I Saw Some Packets Of Fertilizer At A Garden Shop With A Red Blue And White Color. What Were They

How do I lawn and garden in little space?

Well, being a gardening enthusiast, I would love to help you out with the query u have… maybe you should try container gardening….but before that I need to know whether the space you mentioned is a sunny spot or shady one…For Shady spot:If u love flowers, u may plant shade loving bulbs like lilies of the valley, bluebells etc, planting primroses will bring scent to ur shaded garden…U can plant lillies of the valley in a container to create a stunning site in a small space..Or try primroses to enlighten the dull corners of the garden…For Sunny spot:You can try pansies , narcissi and gladioli bulbs…try planning ur garden by planting shrubs like ivy , and various hedging plants…U can plant culinary herbs for adding flavour and aroma….U can try planting a fruiting tinda or any other variety of lemon plant for adding aroma and wonderful flowers , along with brilliant fruit….Lemon is something which very essential in every household…be it for making food or washing dishes…. Which makes it a must to have a lemon plant in the garden ….It's only a matter of time , if u plan well and take good care of ur plants…You can still manage to have a beautiful garden within small space:)Good luck with ur gardening….

What's the best substrate for planted aquarium with fish?

I've got a 150 gallon tank and would like to plant a nice aquatic garden and then add fish. The more research I do, the more options I come up with, the more confusing it becomes. Everything from speciality products like eco-complete to play box sand, kitty litter, garden loam - help! Real life suggestions from real people would be greatly appreciated. (I really don't think I would ever try the kitty litter, but some people use it...)