I Have To Get Blood Taking Out Of Me Tomorrow Can They Tell I Smoke Weed

Im smoking weed tomorrow and have allergy test 5 days later, will it be obvious on the test?

So tomorrow me and my other 2 friends are gonna smoke weed in the morning before school and i have an allergy test on next week, like 5 days later.. Are they gonna find out ? From my blood ? Are they gonna find out that i smoked weed ?? Are they going to tell my parents ?? i'm 18 guys, so im old enough, and i'm just gonna take 1-3 hits, not that much but i need to know the facts, and i live in california.
thankss :))

Would the doctors find weed in my system if I do a blood test for my back?

>> Would the doctors find weed in my system if I do a blood test for my back?No. THC metabolites are checked in urine not blood. While it is possible to check for serum drug levels, it is very rare except for certain therapeutic drugs such as vancomycin which lets the dictor know if the levels are within range.But with drugs of abuse, it is nearly 100% done with a urine screen.Your doctor is not going to order an expensive blood test for THC when a cheaper and quicker urine drug screen would yield the same results. Insurance will not pay for it without a medical necessity and your doctor knows that.

I smoked weed for the first time in 2 months and I have a blood test tomorrow. Will it show up in the test?

A blood test for what? Blood is not typically drawn for the average drug test. If you’re worried that your doctor will discover you’ve gotten high when he has blood work done, don’t. They aren’t looking for it. Drugs have to be tested for, and each type of drug requires a specific test. I have a friend who took one of his wife’s muscle-relaxers, then was hit with a drug test. He panicked, and confessed to taking it, and ended up having to pay for rehab and was out of work for six months. All for nothing! No one would ever test for such a thing.If they are drawing blood specifically for a drug test, THC is commonly tested for. If you just had a couple of tokes more than 24 hours before the test, there’s a good chance it’s not at detectable levels in your blood stream. Typically, blood is taken if they want to find out whether you’re high right now. They test for the drug itself, as opposed to urine tests, where they’re usually testing for metabolites, that is, the breakdown products of the drug.One thing you can do to try to put your mind at ease is to buy a home testing kit. I would guess that, if you smoked so little that the home test doesn’t pick it up, it’s not likely to be found in your blood stream this far down the road, either. If you have any doubts about passing a drug test, and you know it’s coming, my opinion is that it’s best to avoid taking the test. But before panicking, make sure you’ve taken a drug that is commonly tested for, and be certain whether or not you’re “dirty” by using a home testing kit that tests for that particular drug.

Can I donate blood if I smoke weed daily?

“Can I donate blood if I smoke weed daily?” [I have found conflicting answers online ...]Of course (not).Can you donate blood while high as a kite? Sure, you can. Will the blood bank allow you to donate while you’re under the influence? Doubtful.There’s a difference between what you can do and what is allowed. The best thing to do is to inquire at your local blood bank or blood donation center or wherever the vampires are.I used to donate blood and I was greatly appreciated for doing so, as I have O Negative blood, which makes me a kind of universal donor.Alas, due to my glaucoma I vape cannabis six times a day, and that nullifies my eligibility to give blood here at my local Red Cross. It doesn’t matter that I vape pharmaceutical cannabis under medical supervision — cannabis is a drug, and you are not allowed to donate blood while under the influence.Which is too bad, because I doubt that there are negative consequences to my blood having traces of THC, but what do I know? Now if only I could keep the vampires at bay…

Can i be on ACCUTANE and still smoke WEED?

it could interfere with your meds, they will prob. say something if they see it in your bloodstream

I smoked marijuana today and I have a blood cholesterol test in 11 days....?

Seven days prior to any blood test, the government sends people to sit outside your house and monitor your activities using infrared binoculars and parabolic dishes for detecting all sounds. Sophisticated software monitors the incoming audio using digital signal processing (DSP) techniques to separate the sound of marijuana smoking from other similar sounds. Special devices that are based on the scientific design of canine nasal cavities are used to detect the electronic signature of the unique smell of marijuana and differentiate it from cigarettes and cigars.

Three days prior to your test, the results of these surveillance activities are faxed to your doctor, the lab, and your mom. These people won't necessarily TELL you they know you're smoking pot, but they will know. They will make comments that might lead you to believe they know, without actually revealing they know.

On the day of your test, police will be in a back room, waiting to jump out and arrest you. Simultaneously, federal agents will be at your house, collecting evidence for your trial.

It would be a good idea not to smoke marijuana at all if you're going to do a cholesterol test. Statistically, more pot smokers are busted during cholesterol tests than in actual drug screening.

I'm underage and I smoked weed yesterday, today I went for a blood test, will it show in the test?

Drug tests are much more accurate in urine samples that are tested for drugs of abuse. And weed: marijuana is classified as drugs of abuse in meditation labsThe drugs ( of abuse) usually excreted out of the blood stream rapidly.And they would also have to request a drugs of abuse panel. Not part of routine testing.Just a note of query just exactly why bring underage are you jeopardizing your health with this substance at your still formative stage of development. Not exactly the best thing in the world to do !!!! If you had glaucoma or terminal cancer with extreme pain and nausea this would be understandable to use marijuana.Note also. It has not been proven that marijuana use leads to hard drug use. But a huge amount of addicts on hard drugs have started out on marijuana. Always try for that better “ high” that drops them lower each time. Not too efficient is it now. Not too logical either. Just my logical rift sided brain thinking out loud. And very expensive. Like cigarettes!!!! Too much money for too little enjoyment for me.

Will a blood test show marijuana? I’m underage and been smoking pot. I have to take a blood test on Friday, will it show?

It will only show if the specifically test for that. So, if the blood test is for any other reason, I wouldn’t worry.I was in the hospital for a few days, on the follow up, the nurse said I tested positive for marijuana. I said yes it would and I have a prescription would you like to see it? She said, no that’s okay. I said good, because I smoked it before I had a prescription too, I just didn’t like that it was illegal. I even brought my vape pen with me in the hospital and used it with no problems. I didn’t do it in their faces, but there is no smell.As I am recovering I’m taking it with me to this beauty spa. She doesn’t mind because she can’t smell it at all.

Is it going to ruin my blood test if I smoke cannabis a couple of hours before? (taking in consideration that I have to fast 12 hours before the test.)

What type of blood tests are you getting. If it's a screening for any job, answer is YES! Even being in a room with those smoking pot will give a positive. Don't be foolish.. Fasting does zip in removing pot & may affect certain basic tests. If you can't wait to have a " few bits" then you have an issue (my opinion)

I smoked weed yesterday and have a drug test today. How can I get that out of my system?

Yeah, I’m sorry to say, he’s right, mi amigo, but you’ve got two options. Synthetic urine is one,(as he mentioned above) or if you have a buddy who’s clean, have them give you a sample. I hope it’s not supervised; if it is, your only option there is to conceal it under the twig and berries, and pray you have an unobservant nurse. DON’T tell them you can’t go; they’ll draw blood instead!Keeping it warm is only an issue if they use those cups with the temperature strip on the side. Then it’s time to get creative. My coworker microwaved his borrowed urine for 8 seconds (he kept it in a clean 5 Hour Energy bottle in the fridge), then wrapped a hand warmer around it until he got to work. He passed every time. I just had to plain ol’ quit when I worked. I’m too nervous to be cool-headed enough to pull it off!I wish you good luck, and am sending positive energy your way!