I Need Help With A Physics Problem.

I need help with this physics problem.?

2. [3 points] Consider the following “infinite ladder” of resistors:

Derive an expression for the equivalent resistance between points a and b in terms of R.

I Need Help with a Physics Problem?

I got curious and worked it. For more details, email me at
Is the answer 0.000011517m/s?
Here's what I did.....
Figuring one electron has a charge of 1.602x10^-19 Coulombs, used that as a conversion factor to figure that one must move 6.24x10^18 electrons.
That means one must have available 6.24x10^18 aluminum atoms.
Divide that number by 6.022x10^23 atoms per mole to figure out how many moles of aluminum that is. That comes out to 1.0362x10^-5 moles.
You need from there to figure out what volume of wire (a thin cylinder) holds that amount of moles. Using conversion analysis, multiply by the atomic mass of aluminum (27 g/mol) and divide by 2.7g, which is one cc. That conveniently comes out to 10cc per mole, and the volume of aluminum wire works out to 1.0362^-4 cm^3 (or cc)
From there you may be forgetting that although there are 100cm in a meter, there are not 100cm^3 in 1m^3. There are 100x100x100 or a million cc in a cubic meter. Divide your answer by a million to get it in m^3.
The volume of the cylinder of wire (or any cylinder) is surface area x length. So the volume of wire needed is.....
1.0362x10^-10m^3 = (9.0x10^-6 m^2)(length)
The unit of length will be meters and mxm^2 will give you m^3
The answer comes out to be 1.1517x10^-5m

I need help with a physics problem?

While on the moon, the Apollo astronauts enjoyed the effects of a gravity much smaller than on the earth. If Neil Armstrong jumped up on the moon with an initial speed of 1.51m/s to a height of .0700m, what amount of gravitational acceleration did he experience?

I know you are supposed to use the equations to find the acceleration:
1) PE=(Mass)(Gravity)(Height)
2) KE=1/2(Mass)(Velocity)squared

I just can't figure out how to solve for grvity since the problem didin't give me Neil Armstrongs mass.

Can someone please help me out?

I need help on a physics problem...?

As the engine rotates one time, it rotates an angle of 2 π radians. One minute is 60 seconds.

One rpm = 2 * π/60 = π/30 rad/s

ω = 2,400 * π/30 = 80 * π

This is approximately 251 rad/s. One hour is 3600 seconds.

t = 2.5 * 3600 = 9,000 seconds

Let’s use the following equation to determine the angle the engine rotates.

θ = ω * t
θ = 80 * π * 9,000 = 720,000 * π

This is approximately 2.26 * 10^6 radians. I hope this is helpful for you.

I need help with this physics problem?

The potential of two point charges is

V = k(q1/r1 + q2/r2) if infinity is taken as a reference
V = k(3.9uC/r1 - 3.9uC/r2)
7.4 x 10^5 = 9 x 10^9(3.9 x 10^-6)(1/r1 - 1/r2)
21 = 1/r1 - 1/r2
r1 + r2 = 0.9 (if the point is between the charges)
21 = 1/r1 - 1/(0.9 - r1)
21 = (0.9 - r1 - r1)/(0.9r1 - r1^2)
r1^2 - r1 + 0.043 = 0
Solving this equation you get two answers but only one is between the two charges so r1 = 0.045 m
x = 0.45 - 0.045 = 0.405 m
For a point outside the two charges
r2 = 0.9 + r1
21 = 1/r1 - 1/(0.9 + r1)
21 = (0.9 + r1 - r1)/(0.9r1 + r1^2)
21 = 0.9/(0.9r1 + r1^2)
19r1 + 21r1^2 = 0.9
21r1^2 + 19r1 - 0.9 = 0
r1^2 + 0.905r1 - 0.043 = 0
r1 = 0.045
x = 0.45 + 0.045
x = 0.495 m

I need help with this physics problem please?!?

assume the speed of sound in air is 1130 ft/sec

wavelength = velocity / frequency

The wavelength of 204 Hz = 1130 / 204

The wavelength of the sound won't change but the relative velocity of the sound will change.
We know that the apparent frequency is 194
We also know that the wavelength is 1130 / 204
Let x be the change in relative velocity of sound
wavelength = (1130 - x) / 194 = 1130 / 204
solve for x
1130/204 * 194 = 1130 - x
x = 1130 - (1130/204) * 194 = 55.4 ft/sec
= 37.8 miles/hour

If the two cars are moving at the same speed away from one another then the speed of each car is 37.8/2 = 18.9 mph

I need serious help with this physics problem.?

A satellite is place in orbit 6x10^5m above the surface of Jupiter. Jupiter has a mass of 1.9x10^27kg and a radius of 7.14x10^7m. Find the orbital speed of the satellite.

Can you help me with this Physics problem about springs?

For springs E = [math]1/2 kx^2[/math]Since energy is to be conserved and at max height the object has no kinetic energy. So you can say that mgh = 1/2 kx^2The question states mass and the max height and assumes you know g = 9.81. So you can fill in the left side of the equation to = 63.5688. [math]63.5688 = 0.5 [/math] ·[math] 450x^2[/math]Now just find x to equal.. 0.532 to 3.s.f

I need help w/ a physics problem. it has to do w/ acceleration and velocity. i have the answer from the book.

Use the formula:

distance = vt + 0.5 * at^2

The distance of the van from the entrance of the tunnel is Dv = 5t + 155.

The distance of the car from the entrance of the tunnel is Dc = 30t + 0.5 * 2(t^2).

The two collide when Dv = Dc

5t + 155 = 30t - t^2
t^2 - 25t + 155 = 0

Use quadratic formula and you get

t = 11.4 and 13.6

There would be therefore be a collision at 11.4 seconds.

Then use same formula to work out distance

Dc = 30 * 11.4 - 1 * 11.4 * 11.4
Dc = 212m

**Phew.. I'm a bit rusty this morning**