How To Unhide A Friends Post On Your Facebook Timeline On A Mobile Device

How do I undo "Hide" in Facebook Timeline?

Click the Activity Log button on your Timeline page. - In the left-hand column select 'Posts You've Hidden', to the right of each item listed will be a slashed circle icon--clicking the icon will give you a menu with the option 'Allowed on Timeline'. In scrolling back if the scrolling pauses use the year/month in the righthand column to scroll farther back.

How can you change your Facebook settings to hide your friend list?

By default, everyone can see the Friends section of your profile. To adjust who can see your Friends section:Go to your profileClick Friends below your cover photoClick  at the top of the page and select Edit Privacy from the dropdown menuSelect an audience (ex: Friends, Public) to choose who you share your friend list with on your profileNote: People may see mutual friends when they visit your profile. Your friends also control who can see their friendships on their own profiles. If people can see your friendship on another profile, they'll also be able to see it in News Feed, search and other places on Facebook.[1]Footnotes[1] Who can see the Friends section of my profile?

Does Facebook have a secret Who-Viewed-My-Timeline feature?

Yes, facebook does have this secret feature[1], to have a sneak peak who looked into your profile.Having a Facebook account that is connected with hundreds or thousands of friends also has its disadvantages. If others know your password they could use your account to do suspicious or detrimental activities. However, you can know who’s accessing your account without your concern through a hidden option. Head towards the Security Page, under the Security folder you will see a link. “Where You’re logged in”. Clicking on the link will explore all the Facebook logins via desktop or mobile. It shows the information on the basis of location, device and web browsers. You can end the permission for an individual or for all the device here.Footnotes[1] 10 Hidden Facebook Features That No One Told You About

I want to hide comments on my profile picture on Facebook. How do I do it?

There is no need to delete comment. You can keep this comment on page and hide from everyone. Only you can see it. You have to follow these steps. Go in privacy setting.Open your profile photoClick the audience selector which looks like a globe icon.Change the privacy setting if you would like a more private audience to be able to view your profile photo’s details.Or Hover over and you’ll see PEN icon on top-right on your Post. Here you will see Edit or Remove or set Privacy Settings.Now, for your own comment on your own post,hover over and click pen icon to edit or remove or set privacy settings. Select me only.For Friends comments on your Post hover to Hide and Report the comment as Spam. I think it enough. If still some problem, mention in comment section. Upvote it satisfied. You can visit latestgadgets-tech for such kind o problems.

Is there any way to remove the timestamp of Facebook chat/messenger? (Timestamp is the mark showing others when you were last online: like 1h before)

This trick is rather counter-intuitive, but it works.Open up the Facebook Messenger App, go to the “People” tab and tap “Active” at the very top. Now you’ll see a list of all of your active Facebook friends. Disable the toggle button next to your name.You won’t be able to see who is online right now, but no one will be able to see whether you are online. If you tap a contact in the messenger list, however, you can see whether they are online right now. And their “last active” timestamp. Your “last active” time should not show up in anyone’s list anymore.->

How do I view all of my pending friend requests on Facebook (product)?

People who have sent you friend requests are visible by clicking the "friend request" icon in the menu bar.  Friend requests you have sent are visible in your "Activity Log", using filter "Friends":(you may have to click "more" to see it).

Can you hide a person's posts to your wall from other friends?

Usually, posts that others posted on your Facebook are personal messages. They may contain sensitive or embarrassing information, and you just want to delete them right away. However, this can affect your relationship if your friends find out that their posts were deleted. If you are facing the same situation, hiding those wall posts away is a good idea.1. Log in to your Facebook account.2. Go to Account -> Privacy Settings3. Click the Edit Settings link in the How You Connect section4. The How You Connect window will pop up, change the Who can see Wall posts by others on your profile? option to Only me5. Click Done to save the setting6. You can see how other will view your profile by going to your profile page -> View as

How do I find the phone number of an unknown person on Facebook for a good reason?

There are some common tricks to find his contact number on Facebook.1.If he/she is your Facebook friend then go to his about section and try to see if he/she puts his contact info there.2.Go through his post which he made on Facebook to see whether he/she post his number in his post.3.Go and read comments on his/her every post. it might be possible that some of his/her friends asking for his number and he comments it.4. If you able to find his email id then try to google the same email id for some finding some info on other website.5. Find his/her user name and try to search that user name in google. It might be possible that he uses the same username on creating account on some other website and that website might be helpful to get some more details.I used this trick. I found Facebook user name of one person and search that user name on Google. Then i found the same user name registered on Twitter. Then i go to his twitter account. Go through his tweets and find his mobile his one tweet he writes to indian railway for the hep and putting his railway ticket number and his contact number.All this are some common sense tricks to find someone on internet.

Is there any way to restore deleted posts or check which posts are deleted in a Facebook group?

Facebook archive which you can use to view already deleted contents too. The catch is you should've involved in that post. Watch this video which will further help you out.What's included?Posts, photos and videos you've sharedYour messages and chat conversationsInfo from the About section of your prprofile . Cheers :)