I Am 15 Got An Iq Score Of 118

Are the online IQ tests accurate? I am a 14 year old boy and scored 134 in an online IQ test, is it good?

Try this one . If you also get get a result > 130, you could have a chance to pass the Mena test and you might want to give it a try.

My IQ score was 135 and i am 13?

Excellent! U are above average. My IQ is about 130. U are definantly in the above average range and can become many great things!

I am 12 years old. I got an IQ score of 110 on a few sites. Is this good?

I’m told Internet IQ tests are notoriously unreliable. So I would do my best to disregard that number. You need to be adamant because just my telling you that isn’t going to erase it from your subconscious.IQ itself measures something, but what it is and how it plays out in terms of a successful life is inconclusive - probably because it’s not a very important factor.In Middle School, when we were being tested for Advanced Placement, one of my adventurous friends got hold of the IQ results from the principal’s waste basket and passed them around. For better or worse, mine was 120s. That’s above average, but not MENSA material. Worse, I didn’t make AP while all my friends did. Well, I did make AP English which gave me one class to hear about all the University courses my friends were taking downtown at Akron U.The upshot of this is that I mistakenly allowed that experience to calibrate my expectations for life at B- or C+. During a reasonably long and satisfactory life, I can actually remember occasions when I curbed my dreams and lowered my expectations by recalling that 14-year-old assessment.In retrospect, I might have accomplished more had I set my sites higher and lived life full-on with fewer compromises. We are amazing creatures capable of amazing things. We can not be defined by a single number.Assume you are a genius and foster deep drilling into whatever you are passionate about. Yes, keep an eye on yourself so you become self-aware, but don’t constrain your possibilities. Work hard and amaze yourself.

What is the average IQ score for a 15 year old girl. I recently took mine, and i got a 131. Is that good?

I believe 110 is average so 131 would be above average.
Over 140 - Genius or near genius

120 - 140 - Very superior intelligence

110 - 119 - Superior intelligence

90 - 109 - Normal or average intelligence

80 - 89 - Dullness

70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency

Under 70 - Definite feeble-mindedness

How smart are you if your IQ is 118?

The average IQ score is 100. The standard deviation of IQ scores is 15. So, this means:

50% of people have IQ scores between 90 and 110
2.5% of people are very superior in intelligence (over 130)
2.5% of people are mentally deficient / impaired / retarded (under 70)
0.5% of people are near genius or genius (over 140)

Is an IQ of 118 at the age of 21 good?

Not sure the word “good” should even apply here. Good and bad do not really apply when you cannot change the results. Let's say you live in the USA where the average height is 5′10″, is being 5′11″ good? Take into account that your IQ is unlikely to go up, and even if it does, it is not going up very far. That just does not happen. Unless the test was compromised or you took it with a head injury or took a test with questionable accuracy in the first place. Good and bad do not really apply when you cannot change the results.That being said, a 118 IQ give a slight advantage on just over 70% of the population. You have good odds of being the smartest person in the golf cart assuming you are not too choosy who you play golf with.This is a good IQ for a cop or a soldier, high enough to get ahead, but not so high you question orders from above. All the normal cliches for getting ahead might work well for you, they were designed for average folks and you are close enough to that they can be fairly accurate.However, if you are passionate about something, try that. Interest boost your learning ability. But, if that interest is a feild with more applicants than openings, you might want to have a safe plan “B” to keep yourself fed.

I am 33 years old and my IQ is 118. Is it normal or below average. What is my position in the field of intelligency and social life?

118 is above average. A good one.Average is 100.There is almost nothing you can do with IQ in the field of intelligency and social life.It depends completely on you (social life).You will be like a normal person without any special abilities of thinking.A good IQ (140 plus) can change your complete way of thinking.Something like instant ability of dealing with problems.You must be genuine with your IQ score. There are many ways to get trained to get a good IQ score.I found my IQ as 200.Exceptionally gifted. screenshot.I know that it's a good training result.There are very rare platforms to check your actual IQ.There should be a big test which contain all possible factors to measure your intelligence. Apps and games cannot give the right result.A person with a very good IQ looks like normal person but you can find the difference at his/her activities.If human is compared with phone the IQ will be your RAM. More intelligence, more speed.