I Got Ripped Off On An Iphone What Should I Do

My 32GB iPhone only has 28GB?

I just bought a new iPhone 5 32GB, and in settings it says i have 25.7 left and have only used 2.4GB, putting me at a starting memory of 28.1. i thought i paid $300 for a 32GB and feel like i just got ripped off

What is a financed iphone?

What does it mean when an iphone to being financed. I bought an iphone from someone and it's from tmobile. It says it's being financed when I look up the imei. What does this mean? Does it mean I can't unlock it?

How to sue someone who ripped me off on craigslist?

Someone ripped me off sold me a phone that was damaged severely interior water damaged hardware frayed I know this happens all day everyday but I'd like to find someone who has been there and has actuly sued and won in this civil matter thx

Can I call the police if someone ripped me off on Craigslist?

I got a droid and i wanted to activated it and the person told on me that they couldn't because it was under there fathers name and couldn't activate it .? Can I report them. It's on Craigslist