counter) on the areas to help the itching. You can also buy diphenhydramine cream, but don't use the oral and the topical forms together. Your Kenalog shot won't be affected by, and won't affect, any of these medications.

Antihistamines can make you groggy and sleepy, so start with the minimum dose if you've never taken them before.

Sometimes it takes a shot, cream, and oral medication to relieve the misery of poison ivy.

How to tell poison ivy from bug bites?

on both my legs, I had some red bumps down by my ankles. I thought they were bug bites and they itched like CRAZY. so I itched them, them i woke up and there looks like there's a but more bumps. so I think it may be poison ivy that spread? I'm just confused because I DONT get poison ivy. I never have. I don't know why I just don't get it. but with bug bites I get them a lot more than an average person.
I don't know whether I have poison ivy or just bug bites.
i don't know how I got poison ivy. there are no poison ivy bushes by my house, and I haven't been in woods. the only thing I can think of is when I was at my friends house playing manhunt in the dark the other night. I was squatting In my hiding space and I couldn't really see what I was standing on. I was hiding there for a LONG time.
please tell me how to tell them apart!

Poison ivy on lip, help!!!?

Oh, how I feel for you! I've had poison ivy before but never on my lip.

Natural emu oil is likely the best and it comes in a wonderful lip balm, if you can find it a drug or health food store. If you can't locate it, you can buy it on-line at several different places but I found this one for you:

How to Treat Poison Ivy Why Emu Oil?
Emu oil is a completely safe, 100% natural oil well known for its healing and soothing properties. It's a natural sunburn treatment that promotes healing, helps stop itching due to insect bites or rashes, and heals chapped lips and cracked, dry skin.

It's about as natural and effective product you'll be able to find but there many others available, I just can't vouch for them.

On the other hand, if you'd care to try a home-made remedy that many people swear by, here's an option:

Use of aloe vera juice
Rub alcohol to the affected area, then rinse it with water and later wash with soap and water. Wet the infected area and rub plain table salt on it, this will not only relieve the victim but also stop further spread. Rub the inner side of a banana peel on the rash. This will help you to relieve itching. Place the infected area under running water. This will wash away histamines which cause itching of skin. Pour 3 cups of oats into warm water and soak the infected area into it. Simultaneously rub the affected area. Doing this will relieve you of itching. Mix 1/4 cup of bleach with 3/4 cup of warm water and apply to the affected area using a washcloth. This will kill the poison within 2 to 3 days. Apply aloe vera juice over the affected area, this will cool and provide instant relief.

Good luck!!!!!! :)

I cant tell if i have poison ivy or alot of flea bites?!?!?

Poison ivy are more like blotches on the skin that are really itchy and will spread easily by touching the infected area of the skin and then touching a non infected area on the skin . Flea bites are more like dots on the skin that are also itchy but will not spread by touching the infected area and then touching the non infected area of the skin. So you can try not scratching and not touching your skin for a while and then see what it is, but either way you need to go to a doctor. For fleas or poison ivy so you can get treatment.