I Did The Salt And Ice Challenge The Other Day For About 20 Seconds. Read

Will urine become ice at minus degree temperature?

Yes it will. But of course not inside the body. I had an opportunity to stay at a place for two years where temperature dips up to -20 degree Celsius. It was really a challenge to keep our toilets, urinals, commodes and even water pipes free from ice. A common practice was to put some kerosene in the commode after every use otherwise next day morning for sure we would get a commode filled with rock solid ice. (The freezing point of kerosene is much more lower). For water pipes, closing of taps were prohibited. If you close a tap, the water trapped in the pipeline would freeze and further no water for you. Coming back to your question, urine will not freeze in any negative temperatures just like water. It will freeze below -5 to -20 degree C depending upon its composition, which again differs from man to man. Check other well explained answers in Quora at How cold would it need to be for urine to freeze before it hit the ground, assuming a 90 degree angle?

I did a hundred squats and now I can't even walk straight because my muscles hurt too much. What could pass the pain?

Quite honestly, you're in a beautiful world of pain that should be cherished like you’d cherish a child. Your body is trying to adapt to the stress you put it under and quite frankly, the feeling of not being able to walk straight after a leg day means you did something right in that workout.But to answer your question, if the pain is genuinely worrying you then quite honestly the best thing you can do is to eat a shit ton of food that puts you into a substantial caloric surplus, preferably with lots of protein and lots of carbohydrates, which are essential for protein synthesis i.e recovery. And then get lots of sleep, i.e 8 - 10 hours. This is your best way of recovering. If you want to go really extreme then doing hot-cold-warm cycles preferably with ice baths has been proven to aid recovery. Then if you want to go really really extreme then anabolic steroids could help.A previous answer said “if the pain hasn’t gone after 3 days then consult a physician”… If this was the case I would be consulting a physician about 26 times a year as pretty much every time I hit my heavy squat workouts (about every 2 weeks) I get severe leg ache that lasts on average around 5 days. It’s nothing to worry about you’ll be back to normal in a few days, your legs will have repaired, your body adapted and next time you do your 100 squats it will be fractionally easier.Enjoy the muscle soreness OP! :)