I Have A Family Plan With My Parents Can They See What I

Can my parents see what i look up on my phone?

Seeing that it's a family plan and your parents pay the bill more then likely yes they will see this if your friend used your phone. It would be very very wise for you to go tell your parents what your friend did before they find out on their own. You might have very well blown the trust as for your parents thinking you'd be responsible with your phone. Another matter would be not allowing your friends to use your phone period, or computer. I would personally be really upset with that friend for doing something so stupid that could very well get you into trouble with your parents and not even caring. I did not allow my son's friends to use their cell phones or computers for that very reason. One of their friend's went to sites they shouldn't have gone to. So please go tell your parents STAT!!!!

If i have a family plan, can my parents read my texts online? I have Verizon?

I can only speak for Verizon and AT&T (I monitor my friends business account for AT&T) and you parents cannot see the contents, pictures, videos, etc. that you text. The only thing the can see is the telephone number that you text, the time that it was sent and the date it was sent. Same for inbound texts....all the see is the telephone number that sent you the text, the date & time. Nothing else shows up.

So to answer your question.............your sister was kidding, lying, pulling your leg, etc.

My advise to you (and I'm a parent), is if you don't want anyone to see what you send in a text message or what you receive then you need to delete your messages (sent box, in box and draft box) frequently and if you periodically put your phone down where someone can pick it up (say your sister or your parents & hopefully your parents trust you enough not to invade your privacy), then I would put a security lock on your phone so only you can unlock it. If you have not done that the standard factory lock number is the last 4 digits of your cell phone number....change it to something you can remember & don't make it too easy like you birth date (1211 for December 11) your the year you were born or the last 4 digits of your social security number.

Good luck!

On a Rogers family plan can my parents see who I text and what I say?

Rogers only sends information showing which numbers were texted and how often. They do not store any information pertaining to the content of the text messages, so they would have no way to see what was said unless they looked at your phone of course. If you delete the messages from your phone then no, they would not be able to view this info.

Can my parents view text messages I sent? or tweets? tmobile family plan (10pts)?

I am a parent and a long time T-Mobile customer. I can tell you that while there are times it would be very beneficial to be able to monitor my children's cell activity in greater detail, I can NOT view the content of text messages online. You also can NOT get a transcript of texts without a court order.

What I can see online is each line's usage- who (the number) they were making and receiving calls/texts to and getting them from, the date and time of such, how long the call lasted. I can see how many pictures were sent/received and I can see how much data was used. However, no details are available.

I would be open and honest with your parents. Telling them lies and/or hiding things is not good for any of you. I assure you that we (parents) only have your (our children) best interests in mind.

Is it okay for parents to look through their child's phone to read their text messages and internet history? My parents do this and I’m 13. It makes me uncomfortable.

No. Parents should not go through private settings in a child's phone. Here is the kicker. Most parents think it is their right to surf their child's phone because they pay the bill and it is their home. Have I gone through any of my 4 children's phones? Yes. I'm not happy about this although I think what I found might defuse this argument in some families tonight. I have never read or discovered anything in any of their phones that I didn't already know or that surprised me. My shameless behavior was unnecessary and I knew this each time I did it. What I did was violate my kids privacy and worse breaking the trust we had built in each other. I was never caught but I knew what I had done.If you are a parent thinking of doing what I did, hear me first. Be prepared to find nothing. Unless you are going through the heartbreak of teenage drug use, bullying, pregnancy, drinking etc., you are not going to find anything in that phone that is worth the guilt you will feel. If your child was in trouble you would be doing more than reading text messages, tweets and Facebook posts. Their phone would be the last thing on your mind. Leave the phone alone and sit your child down and start talking! They will let you know just enough to ease your worried mind and your silly curiosity. Let your great kid have the earned privilege of privacy.

Can my parents see who i call and text and my phone bill?

They won't be able to see who you text but they will be able to see who you call. They only way to talk with someone without your parents knowing their number, is for the other person to call you